Title of Lesson Plan: Reading Response
Grades: 7th grade and 8th grade ESL Students
Subject Area(s): ESL
Brief Description (1-2 sentences maximum): In this lesson, students will preview pictures of the Costa Rican spheres and discuss their responses to them. Students will then respond to a text about the mysterious spheres by highlighting interesting and important information and writing our responses, including our comments, connections, questions, and inferences.
Time: 90 minutes
We will respond to a cultural text written about Costa Rica's Strange Spheres by showing our thinking using sentence starters.
Materials Needed:
Text: copies of "Costa Rica's Strange Spheres" from The Outer Edge: Still Unsolved, highlighters, journals, sentence starters: I wonder, I think, I'm confused about, maybe, perhaps, it seems to me, I'm noticing, This reminds me of…
Directions (Should be absolutely clear, but as brief as possible. Please list as “Step 1”, “Step 2”, etc…Think of recipes as a model.):
1. Show students youtube video clips of Costa Rican spheres…have students respond with questions, inferences, connections, comments…
2. Preview text "Costa Rica's Strange Spheres" by looking at pictures, reading captions…
3. Begin reading text aloud and modeling highlighting interesting information and writing my response on the text using the sentence starters to show my questions, connections, inferences, and comments.
4. Guide students in sharing their responses as I continue to read.
5. Students continue reading with partners and writing their responses on the text, highlighting important and interesting information that stands out to them.
6. Students choose three of their best, most thoughtful responses and write them on sticky notes.
7. Have students turn and talk and share responses with a partner.
8. Place sticky notes on an anchor chart entitled "Our Responses" and read and discuss them together as a class.
Assessment (Note the formal and informal methods for assessing student learning at the conclusion of the activity.):
Use a rubric to assess students:
4 - Student shows a variety of thoughtful responses, connected to text
3 - Student shows thoughtful responses
2 - Student responds to text, responses my be superficial or not related to text
1 - Student shows superficial responses to text
0 - Unable to respond to text
Extension (Note possible extensions of the project for students who are interested in further exploration. Also note specific differentiations for LEP, exceptional, and gifted students, when applicable.):
If extra time, students will extend their responses into paragraphs.
Educational Content Standards (Align to NC Standard Course of Study. Note appropriate goals and objectives from all integrated subjects. Refer to national standards where applicable.):
WIDA Standards 1, 2, and 5, ELA 2.01
Lesson Plan Created By: Erica Young
School: Clyde A. Erwin Middle School