COSC 1301: Lab 12 (PowerPoint Chapter 3) - Marketing Today
You work in a marketing department where a co-worker has given you a previously created presentation to begin with, but you know you will have to change the content and visual elements to update it for your audience.
This lab will assess you on the concepts and skills of PowerPoint 2010 learned in Chapter 3, including specific processes—such as Creating Shapes, SmartArt and WordArt Objects to convey information about marketing basics.
Assigned Reading
PowerPoint Chapter 3
Creating Shapes
Using a variety of visual elements can add impact to a presentation. You decide to use the block arrow shape feature to highlight information defining that Marketing is where buyers and sellers come together.
a. Open the file COSC1301_PowerPoint3_Starter.pptx, and then save it as lastname_firstinitial_PP3.pptx.
b. Insert a title placeholder text box in the upper left-hand corner of slide 1, containing your name and the due date for assignment. This will be the Standard Header of this lab.
c. On slide 1, type your name as the subtitle.
d. Using the shape feature block arrows, draw a curved right arrow in the left quadrant of the slide and change the height and width to 3”. Apply the Moderate Effect-Red, Accent2 style to the arrow. Apply the Perspective Contrasting Right 3-D Rotation Shape Effect option. With the shape still selected, type Buyers in the textbox of the shape, increase the font to 28pt.
e. Using the shape feature block arrows, draw a curved left arrow in the right quadrant of the slide and change the height and width to 3”. Apply the Moderate Effect-Blue, Accent1 style to the arrow. Apply the Perspective Contrasting Left 3-D Rotation Shape Effect option. With the shape still selected, type Sellers in the textbox of the shape, increase the font to 28pt.
f. Move the arrows, if necessary, so they are near each other and under your name.
Convert Text to WordArt
You decide to change the Title and Subtitle to a WordArt object.
a. On Slide 1, select the title and change the text to Gradient Fill – Blue, Accent1, Outline-White WordArt Style (4th row, 4st column).
b. On Slide 1, select the subtitle and change the text to Fill – Red, Accent 2- Matte Bevel WordArt Style (6th row, 3rd column).
Convert Text to SmartArt
Continue to edit slides to add more visual interest by converting bulleted and numbered lists to SmartArt graphics.
a. On slide 2, convert to SmartArt the bulleted text. Use the Process Graphic called Funnel. Apply the Intense Effect SmartArt style to the funnel.
b. On slide 3, convert to SmartArt the numbered list. Use the List Graphic called Trapezoid. Change the color scheme to Colored Fill-Accent 2. Format the Shape Fill for the second and fourth trapezoid to Blue, Accent 1. Add a black Shape Outline to the SmartArt diagram using a 2 1/4pt weight.
Custom Shapes and Connector Lines
Get the members of the audience to recognize a common marketing acronym called SWOT. Create each shape with the letter, and then format connector lines to the appropriate word.
a. After slide 3, create a new slide using the blank layout. Create a variety of shapes to stress what the acronym SWOT means in marketing. In the upper left corner, insert a shape from the Stars and Banners group called the 5-point star shape and size to 2” by 2”. Apply the Bevel Divot Shape Effect. Type a capital S in the star shape and change the font to 28pt. bold and italic.
b. Copy and paste the shape so you have four stars. Arrange the stars to the right of the original star by using the align distributing horizontally, and align to top. Change the letters in each shape to W, O, and T.
c. Create a textbox below the 5-star shapes, size to .5 height and 2” width. Type the first word, Strength in the textbox. Center the text in the box. Copy the textbox and paste three times, then align the shapes to the top of one shape by using the distribute horizontally option. Replace the other textboxes with Weaknesses, Opportunity, and Threats.
d. Create a connecting arrow from the top of the 5 pointed stars to the connecting point on the top of the text box below. Send the connector line behind the star.
e. Format the Connector Line Weight to 3pt. Use the Square Dash type. Repeat the process for the other 3 shapes.
f. Change the textbox WordArt Style to the Fill Accent 1 – Metal Bevel Reflection on each of the four textboxes.
Change SmartArt Layout
You notice on Slide 5, that the layout of the SmartArt is cutting off the Global Marketing countries that the U.S. does business with. To fix that, you decide to change the layout. You also decide to change the layout on Slide 6, as well as add another point.
a. On Slide 5, change the SmartArt Layout to the Nondirectional Cycle layout. Apply the Moderate Effect SmartArt Style. Add a Shape to the cycle and enter the text U.S.A.
b. On Slide 6, change the SmartArt Layout to the Vertical Chevron List. Apply the 3-D Cartoon SmartArt Style. Add a Shape to the list and type the text E-Marketing, for the second level item, type the text Internet.
Preparing the Final Presentation
You decide to change a few slides to add fill color to headings, add a textbox, and rotate text for emphasis to make sure the project is polished and professional.
a. On Slide 2 and Slide 6, you decide to change the Title fill. Choose the Title, and then format the Shape Fill as Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 80%.
b. On Slide 4, you decide to add a textbox to describe the SWOT. Create a textbox centered below the starts and type Assessing internal and external environments. Increase the font sixe to 28pt.
c. On Slide 5, move the title, Global Marketing to the left margin and rotate slightly for emphasis.
d. Use the spell checker and proofread the presentation.
e. Print all slides in handout view as grayscale, with three slides per page. (Not applied to online classes).
f. Save and then close the file. Submit based on your instructor’s directions.
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