PSAC-NCR Education Committee

Minutes of the April 17th2012Meeting

In attendance:

John Murphy (CEIU)

Ken Zarichansky (UPCE)

Lee Pallotta (UTE)

Michèle Milotte (UNE)

Chantal Fortin (USGE)

Mark Scott (USGE)

Sara Cousins (UTE)

Emma Slaney (UNE)

Staff Resource:

Johanne Labine


Amber Miller

Vicki-Lynn Smith

Karoline Klug


Item / Discussion / Decision / Follow-up
  1. Agenda

  1. Minutes of Previous meeting
/ REO to request translation and post on web site
  1. Education Update
/ Johanne provided an update as follows:
  • The budget allows for thirteen basic courses to be presented for the balance of the year.
  • The spring 2012 schedule has been posted.
  • The monthly education update sent to Locals will indicate that it is only a reminder of upcoming activities for the coming month.
  • The English mental health course is over subscribed.
  • The aboriginal course was presented with 6 people. The participants loved the course. It was disappointing that more people could not be recruited.
  • Lots of workforce adjustment sessions are being given. Many of them are given in workplaces.
  • The PSAC webinar on the budget process is very good and takes 18-20 minutes to complete. There is also a new webinar on pensions.
  • The updated map on Work Force Adjustment Appendix was circulated.
  • FTQ does a union counselling course for members who have lost their jobs. Johanne has requested a copy of their course. She recommends delivering a similar course to PSAC members who are losing their jobs. When the program description is received it will be forwarded to the Education committee for discussion. It may be an option to explore asking if employees can get time off work with pay to attend the course. The committee could explore sharing the course with other federal unions.
  • The English and French courses on convention procedures have been cancelled.
/ Send the FTQ material description to Education Committee
  1. Networking activity
/ Chantal brought a suggestion to the Regional Council Executive meeting that the Education Committee organize a “networking event” for NCR PSAC members. Employers and governments are creating divisions amongst workers. One way to counteract this is to organize a social event where our members can network, talk and have fun. Chantal has received approval from the Regional Council Executive to develop a plan and to take it back to them for approval. After discussion, the committee agreed that:
  • The target audience should be all members regardless of how active they are in the union.
  • The event should be built around a common theme.
  • We should explore a summertime BBQ in a park early this summer. The fall might be a more realistic objective.
Emma shared that social gatherings were organized as part of the Salvation Army strike and ODLC elections and included music. They were quite successful.
A subcommittee has been created with Emma, Chantal, Lee, and the staff assigned to the Committee. / REO to coordinate meeting to prepare proposal for Executive Council
  1. Guide for new PSAC-NCR Council Executive members
/ At the April 16, 2012 meeting,the regional council executive committee requested an orientation kit which could be given to newly elected Council members. The NCR Education Committee is being asked to take on this project. Chantal requested information from the council members on what information should be included. Content ideas include: the mandate of the executive committee, the roles of regional council, some rules of order, what to expect as a committee member, a list of the different committees that are represented, etc.
It was noted that a NCR Executive Council Orientation Kit had been prepared for the retreat held in June 2011. Much of the requested information already exists.
It was agreed that this guide would also be useful for NCR Committee Chairs. Johanne will work with regional office staff members and volunteers from the regional council executive to produce a draft and send the draft to Education Committee members for their review. / REO to draft with Louise Patrice and Patricia Johnson
  1. Leadership Summit
/ The Union Development Program is not being offered in the current budget cycle. For this budget cycle the PSAC is organizing a leadership summit in November, to replace Phase I and Phase II. It will be open to all secondary national leaders: Component RVP’s, Members of Regional Council Executives, members of the NAPC and the PSAC EOC. UDP’s will occur in the next cycle.
A young workers’ leadership course is being organized in the NCR.
  1. Workforce Adjustment Appendix (WFAA)
/ A lot of lunch and learn sessions on the WFAA are being offered.
A round table was conducted on the effects of the cuts in different areas and whether or not committee members are being called upon to present sessions.
The layoffs and related issues can be very stressful for union activists. It would be good if the union could create a support program for union activists who are dealing with stressful situations related to their roles as union activists. Larry is supposed to bring this to the attention of the executive committee. The outcome of the discussion will be reported.
Stress related to layoffs is a major issue in the workplace. Johanne will look into the availability of information sessions, courses, etc. to deal with workplace stress. Johanne will ask the health and safety committee if they can provide courses and/or information sessions on stress.
  1. May 01 Demo
/ There will be a demo downtown on May 01, 2012. The mandate of the committee is to recruit as many people as possible to join the demonstration. A poster has been prepared. The committee members are requested to assist distributing the posters.
  1. 4 day health and safety course
/ The health and safety committee has requested that a 30 hours WHSC course be added to the education schedule.
The education budget is limited and does not have the resources to fund a four day course. For this reason the Education Committee opted not to have any advanced courses this year.
The Education Committee would prefer that the course be held in the next budget cycle. Alternatively, the health and safety committee could be requested to help fund the course. Another option would be to ask participants to request leave with pay to attend health and safety training.
Before approving the course, the education committee would need to know the objectives and target audience of the course. / Johanne and Chantal, will initiate conversations with Pierre Marinier and Vicki-Lynn on the subject.
  1. CLC-FTQ-PSAC school
/ The proposed school has been pushed back to 2013. It would be a 4 day school. The location could be Cornwall.
The FTQ agrees with the idea in principle.
A subcommittee will be formed in the fall with work on the school to begin in the fall.
  1. Next meeting
/ May 15, 2012.
Chantal will be away so Michèle will chair