Week beginning 18thNovember2012

Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary time

Faith Sharing – God Speaks to us

(Reflections from parishioners)


I tell you solemnly, before this generation has passed away all these
things will have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words
will not pass away (Mark 13:24-32)


The Gospel this Sunday paints an apocalyptic picture of the end of the
world. Jesus explains to His disciples the devastating events that willprecede His second coming to judge the world: “the sun will be darkened,the moon will lose its brightness and the stars will come falling fromheaven.” Maybe the disciples thought the end would be in their lifetime.
Down through the centuries, astrologists such as Nostradamus, the founder
of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and others have predicted when the world would
end even down to the very day! But God must be smiling because Jesus told
His disciples, “as for that day or hour, nobody knows it, either the angels
of heaven, nor the Son; no one but the Father!” None of us knows when our
world will come to an end in death. Hence, the need to be prepared. To many, today's Gospel will sound depressing and alarming. Yes, itcarries a warning but it also brings hope. The world as we know it willpass away, that is inevitable and perhaps that frightens us, making usaware of our powerlessness in the face of disaster. However, our faith
helps us to see beyond this; the Lord has said that His Word will not passaway and that promises a life beyond our imagination for those who embrace
His word. The fig tree in the parable whose twigs become supple and its
leaves come out reminds us that summer is near, so we need the Church toremind us to nourish our faith in Jesus as preparation for His secondcoming. We nourish our faith through prayer, the sacraments, strengtheningand deepening our relationship with Jesus through the Scriptures. Sometimesour personal world crashes down around us when we experience the loss of aloved one, a broken relationship or illness. It can seem that life as weknow it is over. Oftentimes, it is in misfortune we discover the presenceof Jesus in our lives, giving us strength and confidence to cope, and the
chance of a new beginning. This is the Year of Faith, an opportunity forall of us to take time each day to reflect on our faith journey as membersof Christ’s Church. Faith is a precious gift from God; it inspires us to bejoyful and confident in a faithful and loving God who will guide us throughmisfortune if we let Him. How can we keep this good news to ourselves? As
Christians we have a duty to hand on the faith and so instil in othersthat joy and hope to live each moment to the full.


Sacristy Diary

Once upon a time, at the blessing of the boats, the padre prayed that the dolphin-in-the bay would always remain celibate, thus overcoming the temptation to go away. And so, for many a long day bachelor ways prevailed or so we think. In the end, in the manner of all things, death came and the townspeople went into a state of denial. (In truth, the cash registers froze!) And so, a wake was arranged. The denizens of the Ocean World were given permission to attend. ‘We will have a whale of a time’ said the shark, as he encouraged the tortoise to shake himself and hurry. The penguins came early and stayed all day, just to see who would come. The sea bass darted in and out. Fair play to the mackerel, even though they weren’t such friends with the dolphin they made the effort. ‘They came to see that he was dead’, sniggered the seagulls. The conger ell, staying in the background, wasn’t satisfied that the only beverage on hand was salt water. And the crabs, awkward and crusty as ever, were certain in the opinion that the dolphin would be no great loss. ‘A nuisance if ever I saw one’, utters one. ‘He brought the wrong crowd around the place’, says another. ‘Mermaids and other tropical varieties’! And with that, Padre Tom, the monk fish, rings the bell!!


Pray for our departed

John P Donovan, Strand Street

Thomas Scanlon buried during the week

Garry Deahl who died in Staten Island NY

Stephen O’Connor, Fahamore

Kit Cahillane, West Main Street


Pray for the sick of our parish Remember the sick of the parish in your prayers, those in hospital, nursing homes, those undergoing treatments, waiting for results of tests. Lord, may Your healing hand touch them


Intentions for this weekend

St. Mary’s

Sunday10.30am – Intention: John P Donovan, Strand Street


St. Brendan’s

Saturday Vigil 6.45pm – Intention - Mass for the people of the parish.