Moraga Chamber of Commerce


January 4th 2017

Meeting Location: Upstairs Board Room. Moraga Country Club


In attendance: Wendy Scheck, Bob Fritzkey, Ian Cook, Sam Saleh, Tom Schnurr, Jen Herzog, Peggy Hall, Kathryn Horn, Jennifer Lenfestey, Larry Tessler, Patrick Russell, Mons Cedercreutz, Jeanette Fritzky: Kathe Nelson recording


A. Agenda – Additions/Corrections - None

B. Minutes - To be approved - Approved


A.  Introduce Director Patrick Russell

Also Introduced Jeanette Fritzky – who will be appointed as our Liaison

B.  Premiere Membership Updates –

PG&E has agreed to be a Premiere Member Would like to have one more

Garavanta still needs to be contacted

C.  Business Person of the Year – Vote

Discussion ensues regarding merits of each nominee

Continuing discussion of whether having current Directors as nominees – does it appear to be self serving? Conclusion those are the people that do the work and deserve the recognition.

Next year nominations can be solicited or chosen and voted for by the Board. Then when selected – advise the recipient. Change process

D.  2017 Calendar Meetings & Mixers

Discussion and possible Mixers hosts discussed. Kathe will contact 533 Moraga Road (Pediatric Dentist, Lamorinda Dentist and TEA) to see if they will co-host. Mix up meeting times of day to reach more members.


A.  Saint Mary's - Jennifer Herzog – College quiet, return 1/9 then Jan Term

Basketball main draw to campus currently

B.  Mons Cedercreutz – Financial & preliminary budget

Discussed main events and what/how budget needs to be built. Mons will meet with Wendy & Kathe for final figures. Clarify classifications for better and cleaner reporting.

Keep $20k in reserve at all times – discussion

When will we know about remaining $3k


A. Secretary Position Open

From By-laws Secretary: The Secretary shall safeguard the records of the organization, take minutes at meetings, publish minutes of meetings and otherwise perform the duties normally carried out by the secretary of similar organizations

Peggy Hall volunteers and will be Secretary with Brandy as back up B. Lion’s Club & Crab feed - Peggy Peggy Hall tells us about who the Lions Club is, what they do and what they support. Donated over $20k last year even though they are a small club.

Crab Feed 1/21

Kiwanis request Citizen of the Year – send to membership to reserve by tables

C.  Chamber will provide a person to Vote & present at event

Crab Feed Table - Kathe will solicit from membership to see interest level

D.  Emergency Business Planner – Moraga – Kathryn thinks EBMUD may be interested in partial sponsorship. Kathe will find more and complete template. Town should sponsor also

E. Be prepared to choose an event to either head up or work on

·  Community Faire (May 13th) Jennifers Herzog & Lenfestey

·  Pear, Art & Wine Festival (September) Booth

·  Golf Tournament – September Bob, Ian, Tom?

·  Ambassadors -

·  Face book/Social Media – Larry, Ashley

·  4th of July Booth

E.  Chalk Art, Wine Raffle – Fundraisers – Kathe

Possible additional Fund Raisers:

Kathe – Wine Raffle

Jennifer Lenfestey – Moraga Tee Shirt sales or License plate frames

Kathryn – something similar to DogTown/Down Town – involving people and their dogs


A.  1/26/17 Tri Chamber mixer TBD

Moraga will host the Tri Chamber Mixer at the Hacienda

B.  February 1st – Board meeting Moraga Juniors will be our Guests

Motion to adjourn 9:57 Wendy Seconded by Tom Schnurr All - aye