Sample Works Cited Page

Works Cited

Bloom, Harold, ed. "The Odyssey."The Odyssey, Bloom's Guides. New York: Chelsea House

Publishing, 2007.Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 25 Sept. 2014.


"Homer." Britannica School. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2014. Web. 25 Sep. 2014.


"Zeus."Zeus. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2014. <>.

The first entry listed above is from Facts on File. The second is from Encyclopedia Britannica Online. The third source is an Internet site citation created using


·  Works Cited should be the last page of your WebQuest. You may have to insert a page break between your last question to ensure your Works Cited is its own page.

·  Your Works Cited MUST have minimum 3 different sources listed.

·  ALL sources used in finding answers to the questions on WebQuest should have an entry on the Works Cited page.

·  Put all entries in a single list under the title Works Cited at the end of the report.

·  Double space (2 spaces) between the "Works Cited" title and the first entry.

·  Alphabetize your sources by the first letter of each entry.

·  No numbering

·  If an entry takes more than one line, indent the additional lines five spaces or one-half inch (1 tab). (Do not indent the first line; indent the second line, third line, etc. This is called Reverse Indentation.)

·  Use a period at the end of each entry.

·  Underline OR italicize the titles of works published independently--books, plays, long poems, pamphlets, periodicals, films.

·  Use quotation marks to indicate the titles of short works that appear in larger works.

·  Double-space EVERYTHING. (That means leave one blank line after every typed line.) If using Microsoft Word, you set this up with “Format”, “Paragraph”, “Line Spacing”, “Double” before you start typing your Works Cited page.

You can also use an online tool such as or to assist in completing citations:

If a database such as Encyclopedia Britannica or Fact of File is used as a source, the citation can be located on the article used in the database. You will only have to copy and paste the citation into your Works Cited page.