Bland County Board of Supervisors

Regular Meeting May 21, 2013

VIRGINIA: At the Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors held at the Bland County CourtHouse, Bland, Virginia, on the twenty-first day of May , 2013 at 5:00 p.m., the following duly elected and qualified members were present or absent.

PRESENT: Henry Blessing, Randy Johnson, Nick Asbury, Karen Hodock


ALSO PRESENT: Eric Workman, County Administrator, Sharon May, Deputy Clerk, Paul Cassell, County Attorney, Audra Repass, Project Manager, Teresa Tolbert, Finance Manager


Chairman Henry Blessing called the May 21, 2013 Board of Supervisors’ monthly meeting to order.



The invocation was offered by Shirley Cox, Mr. Blessing, chairman led the pledge of allegiance to the United States Flag.


The May 21, 2013 meeting agenda was presented to the Board of Supervisors.


*****MOTION to approve the May 21, 2013 Consent Agenda which consisted of the minutes of the April 23, 2013 regular meeting; May 1, 2013 continued meeting; May 8, 2013 continued meeting; payroll issued May 1, 2013 in the amount of $89,279.49 & May 15, 2013 in the amount of $88,436.28, reports from the Sheriff, Treasurer, Animal/Litter Control Officer, Building Official, E-9ll Fund, Public Works Director, Meals & Lodging and Recycling, was made by Nick Asbury and seconded by Randy Johnson.

Vote on this motion was as follows: Nick Asbury, yes; Randy Johnson, yes; Karen Hodock, yes; and Henry Blessing, yes. The motion passed.


*****MOTION to approve the March, 2013, Social Services’ report in the amount of $80,206.94 with the local allotment of $34,163.94, was made by Karen Hodock and seconded by Nick Asbury.

Vote on this motion was as follows: Karen Hodock, yes; Nick Asbury, yes; Randy Johnson, yes; and, Henry Blessing, yes. The motion passed.


*****MOTION to approve and appropriate the Bland County School Board’s June’s 2013 requisition in the amount of $2,530,589.00; to approve the Special meeting minutes of their April 25, 2013; and Board Regular Meeting Minutes on April 22, 2013; Board meeting with Staff on April 18, 2013 and April 22, 2013; check registers/vendor payments submitted for March 26, 2013 April 4, 2013 and April 17, 2013 was made by Karen Hodock and seconded by Randy Johnson.

Vote on this motion was as follows: Karen Hodock, yes; Randy Johnson, yes; Nick Asbury, yes; and Henry Blessing, yes. The motion passed



Dr. Eric Workman updated the Board in the absence of John Goins, Treasurer. Notices will be mailed to delinquent tax payers stating that there could be publications in the newspaper or on the Bland County website of people who are delinquent.


Henry Blessing appointed Crossroads Regional Industrial Facility Authority

*****MOTION to appoint Henry Blessing to Crossroads Regional Industrial Facility Authority for a four year term expiring June 30, 2017 was made by Nick Asbury and seconded by Randy Johnson.

Vote on this motion was as follows: Nick Asbury, yes; Randy Johnson, yes; Karen Hodock, yes; and Henry Blessing, abstain. The motion passed 3-1.

Eric Workman appointed Ninth District Development Financing

*****MOTION to appoint Eric Workman to the Ninth District Development Financing for a four year term expiring December 31, 2016 was made by Randy Johnson and seconded by Nick Asbury.

Vote on this motion was as follows: Randy Johnson, yes; Nick Asbury, yes; Karen Hodock, yes; and Henry Blessing, yes. The motion passed.

Stephen Kelley appointed Social Services Board

*****MOTION to appoint Stephen Kelley to the Social Services Board for a four year term expiring June 30, 2017 was made by Karen Hodock and seconded by Nick Asbury.

Vote on this motion was as follows: Karen Hodock, yes Nick Asbury, yes; Randy Johnson, yes and, Henry Blessing, yes. The motion passed.

Kathy Strock appointed Social Services Board

*****MOTION to appoint Kathy Strock to the Social Services Board for a four year term expiring June 30, 2017 was made by Randy Johnson and seconded by Karen Hodock.

Vote on this motion was as follows: Randy Johnson, yes; Karen Hodock, yes; Nick Asbury, yes; and Henry Blessing, yes. The motion passed


Steve and Sherry Tenpenny of 1757 Trails End Road addressed the board asking whose responsibility is it to make sure the cattle guards on Trails End Road are up to Virginia specifications. Mr. & Mrs. Tenpenny shared a video of the neighbor’s cattle walking over the cattle guard. They also stated that the cattle were part of the reason for the road being in such terrible shape.

It was determined that VDOT was responsible for checking the specifications.

Mr. Russell, VDOT representative stated that VDOT would look into the size of these cattle guards on Trails End Rd.

Mr. Bobby Leighton Newberry addressed the board with concerns for a fencing ordinance for the County of Bland. He would like to see the ordinance changed to a fence in ordinance.


Click-It or Ticket

*****MOTION to approve the proclamation of the Bland County Board of Supervisors establishing May 20, 2013 to June 2, 2013 as Click-It or Ticket Mobilization was made by Karen Hodock and seconded by Nick Asbury.

Vote on this motion was as follows: Karen Hodock, yes; Nick Asbury, yes; Randy Johnson, yes; and, Henry Blessing, yes. The motion passed.


Pine Grove Methodist Church Miscellaneous Fee Waived

*****MOTION to waive the permit fees for a miscellaneous permit for the Pine Grove Methodist Church in the amount of $30.60 and for an electrical permit for the County of Bland in the amount of $51.00 was made by Karen Hodock and seconded by Nick Asbury.

Vote on this motion was as follows: Karen Hodock, yes; Nick Asbury, yes; Randy Johnson, yes; and, Henry Blessing, yes. The motion passed.


·  Park Bench Grant

****MOTION to approve grants for benches for the county parks in the amount of $18,300 and for the Farmers Market in the amount of $4,400.was made by Randy Johnson and seconded by Karen Hodock.

Vote on this motion was as follows: Randy Johnson, yes; Karen Hodock, yes Nick Asbury, yes; and, Henry Blessing, yes. The motion passed.

CSA Funds Appropriation

*****MOTION to approve additional appropriation to CSA funds in the amount of $118,502 of which $24,009.95 is local funds was made by Karen Hodock and seconded by Randy Johnson.

Vote on this motion was as follows: Karen Hodock, yes; Randy Johnson, yes; Nick Asbury, yes; and, Henry Blessing, yes. The motion passed.

Sewer Department Appropriation

*****MOTION to approve additional appropriation to the Sewer Department revenue and expenditure budgets in the amount of $18,333.19 was made by Nick Asbury and seconded by Randy Johnson.

Vote on this motion was as follows: Randy Johnson, yes; Nick Asbury, yes; Karen Hodock, yes; and Henry Blessing, yes. The motion passed.


Bland County Employee and School Board Employees

*****MOTION to approve a resolution to increase the VRS member contribution rate from 1% to 2% for Bland County Employees as well as the School Board Employees was made by Nick Asbury and seconded by Randy Johnson.

Vote on this motion was as follows: Nick Asbury, yes; Randy Johnson, yes; Karen Hodock, yes; and Henry Blessing, yes. The motion passed.


Dr. Workman updated the Board of Supervisors that unemployment rate for the county was 5.1%, and that the County Budget for FY14 is balanced with NO increase in the tax levies. The proposed county budget is $25,191,214 of which $8,822,726 is for the operations of the Bland County Schools. The FY14 county budget includes pay increases as outlined in the State’s budget Amendment and Administration Recommendation: School Board employees and county employees a 1% step increase for VRS Member contribution, 3% increase for full time class I employees making less than $25,000 annually after the 1% BRS and 3% increase receive a salary increase of $500.00. Reassessment is currently underway. We are anticipating a reduction of 5% of assessed value after assessment. Adjustments to the tax levies will need to be made in the FY15 budget. Public hearing regarding the FY14 budget is scheduled for June 12, 2013 at 5:00 pm at the Bland County courthouse. A copy of the proposed FY14 budget can be viewed at the Bland County Administration Office.


Mr. Asbury thanked everyone for coming out to the meeting.

Ms. Hodock thanked everyone for the work. She reminded Dr. Workman about the Emergency Responders appreciation dinner.

Mr. Johnson announced it was his Mother’s 90th birthday and that he would need to leave soon.


Six Year Secondary Road Plan

Mr. Russell, VDOT Representative presented the six year plan to the Board of Supervisors with the following: plans to finish Route 612 by August 2013, plans to finish Route 645 by next spring, Route 651 added as Rural Rustic, Route 656 added as Rural Rustic, Route 615 added as Rural Rustic. The funds are limited for construction.

Mr. Blessing opened the Public Hearing to receive public comment on the six year plan presented by VDOT.

Ms. Wilda Rose, 91 Rock Wall Dr., wanted to thank VDOT and the Board of Supervisors for keeping Rock Wall Dr on the six year plan.

Mr. Bobby Leighton Newberry addressed the Board of Supervisors and the VDOT representative with concerns of the condition of Trails End Rd. He stated that the residents who lived on that road were water bound several times a year and that passing vehicles were prohibited in several locations along this road. He would like to see Trails End Rd added to the six year plan for repairs and reworking this road.

Ms. Anne Bailey also addressed the Board of Supervisors and the VDOT representative with concerns of the condition of Trails End Rd. There are safety issues such as the width of the road, the cattle guards, and the wash board conditions that has caused accidents. She would also like to see Trails End Rd added to the six year plan.

Mr. Russelll, VDOT representative, stated that there had not been a study completed to assess Trails End Rd. A study would need to be completed to see if the road meets the Rural Rustic qualifications for construction.

Mr. Blessing closed the public hearing.

*****MOTION to approve the six year plan including the provision that Route 640 would be addressed in the six year plan next year after VDOT completes and evaluation was made by Karen Hodock and seconded by Randy Johnson.

Vote on this motion was as follows: Karen Hodock, yes; Randy Johnson, yes; Nick Asbury, yes; and Henry Blessing, yes. The motion passed.


Meeting continued until June 12, 2013, 5:00 pm, Bland County Courthouse.


Henry Blessing, Chairman


Eric Workman, Clerk of the Board