
Faculty of pharmacy

Dept. of Pharm.Anal.Chem.

Professor Abd El-Maaboud Ismail Mohammed Attia

Name : Abd El-Maaboud Ismail Mohammed Attia

Date of Birth : 29 / 6 / 1953 Place of Birth : Ismailia

Nationality : Egyptian

Institution : Faculty of Pharmacy, AssiutUniversity

Marital Status : Male, Married. Dependent Children : Four

Mailing Address: Department of Pharmaceutical. Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy AssiutUniversity, Assiut, Egypt.

Phone : 088-2326505 (home), 088-2411325, 088-2411867 (office).

Fax : 088-2332776

E-Mail : , .

Profession and present situation :

  • Professor of pharmaceutical analytical chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, AssiutUniversity, from August 1998 until now.

Vice dean for society services and development of environment from November 2004 until February 2006.

  • Visiting professor and expert for pharmaceutical chemistry department, School of Pharmacy, Addis AbabaUniversity from February 2006 to the end of August 2009.
  • Head of the pharmaceutical analytical department, Faculty of Pharmacy , AssiutUniversity, from 2/9/2009 up to now.


-B.Sc.Pharmacy, AssiutUniversity, May 1976, General Grade "Very Good ".

-Post Graduate Courses (1979), with general grade "excellent".

a) Advanced Medicinal Chemistry. b) Advanced Analytical Chemistry.

c) Physical Chemistry. d) Biostatistics. e) Instrumental Analysis.

-M.Sc.Thesis , Pharmaceutical Chemistry, December,1980. Faculty of Pharmacy, AssiutUniversity.

-Ph.D.Thesis, Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry, June 1985. Faculty of Pharmacy, AssiutUniversity.


1-Demonstrator, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, AssiutUniversity (October 1976 - December 1980).

2-Assistant Lecturer in the same Department (December 1980 - June 1985).

3-Lecturer, in the same Dept. (June 1985 - August 1990).

4-Assistant Professor, in pharmaceutical analytical Chemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, AssiutUniversity (August 1990-Jully 1998).

5- Professor, in the same Department (August 1998 till now).

6- Teaching of analytical chemistry, instrumental analysis courses, SanaaUniversity, Yamen, through 1990-1991.

7- Teaching analytical chemistry, instrumental analysis and quality control courses, Al-FatehUniversity, Lybia, through 1991-1994.

8- Post doctoral research abroad in Japan from 6/7/1999 to 8/1/2000.

9- Vice dean for society services and development of environment from November 2004 until February 2006.

10- Teaching advanced analytical chemistry, pharmaceutical analysis, herbal analysis, instrumental analysis and quality control courses for under graduate and post graduate students, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, from 2006 up to the end of August 2009.


-Participating in 8 M.Sc. and Ph.D. Thesis in the field of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry in both Assiut and Minia universities.

- Supervisor for 5 B.Projects, Analytical Pharmaceutical chemistry (Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-FatehUniversity, Lybia).

- Supervisor for the summer training in commercial pharmacies and hospitals for the third year students from 1985 until now.

- The main supervisor for 31 M.Sc. Thesis in the field of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry, quality control, advanced pharmaceutical analysis, medical herbal Analysis and advanced environmental analysis (School of Pharmacy, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia) all thesis were accepted by grades ranging from excellent to good grades.


Faculty of Pharmacy

Department of Pharm. Anal. Chem.



(Abd El-Maaboud Ismail Mohamed Attia)

1-Sensitive and specific assay of tertiary amine drugs withphthalic anhydride. A.M.Taha , S.R.El-Shabouri and A.I.Rageh ,Bull.Pharm.Sci., AssiutUniversity ,Vol. 3, 105-115 ( 1980 ).

2-Improved spectrophotometric determination of tertiary amine drugs using malonic acid/acetic anhydride reagent .A.M.Taha , S.R.El-Shabouri and A.I.Rageh., Egypt.J.Pharm.Sci. ,Vol.21 , 363-372 ( 1980 ).

3-Use of ascorbic acid for selective determination of tertiaryamine drugs .A.M.Taha , S.R.El-Shabouri and A.I.Rageh., Pharmazie,Vol.37 .H. 7 ( 1982 ) .

4-New reagents for detection of phenothiazines on TLC plates. S.R.El-Shabouri , A.F.Youssef, F.A.Mohamed and A.I.Rageh.,Bull.Pharm.Sci., AssiutUniversity, Vol.8(1), 144-155 ( 1985 ).

5-Selective spectrophotometric determination of promethazine and thiethylperazine in pharmaceutical preparations. S.R.El-Shabouri , A.F.Youssef , F.A.Mohamed and A.I.Rageh.,Bull Pharm.Sci.,AssiutUniversity, Vol.8(2) , 70-87 ( 1985 ).

6-Colorimetric determination of phenothiazine drugs. 3-Correlation between molar absorptivity and certain physicochemical parameters of ring substituents. S.R.El-Shabouri , A.F.Youssef , F.A.Mohamed and A.I.Rageh.,Bull.Pharm.Sci.,Assiut University,Vol.9(1), 137-148 ( 1986 ).

7-Colorimetric determination of certain phenothiazine drugs by using morpholine and iodine-potassium iodate reagents . A.F.Youssef, S.R.El-Shabouri, F.A.Mohamed and A.I.Rageh,J.Assoc.Off.Anal.Chem.,Vol.69 , 513-518 ( 1986 ).

8-Colorimetric determination of C-2 unsubstituted phenothiazines, using morpholine and N-bromosuccinimide. S.R.El-Shabouri, A.F. Youssef, F.A.Mohamed and A.I.Rageh,J.Assoc.Off.Anal.Chem.,Vol. 69 , 821-824 ( 1986 ).

9- A rapaid spectrophotometric method for determination of piprazine S.R.El-Shabouri , F.A.Mohamed and A.I.Mohamed ,Talanta , Vol.34, 968-970 ( 1987 ).

10- Visible spectrophotometric determination of sulphonamides. F.A.Mohamed, A.I.Mohamed and S.R.El Shabouri,J.Pharm.Biomed.Anal.,Vol.6 ,175-183 ( 1988 ) .

11-Spectrophotometric determination of some benzothiadiazine diure-tics with 7,7,8,8-tetracynoquinodimethane . A-M.I.Mohamed , Talanta , Vol.35(8), 621-624 ( 1988 ).

12-Spctrophotometric assay of thiamine HCl in injections and multi-vitamine preparations. A-M.I.Mohamed , S.A.Hussein and S.R.El-Shabouri, J.Assoc.Off.Anal.Chem., Vol. 6, 1131-1133 ( 1988 ).

13-Utility of certain -acceptors for the spectrophotometric determin-ation of gliclazide and tolazamide. S.A.Hussein, A-M.I.Mohamed and A-A.M.Abdel-Alim , Analyst, Vol. 114 ,1129-1131 ( 1989 ) .

14-Spectrophotometric determination of some dibenzazepine drugs by electrophilic coupling . S.A.Hussein, M.E.El-Kommos, H.Y.Hassan and A-M.I.Mohamed,Talanta , Vol.36 (9), 941-944 ( 1989 ).

15-Spectrophotometric determination of some dibenzazepines with picryl chloride. S.A.Hussein , A-M.I.Mohamed and H.Y.Hassan,Talanta, Vol. 36(11), 1147-1149 ( 1989 ).

16-Spectrophotometric determination of some benzene sulphonamides with 7,7,8,8-tetracynoquinodimethane. A-M.I.Mohamed , J.Assoc.Off. Anal.Chem., Vol. 72, 885-889(1989).

17-Utility of certain p-acceptors for the spectrophotometric determin-ation of isoniazid. H.Y.Hassan , A-M.I.Mohamed and F.A.Mohamed, Anal.Letters, Vol.23 (4), 617-625 ( 1990 ).

18-Use of 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane for spectrophotometric determination of certain local anaesthetics and procainamide HCl.

A-M.I.Mohamed , H.Y.Hassan , H.A.Mohamed and S.A.Hussein, J.Pharm. Biomed.Anal., Vol.9(7), 525-530 ( 1991 ) .

19- On the utility of sodium azide for the determination of metal ions. A sensitive methode for determination of copper(II) and iron(III) mixtures G.A.Saleh, A-M.I.Mohamed and H.F.Askal , Bull.Fac.Sci.Assiut Univ.,Vol.20(2-B), 117-128 ( 1991 ).

20- Use of p-benzoquinone for spectrophotometric determination of certain sulphonamides. A-M.I.Mohamed , H.F.Askal and G.A.Saleh,J.Pharm.Biomed. Anal., Vol. 9(7), 531-538 ( 1991 ).

21- Spectrophotometric determination of some dibenzazepines. H.A. Mohamed , H.Y.Hassan , A-M.I.Mohamed and S.A.Hussein, Anal.Letters,Vol.25(1), 63-71 ( 1992 ) .

22- Sulphonamide diuretics-Colorimetric determination and correlation of absorptivity with certain physical prameters. A.F.Youssef , S.R.El-Shabouri and A-M.I.Mohamed,Bull.Fac.Sci.,Assiut Univ., Vol.21 (1-B), 53-67 ( 1992 ).

23- Use of sodium azide for the determination of metal ions. A kinetic spectrophotometric method for the determination of iron (II) and iron (III). H.F.Askal , G.A.Saleh , and A-M.I.Mohamed , Bull.Fac.Sci., Assiut Univ., Vol.21(1-B), 19-31 ( 1992 ) .

24- Spectrophotometric determination of piperazine using 3,5- dibromo-2-methyl-p-benzoquinone. H.A.Mohamed, P.Y.Khashaba, A.I.Mohamed and A.A.El-Shorbagi, Bull.Pharm.Sci.,Assiut University, Vol.16(2), 125-130 ( 1993 ).

25-Spectrophotometric determination of some pharmaceutical compounds using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl . K.M.Emara , A-M.I. Mohamed , H.F.Askal and I.A.Darwish,Anal. letters , Vol.26(11) 2385-2395 ( 1993 ) .

26-Spectrophotometric method for the determination of penicillamine and its dosage form. K.M.Emara , A-M.I.Mohamed , H.F.Askal and I.A.Darwish , Alex.J. Pharm.Sci., Vol.7(3) 197-200 ( 1993 ).

27- Dissociation constant of chlorodiazepoxide in montmorillonite suspensions and its pharmaceutical applications for a controlled-release dosage form . A.M.El-Sayed , A-M.I.Mohamed and A.Assi, J.Acta.Hng.Vol.63, 257-266 ( 1994 ).

28- Spectrophotometric determination of paracetamol, salicylamide and codeine phosphate in mixture . A.-M. I.Mohamed, P. Y. Khashaba and H.A. Mohamed, Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, Vol. 2(1),42-47(1994)

29- Utility of quercetin for determination of some tertiary amine and quaternary ammonium salts. F.A.Mohamed, A-M. I.Mohamed, H.A. Mohamed, and S. A.Hussein; Talanta, 43,1931-1939 (1996).

30-Utility of 5-diazo-1,2,4-triazol-3-carboxylic acid for colorimetric determination of certain 8-hydroxyquinolines. N. A.El-Koussi,A-M. I.Mohamed, H. A. Mohamed, Z. S.Fargaly;Anal.Letters,Vol.29(14), 2487-2498 (1996).

31- Utility of diphenylamine and N-bromosuccinimide for colorimetric determination of certain phenothiazine drugs.A-M.I. Mohamed; Talanta, 44 , 1173-1182 (1997).

32- Utility of 5-diazo-1,2,4-triazol-3-carboxylic acid for colorimetric determination of some dibenzazepines. N. A.El-Koussi,H. A. Mohamed and A-M.I. Mohamed;Bull.Pharm.Sci.AssiutUniversity,Vol. 20(1), 17-22 (1997).

33- Utility of sulphanilamide and N-bromosuccinimide for colorimetric determination of certain phenothiazine drugs. A. F.Youssef, N.A.El-Rabbat, A-M. I.Mohamed and H. M.Abdel-Wadood; Presented in the first scientific conference for the Arabcolleges of pharmacy-Irbid- Jordan. (October, 13-15, 1997).

34-Acid-base equilibria of diazepam and prazepam in montmorillonite suspensions. A-M.I. Mohamed; Talanta, 45, (1998).

35- Interaction of protein and intercalating fluorescence dye against DNA.A-M.I.Mohamed, Y.Baba, N. Kaji and M. Ueda. SCE 2000 The Millenium Symposium, Nov. 29-Dec.1, 2000, 174-175.

36-Location of the bonding sites for EcoRI and NaeI specifcally bound to DNA molecules by direct AFM imaging. A-M.I.Mohamed, Y.Baba, N. Kaji and M. Ueda. The 12th National Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan., Mar 28-30, 2001.

37- Spectrophotometric determination of certain local anesthetics.

S. R. EI-Shabouri, A-M I. Mohamed, H. M. Abdel-Wadood and H. R. H. Ali.,Bull.Fac.Sci.Assiut Univ., 31(2-B), 2002, 39-57.

38-Multivariate spectrophotometric analysis of certain paracetamol binary mixtures; A.-M. I.Mohamed, P.Y. Khashaba; Third Pharmaceu-tical Conference, Assiut, Egypt, 5-6 March 2002; Proc. pp .13-22.

39- Spectrophotometric determination of certain -lactam antibio-tics. A-M. I. Mohamed, G.A.Saleh, M. Mostafa and D. M.Nagy,Third Pharmaceutical Conference, Assiut, Egypt, 5-6 March 2002.

40- 1,2-Dihydroisoqunoline-N-Acetic Acid Derivatives as New Carriers for Specific Brain Delivery I : Synthesis and Estimation of Oxidation Kinetics Using Multivariate Calibration Method. S. Mahmoud, T. Aboul-Fadl , M. Sheha, H. Farag and A-M. I. Mohamed.,Arch.Pharm.Pharm.Med.chem.., 2003; 336, 573-584.

41-Multivariate spectrophotometric analysis of certain antihypertensive binary mixters. A-M.I.Mohamed, S.A.Hussein and H.M. Abdel-Wadood; Bull.Pharm.Sci.,Assiut University, vol. 26, part 1, June 2003, pp 5-13.

42-Determination of certain antihypertensive mixtures using chemometrics-assisted spectrophotometric method. A-M.I.Mohamed and H. Salem, Anal.Bioanal.Chem., 2005, 382, 1066-1072.

43-Chemometrics-assisted spectrophotometric method for simultaneous determination of certain fluoroquinolones and their decarboxylated degradants. A-M.I.Mohamed N.A.El-Koussi and N.A.Mohamed, Bull.Pharm.Sci.,Assiut University, Vol. 28 (2), 2005,pp191-198.

44-Derivative and Derivative and Derivative Ratio Spectra Methods for Determination of Binary, Ternary and Quaternary Mixtures of Some water-Soluble Vitamins.Abdel-MaaboudI. Mohamed, Horria A. Mohamed, Niveen A. Mohamed and Marwa R. El-Zahery.AssiutUniversity 5th Pharm. Science Conference, Assiut, Egypt, 7-8 March, 2006

45-Spectrofluorimetric Determination of Some water-Soluble Vitamins. Abdel-MaaboudI. Mohamed, Horria A. Mohamed, Niveen A. Mohamed and Marwa R. El-Zahery.AssiutUniversity 5th Pharm. Science Conference, Assiut, Egypt, 7-8 March, 2006

46-Multivariate Methods for Determination of Binary, Ternary and Quaternary Mixtures of Some water-Soluble Vitamins.Abdel-MaaboudI. Mohamed, Horria A. Mohamed, Niveen A. Mohamed and Marwa R. El-Zahery.Assiut University 5th Pharm. Science Conference, Assiut, Egypt, 7-8 March, 2006

47-Spectrophotometric determination of binary mixtures of prednisolone with some antibiotics. Abdel-Maaboud I. Mohamed, Hesham Salem and Eman Mahar, Thia. J. Pharm. Sci. 30, (2006) 63-81.

48- Chemometrics-assisted spectrophotometric determination of certain lactam antibiotics combinations.,Abdel-Maaboud I. Mohamed, Hesham Salem and Eman Mahar, Thia. J. Pharm. Sci. 31, (2007) 9-27.

49-Determination of two antibacterial binary mixtures using chemometrics-assisted spectrophotometry,. Abd El-Maaboud.I.Mohamed, Osama H. Abdelmageed and Ibrahim H. Refaat, J. AOAC International, vol. 90(1), 128-141, 2007.

50-Development and validation of an HPLC method for simultaneous analysis of Dextromethorphan HBr, potassium guaiacolsulfonate and sodium benzoate in cough mixture., Sileshie Wongiel, Araiya Hymete and A-M. I. Mohamed, Ethiop.Pharm.J., 26, 39-48 (2008).

51- Determination of Lamivudine and Stavudinein pharmaceutical preparations using chemometrics-assisted spectrophotometry

Abd El-Maaboud I.Mohamed and Workalemahu Mikre Saudi Pharm.J. (2009) 17, 275-281.

52-Simultaneous Separation and Determination of Lamivudine and Zidovudine in Pharmaceutical Formulations Using the HPTLC Method, Girum Habte, Ariaya Hymete, and Abdel-Maaboud Ismail Mohamed, Analytical Letters, 42: 1552–1570, 2009

53-HPTLC-densitometric method for simultaneous determination of salmeterol xinafoate and fluticasone propionate in dry powder inhalers

Lantider Kasaye, Ariaya Hymete and Abdel-MaaboudI. Mohamed

Accepted for publication in vol. 18, no. 3, July 2010 of SPJ.