Plan Ledger Pivot Macro Instructions
Purpose: The steps in these instructions will provide college and departmental users with financial information that is budgeted to varying levels of detail.
- The data in the Account Analysis Report reflects transactions that are posted to the General Ledger. Transactions that have not yet posted to the General Ledger, will not be reflected.
- Budget data is manually entered by the pivot owner. Please remember that any budgetary transfers and/or adjustments will need to be manually updated on this report.
- Users are encouraged to utilize this tool as one aspect of their financial management activities.
- Run and Save Account Analysis Report from Operations Ledger.
- Ensure that the date parameters include the entire fiscal or operating year.
- You may run many funding sources on one report by using a hierarchy or entering several or a range of departments or cost centers in the funding source parameters.
- Ensure that you are using funding sources that you enter budget for in step 3.
- Open “PlanLedgerPivot”.Note: Do Not Change the Name of the File.
- Click on PlanDataEntry Tab to enter or edit plan budget(s).
- Fiscal Year = YYYY (ie. 2018)
- Period = X (ie. July = 1, June = 12)
- Fund = XXXX
- Department = XXXXX
- Cost Center = XXXXXXX
- Natural Account = XXXXXX (You may use Budget Rollups or Specific Account Codes)
- Budget Rollups
- Commonly Used Account Codes
- Supplemental = XXXXXXXXXX (if this value is not used, enter 0)
- Project = XXXXXXXXXX (if this value is not used, enter 0)
- Net Amount = XX.XX
- Enter Revenue as a positive amount.
- Enter Expenses as a negative amount.
- Click Insert Plan to convert budget into AAR formatting.
- Click on Process Tab.
- Select either one or two reports to include.
- Navigate to reports saved in step one and select.
- The report will take a minute to run.
- Click on Report_Criteria_Information Tab.
- The period parameters will reflect for each report selected.
- The date and time the reports were delivered will reflect for each report selected.
- Click on CombinedData Tab.
- This includes all of the data from each report selected.
- This data is used in the pivot table.
- Do NOT change this data.
- There are six additional columns for organizing the pivot.
- MONTH: Converts the accounting period to a month.
Note: When a period is not entered in the Plan, it will show as “Not Entered”
- LEDGER: Identifies the ledger; budget, operations (actual), or plan
- CC&DESC: Combines the Cost Center and Description in one field
- ACCT: Combines the Account and Description in one filed
- ROLLUP: Specialized rollup for revenue, wages, other expenses, capital outlay, and surplus.
- BUDACCT: Identifies the budget rollup category for each account value
- Click on Summary Tab.
- This shows a summary of each cost center in the Account Analysis Report.
- You may use the filters to identify specific data.
- Click on PvtTblRpt Tab.
- Use the filters to isolate specific funding sources.
- Transaction Descriptions: Filter or Expand/Collapse each field
- ROLLUP = Expense Type
- BUDACCT = Budget Office Rollup
- ACCT = Account code and description
- Transaction Dates and Amounts
- FISCAL_YEAR = Fiscal Year
- PERIOD = Accounting Period
- MONTH = Conversion from Accounting Period to Calendar Month
- LEDGER = Ledger from Account Analysis Report
- Actual: Operations Ledger
- Plan: Entered on PlanDataEntry tab
- Budget: Budget Ledger
NOTE: In order to get a remaining budget/variance ensure that only the budget or plan ledger are selected. - Total =Variance Actual to Plan MTD
- Grand Total = Variance Actual to Plan/Budget YTD
- Double click on any dollar amount to drill to transaction detail in a new tab.
- There is a Remaining Balance Pivot at the top to filter to a cost center and delineate between Actual, Plan, and Budget as a Grand Total.
- Copy and paste the pivot table to additional tabs and use filters to set up other specific funding sources.
- Update tab names to reflect filter selections.
- Double-click tab.
- Change name.
- Refresh data as often as you would like by completing step four with updated reports.