On behalf of God and the Sacred Heart Parish, congratulations on your QUINCEAÑERA celebration.

Here you will find the necessary steps to make of your Quinceañera Celebration a real encounter with God.

  1. Please go to the Parish Office and fill out a basic personal information form. You will receive a questionnaire to answer at home. The girl and her parents will have two interviews with the priest.
  1. THE GIRL needs to have received First Holy Communion, and be involved in Confirmation or in the Parish Youth Group.
  1. The girl, her parents and the sponsors (padrinos) should attend an information meeting. (See the information sheet) Please contact those who are in charge of the Quinceañera class and book in advance the day you are going to attend.
  1. Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Confessions are Fridays 6:00 p.m. (Please plan to go to Confession, at least two weeks prior to your Quinceañera).
  1. It is advisable that all those participating in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, especially parents and padrinos, boys and girls in the quinceañera court, receive Holy Communion as a symbol of spiritual support to the Quinceañera.


  1. Parents must be registered members of Sacred Heart Church. If they are not, at least, the family needs to attend Mass frequently in this church.
  1. Because of pastoral priorities, we cannot reserve the church until six months prior to the Quinceañera celebration.


  1. Only one photographer. Please do not use flash, except during the entrance procession and at the end of the Mass. (If the celebration begins on time you will have 30 minutes at your disposal for pictures at the end of the Mass.
  1. Only one person may take video. (Do no use light or special equipment.
  2. Because of security reasons do not use confetti or flower petals on the church’s premises, inside or outside.
  1. The basic church ambiance (decorations) may not be changed or removed.
  1. Two large flower bouquets can be placed in the sanctuary (the altar area). We suggest that these bouquets be left in the church as an offering for the Sunday Masses. It is forbidden to place flower arches at the church entrance.
  1. Flowers and flower arrangements on the pews must be secured only by rubber bands. Do not use adhesive tape or nails.


  1. $600.00 --- includes preparation, ceremony, prayer book and a certificate.

We require a deposit of $250.00 on the day you make the reservation of your celebration date. The balance should be paid at least one-month prior to your celebration. This deposit is non-refundable.

2. The amount mentioned above applies to registered and non-registered members of the Sacred Heart Church.

  1. Music for the Mass should be part of your celebration. It is your responsibility to call the parish office for information on this regard.
  1. If you would like to, you may give a donation to the priest presiding at your ceremony, even though this is not a requirement, your generosity will be greatly appreciated.

“I heard: Whom shall I send? Who will go in my name? I answered, here I am. Send me!” Is 6, 6-9

Sacred Heart Church

22 Stone Street

Salinas, California 93901

Phone: (831) 424-1959

Fax: (831) 424-0788


Sacred Heart Church


Celebration for Quinceañera

Only one thing

You need…

Come and follow me!