BOOK: Blue Book II SECTION: Communications Manual Practice Test-44 questions (SERGEANT)

1. According to Communications Manual SOP, when must portable communications equipment be turned off at construction sites?

A.  If hydrocarbon storage tanks are present

B.  If anyone is fueling a vehicle

C.  If explosives are present

D.  All of the above

2. According to Communications Manual SOP, on a business letter, what punctuation is used after the "Dear Name"?

A.  Comma (,)

B.  Colon (:)

C.  Semi-colon (;)

D.  No punctuation

3. According to Communications Manual SOP, when the receiver switch of an MT-1000 is in the RIGHT position, what function does it provide?

A.  Interference Protection

B.  NO Interference Protection

C.  Scan

D.  Stealth mode

4. According to Communications Manual SOP, what type of signature is used on Memos?

A.  Full signed name at bottom of memo

B.  Initials only at bottom of memo

C.  Full signed name below "Sincerely," line

D.  Initials only to the right of name in "FROM" field

5. According to Communications Manual SOP, where is the battery located on an HT-1000 portable radio?

A.  On the front

B.  On the back

C.  On the bottom

D.  On the side

6. According to Communications Manual SOP, in regards to requesting new equipment memos, what is the proper order for the following paragraphs (i.e.-1st paragraph, 2nd paragraph...)?

1. Relate the problem 2. Point out situation 3. Justification for change 4. Identify Solution

A.  1, 2, 3, 4

B.  1, 3, 2, 4

C.  2, 1, 4, 3

D.  2, 3, 1, 4

7. According to Communications Manual SOP, when the receiver switch of an MT-1000 is in the MIDDLE position, what function does it provide?

A.  Interference Protection

B.  NO Interference Protection

C.  Scan

D.  Stealth mode

8. According to Communications Manual SOP, what must be present on the portable radio to be considered intrinsically safe?

A.  red dot on back of radio, green dot on front of battery

B.  green dot on radio, red dot on battery

C.  green dot on back of radio, green dot on back of battery

D.  one green dot on radio

9. According to Communications Manual SOP, when are personal calls NOT allowed?

A.  On code 3 responses

B.  On emergency scenes

C.  When officer deems inappropriate

D.  All of the above

10. According to Communications Manual SOP, based on the 16 channel system, which radio channel is Simplex Channel #1?

A.  Channel 1

B.  Channel 6

C.  Channel 9

D.  Channel 11

11. According to Communications Manual SOP, when the receiver switch of an HT-1000 is in the "C" position, what function does it provide?

A.  Stealth mode

B.  NO Interference Protection

C.  Interference Protection

D.  Scan

12. According to Communications Manual SOP, which administration policy should be consulted when writing a letter concerning OCFD vehicles?

A.  Policy #1

B.  Policy #6

C.  Policy #10

D.  Policy #11

13. According to Communications Manual SOP, who is contacted for after hours repairs of emergency equipment?

A.  Dispatch

B.  Radio Call person

C.  District Officer

D.  Chief of Communications Maintenance

14. According to Communications Manual SOP, based on the 16 channel system, which channel is used for HazMat?

A.  Channel 5

B.  Channel 8

C.  Channel 10

D.  Channel 16

15. According to Communications Manual SOP, what is the maximum distance for direct communication, using talk-around channels?

A.  Approximately 1/4 mile

B.  Approximately 1/2 mile

C.  Approximately 1 mile

D.  Approximately 2 miles

16. According to Communications Manual SOP, how many inches from the mouth should "rig radio" microphones be held?

A.  1/2 inch

B.  1 inch

C.  1 1/2 inches

D.  2 inches

17. According to Communications Manual SOP, who is responsible for seeing that the provisions of the Wireless Communication program are implemented?

A.  Fire Chief

B.  Battalion Chiefs

C.  Assistant Chief

D.  Officers

18. According to Communications Manual SOP, how long will portable radio batteries last on a full charge?

A.  4 to 8 hours

B.  6 to 10 hours

C.  8 to 10 hours

D.  10 to 12 hours

19. According to Communications Manual SOP, what visual indicator on a portable radio tells the user that they are transmitting?

A.  red flashing light

B.  green flashing light

C.  solid red light

D.  solid green light

20. According to Communications Manual SOP, what color is the HT-1000 portable radio?

A.  dark grey

B.  black

C.  beige

D.  white

21. According to Communications Manual SOP, on which "rig radio" system are only the Driver and Officer's microphones are voice-activated

A.  Fire Com Intercom System

B.  David Clark Intercom System

22. According to Communications Manual SOP, when a piece of apparatus has only one person assigned, when can the OCFD radio be used?

A.  When no driving hazard exists

B.  Only if a driving hazard exists

C.  Only if not on an emergency call

D.  Anytime

23. According to Communications Manual SOP, for business letters, which of the following is INCORRECT?

1. Date / 8th line down from top margin
2. To NAME / 4th line down from date
3. Dear "Name" / 2nd line down from name/address
4. Body of letter / 2 spaces below the salutation

A.  1

B.  2

C.  3

D.  4

24. According to Communications Manual SOP, when the receiver switch of an HT-1000 is in the "B" position, what function does it provide?

A.  Stealth mode

B.  NO Interference Protection

C.  Interference Protection

D.  Scan

25. According to Communications Manual SOP, on Fire Com Intercom Systems what is the color of the push-to-talk button that must be held down to talk on the intercom system for headsets other than the Officer or Driver headsets?

A.  Red

B.  Black

C.  Grey

D.  Green

26. According to Communications Manual SOP, what can NOT be stored or transported in the same compartment as portable communications equipment?

A.  Water jugs

B.  Flammable liquids


D.  Other radios

27. According to Communications Manual SOP, which of the following items are required on top of the second page and consecutive pages of a business letter?

A.  Page 2

B.  Date

C.  Name of Addressee

D.  All of the above

28. According to Communications Manual SOP, what is the life span of rechargeable portable radio batteries?

A.  6 months to 1 year

B.  6 months to 2 years

C.  1 to 2 years

D.  2 to 4 years

29. According to Communications Manual SOP, when the receiver switch of an HT-1000 is in the "A" position, what function does it provide?

A.  Stealth mode

B.  NO Interference Protection

C.  Interference Protection

D.  Scan

30. According to Communications Manual SOP, what type are the MaraTrac and General Electric Ranger 16-channel "Rig Radios"?

A.  High Power UHF

B.  Low Power UHF

C.  High Power VHF

D.  Low Power VHF

31. According to Communications Manual SOP, based on the 16 channel system, which channel is used for Training?

A.  Channel 5

B.  Channel 8

C.  Channel 10

D.  Channel 16

32. According to Communications Manual SOP, approximately how many charges will a rechargeable portable radio battery take within it's life span?

A.  2,000 charges

B.  1,000 charges

C.  750 charges

D.  500 charges

33. According to Communications Manual SOP, how many lines down from the top margin should the "TO:" line be on a memo?

A.  2 lines

B.  4 lines

C.  6 lines

D.  8 lines

34. According to Communications Manual SOP, what color is the MT-1000 portable radio?

A.  dark grey

B.  black

C.  beige

D.  white

35. According to Communications Manual SOP, what type of medium is used for "less formal" communications for interdepartmental mail?

A.  Standard Memo

B.  Pink Memo

C.  Letter

D.  Formal Letter

36. According to Communications Manual SOP, on which "rig radio" system are all microphones "hot" when in transmit mode?

A.  Fire Com Intercom System

B.  David Clark Intercom System

37. According to Communications Manual SOP, what format is used on business letters?

A.  Short block format

B.  Standard block format

C.  Full block format

D.  Abbreviated block format

38. According to Communications Manual SOP, what is the purpose of the Wireless Communications SOP?

A.  to prevent cancer from use of cellular phones

B.  to prevent motor vehicle accidents

C.  to educate on how to efficiently use a cellular phone

D.  to provide procedures for making interdepartmental calls

39. According to Communications Manual SOP, when the receiver switch of an MT-1000 is in the LEFT position, what function does it provide?

A.  Interference Protection

B.  NO Interference Protection

C.  Scan

D.  Stealth mode

40. According to Communications Manual SOP, how should business letters be spaced (line spacing)?

A.  single spaced

B.  1 1/2 line spaced

C.  double spaced

D.  triple spaced

41. According to Communications Manual SOP, what type of rechargeable batteries do portable radios use?

A.  Nickel-cadmium

B.  Lithium ion

C.  Rechargeable alkaline

D.  Nickel-Metal Hydride

42. According to Communications Manual SOP, who is responsible for ensuring employee compliance with the provisions of the Wireless Communications Program?

A.  Fire Chief

B.  Battalion Chiefs

C.  Assistant Chief

D.  Officers

43. According to Communications Manual SOP, what is the significance of a red flashing light on a portable radio?

A.  Indicates message is transmitting

B.  Indicates message is NOT transmitting

C.  Indicates battery is low

D.  Indicates radio is NOT intrinsically safe

44. According to Communications Manual SOP, on Fire Com Intercom Systems what is the color of the Driver and Officer push-to-talk button?

A.  Red

B.  Black

C.  Grey

D.  Green

Answer Sheet
1 / 31
2 / 32
3 / 33
4 / 34
5 / 35
6 / 36
7 / 37
8 / 38
9 / 39
10 / 40
11 / 41
12 / 42
13 / 43
14 / 44
Answer Key
1 / D / 31 / D
2 / B / 32 / B
3 / C / 33 / D
4 / D / 34 / A
5 / B / 35 / B
6 / C / 36 / B
7 / B / 37 / C
8 / C / 38 / B
9 / D / 39 / A
10 / C / 40 / A
11 / D / 41 / A
12 / D / 42 / D
13 / A / 43 / C
14 / B / 44 / A
15 / C
16 / D
17 / B
18 / C
19 / C
20 / B
21 / A
22 / A
23 / B
24 / B
25 / B
26 / B
27 / D
28 / D
29 / C
30 / A

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Disclaimer: These test questions were created for informational purposes and are not actual promotional exam questions. They are designed to assist in studying the OCFD SOPs. These questions are in no way related to, or approved by the City of OKC. FireNotes®.com,, and Mike Nikkel are in no way liable for any errors in content, grammar, or other errors. Use at your own risk.