The Network Newsletter – ebulletin 112, 22 September 2012
Events have been added to the Courses & Events pages on The Network website – see:
NB there is a RSS feed on this page, which means that you could be automatically alerted to new events, courses and conferences as they are added!
Tackling social exclusion – Libraries, Museums, Archives and Cultural and Heritage Organisations
Call for case studies
(Source: Museums Association email, 17 August 2012)
“The October issue of Museum Practice will look at how museums are working with people who have experienced homelessness – from the importance of access to outreach activities and volunteering opportunities.
Organisations are invited to submit their own case studies about work they have done exploring homelessness and other housing issues.
Case studies should be about 250 words and accompanied by a landscape photograph. You can read other examples of reader-submitted case studies in the Your Case Studies section of Museum Practice.
Please email your case studies and relevant landscape photographs by 26 September to .”
Strengthening our common life: final evaluation report [NB pdf is 17 Mb]
As part of its work to diversify the workforce in the cultural heritage sector, “Cultural Cooperation gained funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) in 2011 to manage 12 training placements in 10 host venues in the heritage sector through a programme called Strengthening our Common Life (SOCL). The placements mainly took place in London, with additional hosts in Bristol and Portsmouth.” [p3]
This is the report of the detailed evaluation of this work, with recommendations for future development.
Further info about Cultural Co-operation at:
Tackling social exclusion – Other Agencies
“Who’s afraid of Muslim rage?”
Important brief article that counterbalances (and probes behind) the dominant media story …
Migration issues – News
“The human rights of unaccompanied migrant children and young people in the UK”
(Source: NCB Policy & Parliamentary Information Digest, 14 Sept 2012)
“The Joint Committee on Human Rights, chaired by Dr Hywel Francis MP, is today [11 Sept 2012] launching an inquiry into the human rights of unaccompanied migrant children and young people in the UK, with a particular focus on those who are seeking asylum or have been the victims of trafficking.”
Written evidence is sought by Friday 26 October.
Migration issues – Other Agencies
“Among Readers in Polyglot New York, 50 Shades of Best Sellers”
Interesting brief article about the range of languages read – and differing reading tastes.