Embedded Systems paper 2003-2004
Answer All questions in Section A, plus 2 questions from Section B.
Section A. Answer all questions 60 marks total.
The numbers in the following description refer to diagram 1, which isa representation of a data transfer sessions between two machines.
A character orientated serial communication protocol allows thetransfer of data packets. In order to transmit data packets thestations must agree to connect (1). The client can then transmitmessages to the server. The messages can start with an optionalheader (2)and is then followed by data packets each terminated by anETB character (3). The final packet must be terminated by an ETXcharacter (7). Each packet must be either acknowledged (ACK)(4) ornegatively acknowledged (NACK) (5).The NACKed data must beretransmitted(6). All packets out of sequence or with faulty checksumsmust be negatively acknowledged.
A1 For the above protocol draw up a finite state diagram of phases 2through 7 on diagram 1 for the client. This is the phase dealing withdata packet reception and acknowledgment. Your FST should deal withthe optional header.
(10 Marks)
A2 Draw up a state transition table for the finite state machine in question A1. Provide comments giving further details of states and transitions.
(10 Marks)
A3 Discuss what ways you would approach coding the design give in questions A1&A2. Show various ways of representing the design in a highlevel language. Give code examples in your answer.
(12 Marks)
A4 Discuss how your design might deal with situations such as repeatednegative acknowledges (NACK) of packets, or lack of ACKS for correctly transmitted messages.
(13 marks)
A5 If you were called upon to implement such a protocol on a series ofsmall embedded systems, describe how you might approach such a task.Outline some of the difficulties that cross developing such a systemmay provide.
(8 Marks)
A6 Using the Technical Summary Sheet for the Motorola 68307microcontroller (Appendix A), outline how the resources on such a chipcould be useful in implementing a system, such as that presented in questions A1&A2.
(7 Marks)
Section B. Answer 2 questions only. 20 marks per question
B1Cross developing code from host development systems to target boards with different processors and operating environments presents the programmer with extra challenges and problems.
i) In light of some of the special problems embedded systems programming presents, discuss how you would approach developing an application that would run on an embedded system. Consider what factors would influence your selection of tools – compiler, linker and so on.
(10 marks)
ii) Below is a list of tools that would be used by a developer for embedded systems. For 4 of the tools give a description of the special features and facilities that the embedded systems programmer would be looking for:
(2.5 marks each)
B2Developing code for a single board application requires the linking of high-level language programs with assembler level code.
i) Discuss the circumstances under which a programmer would code in an assembler rather than a high level language.
(10 marks)
ii) Using code fragments and diagrams in your answer, show how the linkage of high-level language procedures and functions with assembler code is facilitated. Give particular emphasis to the role of local variable storage and the passing of parameters.
(10 marks)
B3C is the main language used in embedded system development.
Using the following code fragments discuss some of the features of C that leads to its popularity in the cross development field. In your discussion also highlight some of C’s weaknesses.
char *mem_pointer;
mem_pointer = (char *) UART_1;
while ( *(mem_pointer+2) | RX_RDY )
:/*do nothing*/
volatile const unsigned int time;
(20 marks)
B4Use the C code and register diagrams in appendix B in answering this question.
i Describe the function of the UART registers; Mode Register 1 (UMR1), and Status Register (USR) given in appendix B.
(4 marks)
ii The CMS FM200 boards run serial data at 38400 baud using hardware flow control, 1 stop bit and no parity. Show using diagrams, pseudo code and code fragments, where necessary, how you would initialise the 68307 UART for such transmissions, paying attention to the order in which initialisations must take place.
(9 marks)
iii Write get and put functions to input and output byte data for the UART.
(7 marks)
Appendix A
Technical Summary
Integrated Multiple-Bus Processor
The MC68307 is an integrated processor combining a static 68EC000 processor with multiple interchip bus interfaces. The MC68307 is designed to provide optimal integration and performance for applications such as digital cordless telephones, portable measuring equipment, and point-of-sale terminals. By providing 3.3 V, static operation in a small package, the MC68307 delivers cost-effective performance to handheld, batterypowered applications. The MC68307 (shown in Figure 1) contains a static EC000 core processor, multiple bus interfaces, a serial channel, two timers, and common system glue logic. The multiple bus interfaces include: dynamic 68000 bus, 8051 bus, and Motorola bus (M-bus) or I2C bus 1. The dynamically sized 68000 bus allows 16-bit performance out of static random access memory (SRAM) while still providing a low-cost interface to an 8-bit read-only memory (ROM). The 8051 bus interfaces gluelessly to 8051-type devices and allows the reuse of application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) designed for this industry standard bus. The M-bus is an industry standard 2-wire interface which provides efficient communications with peripherals such as EEPROM, analog/digital (A/D) converters, and liquid crystal display (LCD) drivers. Thus, the MC68307 interfaces gluelessly to boot ROM, SRAM, 8051 devices, M-bus devices, and memory-mapped peripherals. The MC68307 also incorporates a slave mode which allows the EC000 core to be turned off, providing a 3.3-V static, low-power multi-function peripheral for higher performance M68000 family processors.
The main features of the MC68307 include:
• Static EC000 Core Processor—Identical to MC68EC000 Microprocessor
—Full compatibility with MC68000 and MC68EC000
—24-bit address bus, for 16-Mbyte off-chip address space
—16-bit on-chip data bus for MC68000 bus operations
—Static design allows processor clock to be stopped providing dramatic power savings
—2.4 MIPS performance at 16.67-MHz processor clock
• External M68000 Bus Interface with Dynamic Bus Sizing for 8-bit and 16-bit Data Ports
• External 8-Bit Data Bus Interface (8051-Compatible)
• M-Bus Module
—Provides interchip bus interface for EEPROMs, LCD controllers, A/D converters, etc.
—Compatible with industry-standard I2C bus
—Master or slave operation modes, supports multiple masters
—Automatic interrupt generation with programmable level
—Software-programmable clock frequency
—Data rates from 4–100 Kbit/s above 3.0-MHz system clock
• Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Module
—Flexible baud rate generator
—Based on MC68681 Dual Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (DUART) programming model
—5 Mbits/s maximum transfer rate at 16.67-MHz system clock
—Automatic interrupt generation with programmable level
—Modem control signals available (CTS,RTS)
• Timer Module
—Dual channel 16-bit general purpose counter/timer
—Multimode operation, independent capture/compare registers
—Automatic interrupt generation with programmable level
—Third 16-bit timer configured as a software watchdog
—60-ns resolution at 16.67-MHz system clock
—Each timer has an input and an output pin
• System Integration Module (SIM07), Incorporating Many Functions Typically Relegated to External Programmable
Array Logic (PALs), Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL), and ASICs, such as:
—System configuration, programmable address mapping
—System protection by hardware watchdog logic
—Power-down mode control, programmable processor clock driver
—Four programmable chip selects with wait state generation logic
—Three simple peripheral chip selects
—Parallel input/output ports, some with interrupt capability
—Programmed interrupt vector response for on-chip peripheral modules
—IEEE 1149.1 boundary scan test access port (JTAG)
• Operation from DC to 16.67 MHz (Processor Clock)
• Operating Voltages of 3.3V 0.3V and 5V0.5V
• Compact 100-Lead Quad Flat Pack (QFP) Package
Appendix B
C and assembler code for the 68307 UART module
#include <minos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#defineMBASE 0x120000
#define RESET_MP0x10 // reset mode register pointer
#define RESET_TX0x30
#defineBRG_SET10x0 // which baud rate settings?
#define RX_TX_96000xbb
#define RX_TX_TIMER0xdd
#defineRX_TX_ENB0x5 //enable rx and tx
#defineRX_RDY 0x0 //bit masks for RX
#defineTX_RDY 0x4 //and TX
char * mp;
mp = (char *) UCR;
*mp = RESET_MP;
*mp = RESET_RX;
*mp = RESET_TX;
mp = (char *) UCSR;
*mp = RX_TX_38400;
mp = (char *) UCR;
*mp = RX_TX_ENB;
/*#asm commented out assembler
68307 UART Register diagrams
Mode Register 1 UMR1MBASE +0x101
RxRdy: Set RTS flow control on receive. 1=RTS, 0=no RTS.
RxIRQ: Set interrupts on receive. 1=FIFO generates IRQ, 0=RxRDY generates IRQ.
ERR: Error mode, 1= block mode error control. 0=single character error control.
PM1-0: Parity Mode, selects the type of parity used – see table
PT: Parity type – used in conjunction with PM bits – see table
BC1-0: Bits per character. See table.
PM1 / PM0 / Parity Mode / PT / Parity Type0 / 0 / With Parity / 0 / Even Parity
0 / 0 / With Parity / 1 / Odd Parity
0 / 1 / Force Parity / 0 / Low Parity
0 / 1 / Force Parity / 1 / High Parity
1 / 0 / No Parity / X / No Parity
1 / 1 / Multidrop Mode / 0 / Data Character
1 / 1 / Multidrop Mode / 1 / Address Character
00Five bits
01Six bits
10Seven bits
11Eight bits
Mode Register 2 UMR2MBASE+0x0101
MC1-0: Channel mode – select the channel operation these setting are normally used for debugging software without having to debug the actual connection, see table
01Automatic echo
10Local loopback
11Remote Echo
TxRTS: Flow control on transmit.1=RTS on transmit, 0=no flow control.
TxCTS: Flow control on transmit. 1=CTS on transmit, 0=no flow control.
SB3-0:Stop bit length. This is also dependant upon the number of bits per character. The truncated table below gives the only 2 settings you are likely to need.
SB3SB2SB1SB0Length 6-8 BitsLength 5 Bits
Status Register USRMBASE+0x0103
7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0RB / FE / PE / OE / TxEMP / TxRDY / FFULL / RxRDY
RB: Received break. 1=break character received, 0=break not received.
FE: 1=No stop bit received, 0=stop bit received.
PE: 1=parity error occurred,0= no error.
OE: 1=overrun error occurred, 0= no error.
TxEMP: 1= transmitter empty, underrun error,0=no error
TxRDY: 1=transmitter buffer is empty and ready to transmit,0=transmit register full.
FFULL: 1=char received and FIFO full,0=FIFO empty.
RxRDY: 1=char waiting in received buffer,0=no char waiting.
Clock Select Register UCSRMBASE+0x0103
7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0RCS3 / RCS2 / RCS1 / RCS0 / TCS3 / TCS2 / TCS1 / TCS0
RCS3-0: Receiver clock select bits, see table.
TCS3-0: Transmit clock select bits, see table. The sets are selected by setting bit 7 of the Auxiliary Control Register (UACR). 0=set 1, 1= set 2.
/ R/TCS2 /R/TCS1
/SET 1
/SET 2
0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 50 / 750 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 110 / 110
0 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 134.5 / 134.5
0 / 0 / 1 / 1 / 200 / 150
0 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 300 / 300
0 / 1 / 0 / 1 / 600 / 600
0 / 1 / 1 / 0 / 1200 / 1200
0 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1050 / 2000
1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 2400 / 2400
1 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 4800 / 4800
1 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 7200 / 1800
1 / 0 / 1 / 1 / 9600 / 9600
1 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 38.4k / 19.2k
1 / 1 / 0 / 1 / TIMER / TIMER
1 / 1 / 1 / 0 / - / -
1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / - / -
Command Register UCRMBASE+0x0105
7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0- / MISC2 / MISC1 / MISC0 / TC1 / TC0 / RC1 / RC0
MISC2-0. Miscellaneous commands – see table
MISC2 / MISC1 / MISC0 / Command0 / 0 / 0 / No command
0 / 0 / 1 / Reset MR pointer
0 / 1 / 0 / Reset RX
0 / 1 / 1 / ResetTX
1 / 0 / 0 / Reset Error status
1 / 0 / 1 / Reset Break-change Int
1 / 1 / 0 / Start Break
1 / 1 / 1 / Stop Break
Reset MR pointer. Re-access the UMR1 register.
Reset RX. Reset and disable receiver – clears RxDRY and FFULL bits in the USR. Places receiver in known state.
Reset TX. Reset and disable transmitter – clears TxDRY and TxEMP bits in the USR. Places transmitter in known state.
Reset Error status, break change Int. These reset the various error bits on the USR and UISR registers.
Start and stop break. Force the transmission of a break character.
TC1-0 & RC1-0 transmitter and receiver commands – see table
TC1-RC1 / TC0-RC0 / Command0 / 0 / No action
0 / 1 / Enable transmitter(TC) or receiver(RC)
1 / 0 / Disable transmitter(TC) or receiver(RC)
1 / 1 / Do not use
Receiver Buffer URBMBASE+0x0107
7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0RB7 / RB6 / RB5 / RB4 / RB3 / RB2 / RB1 / RB0
RB7-0. These bits hold the received data for the UART. Data here is indicated by the setting of the RxRDY and FFULL bits in the USR.
Transmitter Buffer TRBMBASE+0x0107
7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0TB7 / TB6 / TB5 / TB4 / TB3 / TB2 / TB1 / TB0
TB7-0. These bits hold the transmit data for the UART. Data in TRB clears the TxRDY bit in the USR, blocking further transmission, TxRDY is set by the transmission of the data.
Input Port Change Register UIPCRMBASE+0x0109
7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0- / - / - / COS / - / - / - / CTS
This port reflects the state of the CTS pin.
COS. Reflects a change in the state of the CTS pin.
CTS. Reflects the current setting of the CTS pin.
Auxiliary Control Register UACRMBASE+0x0109
7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0BRG / CTMS2 / CTMS1 / CTMS0 / - / - / - / IEC
BRG. Selects the table of baud rates for the UCSR. 1 = set 2. 0 = set 1.
CTMS2-0.. Counter timer mode select. There is only one legitimate setting for these – 0 0 1. This selects counter mode with an external clock.
IEC. This bit, when set to 1, generates interrupts on the COS bit of UIPCR.
Points for Credit
FSD - extra marks for dealing with SOH & STX correctly. Marks for higlighting
problems of time out. Dealing with non-storage of data after bad BCC.
1b Marks for delaing with repeated transmission of bad packets - ie a badbcc
count. Details on data storage and bcc check.
S0!SYN-S0TIMEOUT required?
S2!ETX | ETBstore dataS2Buffer overflow?
S3BADBCCSend NACKS0clear buffer
S3GOODBCCSend ACKS0save buffer
S4BADBCCSend NACKS5clear buffer
S4GOODBCCSend ACKS5save buffer
S5!SYN-S5TIMEOUT required?
1c. Discussion of styles of coding FSD. Use of switch and if else.
Good for trivial design - > 6 states starts to become a
problem. Example of coding style. Using look up tables, pointers to
functions. Use of dispatch loop. Easy to code STT into large C
structure. Use of information strings for debugging. Exampleof coding
1d. Problem of timeouts. Really requries some form of ISR based on a
timer. Each state sets the timer going on entry and resets on exit.
Would also need some counter for bad packets - could be a floating value to
vary dependant upon the loading/stress of the system.
1e. Use of simulation to test and debug design first off. Modular
code - try to locate likely system/hardware dependencies - ie timer
code, serial port handling. Unit testing of each module.
Difficulties of isolating errors. Use of loopback modes - local and
remote on UART. Use of serial line monitors. Difficulties of debugging
interrupt code.
1f.General system requires - ram rom etc. Serial port requirement-
only 1 on the board so probelms there! Timer chips - 2 is useful as
one can be for OS other for application. Useful digital io - ie
diagnositic leds, keypads, lcds could be useful.
Section B
1B – i Use of simulation and unit testing very important. Requires careful segregation of hardware specific code. Tools need to produce stand alone code. Need to be targeted at hardware – and all family variants. Need to be able to see assembler output – go documentation of ALP HLL interface. More knowledge on the hardware and how it is initialised. Debugging is much more difficult. There is a download phase.
ii Compiler, assembler output, cross assembler. Ability to turn off optimisation. Relocatable code. Linker – ability to place segments in specified locations, creation of map file, linker control languages. Easy of loading different libraries esp. startup libs.Static and dynamic linking. Gas ability to inline assemble, standard assembler, easy of linking alp & hll. Variety of processor families. Objcopy – to produce various output format – ie srecord intel hex, as well as coff elf et al. Production of libraries – ability to easily maintain libs, extraction. Make ability to control complex builds, use of compiler flags, difficult command lines, ability to create various version – ie production and debug. Gdb – standard features – single step, break points, trace, register/memory dumping, disassembly, remote debugging a la gbd. Target – ability to reconfigure for various boards/targets, ability to download/upload binaries.
B2Details on link and ulnk commands
linka5,#-46a5 frame pointer, 46 bytes
move.l8(a5),d0get hold of parameter n
move.l12(a5),a0get hold of parameter s2
move.l16(a5),a1get hold of parameter s1
3B. C use of pointers, pointer arithmetic, bitwise operators, storage classes such as volatile for rt applications, can generate small code, often translate well into assembler language, easy to embed and link assembler. Problems with portability, no interrupt support, can be difficult to read, sometime as difficult as assembler.
4B i Discuss the various type of registers, mode, data and status. Go through the various settings, baud rates, bits per char etc
ii normally disable rx & tx, set up mode registers, wait for settle time, check status registers for data, space or errors, send or receive data.
/* messages */
#defineDE_SELECT -2
#define voidint
/* address, offsets and setting for M68681 DUART */
#defineDUART0XFFFF81/*base address*/
#defineACR8/*aux control reg */
#defineCRA4/*command reg A */
#defineMRA0/*mode reg A */
#defineCSRA2/*clock select A */
#defineSRA2/*status reg A */
#defineRBA6/*rx reg A*/
#defineTBA6/*tx reg A */
#defineRXRDY1/*rx ready bit */
#defineTXRDY4/*tx ready bit */
/* Settings for the Motorola M68230 Parallel Interface Timer
These only deal with mode 0.0 , and for ports B and C
No details about the timer.
/* PI/T offsets and adresses */
#define PIT0Xffff41/*address of PI/T */
#defineBCR0Xe/*offset for port B cntrl Reg*/
#defineBDDR6/*offset for B data direction*/
#defineBDR0X12/*offset port B data reg */
#defineCDR0X18/*offset port C data reg */
#include "io.h"
/* set up bowman 68681 duart serial port A only */
int TFLAG;
void dinit()
volatile char *p;
int i;
p = (char *)DUART;
*(p+ACR) = 128; /* set baud rate */
*(p+CRA) = 16; /*reset rx */
*(p+MRA) = 19; /*no modem,prty 8 bits */