
1. This man was influenced by his studies at Salpetriere under Jean-Martin Charcot, who described physical diseases with neurological bases. His daughter Anna expanded on his theory of the defense mechanism, and he proposed the concept of the “death drive” in Beyond the Pleasure Principle. He theorized the psyche in terms of the superego, ego, and id, and he developed five stages of psychosexual development. For 10 points, name this Austrian psychologist and founder of psychoanalysis.
ANSWER: Sigmund Freud

2. The Legendre transform of internal energy to yield Helmholtz free energy involves the product of entropy and this quantity. Heat capacity, according to the Debye model, is proportional to the cube of this quantity, and the average kinetic energy of an ideal gas is three-halves times Boltzmann’s constant times this quantity. If it has a high value when changes in enthalpy and entropy are both positive, this quantity drives the spontaneity of a reaction. That is because change in Gibbs’ free energy is equal to change in enthalpy minus this times change in entropy. For 10 points, name this quantity measured in Kelvins.

ANSWER: temperature [accept T]

3. Both main characters in this painting wear colorful beaded necklaces, one with a small yellow cross. This painting includes a man in red by a church, and to the right of that man are a man carrying a sickle and an upside-down woman. One figure's ringed hand at the bottom holds a small green sprig with flowers, symbolizing a Tree of Life, and a large circle includes parts of the faces of the two main figures. A woman milking a goat is depicted on the cheek of another goat, who is looking at a green-faced peasant. For 10 points, name this painting by Marc Chagall depicting the rural town of his childhood.

ANSWER: I and the Village

4. In one novel by this author, the student Dyomka has his leg amputated against the advice of Asya, and another of this man's novels includes research done by Sologdin and refused by the mathematician Nerzhin. In addition to Cancer Ward and The First Circle, this man wrote a novel in which an orderly writes poetry and the Baptist Alyosha has been imprisoned for his religion. That novel also features the the title character's squad leader Tiurin, and this man also wrote an autobiographical work with a similar setting. For 10 points, name this Russian author of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and The Gulag Archipelago.

ANSWER: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

5. The losing side in this war won a rare land victory at Sphacteria under the leadership of Cleon. One event in this war was the destruction of an enemy fleet at Aegospotami by Lysander. The Peace of Nicias occurred during it, and Nicias would later lead a disastrous expedition after Alcibiades defected to the enemy. That expedition was an attempt to capture Syracuse. In the early stages of this war, a plague spread through one combatant, killing Pericles. One organization in this war was named for the island of Delos. For 10 points, name this war between the Athenians, the Spartans, and their respective allies.

ANSWER: Peloponnesian War

6. This character founded the Outsiders after quitting the Justice League, and a villain who broke this character’s back in the Knightfall storyline was hinted to be this character’s brother. This character acquired his most famous sidekick after that child’s parents were killed by Boss Zucco is a circus accident, and that sidekick, Richard Grayson, has since taken this role. A recent movie ends in a faceoff between Aaron Eckhart, as a scarred district attorney, and this character, played by Christian Bale. For 10 points, name this caped crusader and defender of Gotham City, a title most famously held by Bruce Wayne.

ANSWER: Batman [accept Bruce Wayne before mention; prompt on The Dark Knight or The Caped Crusader]

7. This man names a result stating that the order of every subgroup of a group must divide the order of that group, and he lends his name to the remainder of the Taylor series. This man also proved that every positive integer is the sum of four squares, and the difference between kinetic and potential energy serves as an alternative to the Hamiltonian in defining his namesake mechanics. He names factors termed lambda and mu which can be used to find the extrema of a function and are called his namesake multipliers. For 10 points, name this French mathematician who names a set of five points in space that are a solution to the three-body problem.
ANSWER: Joseph Louis Lagrange [accept Giuseppe Lodovico Lagrangia]

8. This figure has pure gold teeth and rescued a goddess's necklace by changing into a seal and fighting another figure who attempted to hide it under a reef. This figure's horse is Golltop, and he is a god of light. This member of the Aesir wields the sword Hofund and kills and is killed by Loki at Ragnarok. This god does not sleep and can hear grass grow, and the blowing of his horn begins Ragnarok. For 10 points, name this Norse god, the son of nine mothers who guards the rainbow bridge Bifrost.

ANSWER: Heimdallr

9. One work by this author describes the appearance of Porphyro on the title holiday and, in another, Hermes is assisted in his search for a nymph by the titular serpent. In addition to “Eve of St. Agnes” and “Lamia,” this author of “On First Looking into Chapman's Homer” also wrote a poem about a knight abandoned by the titular “La Belle Dame Sans Merci.” The title figure of another of this man's poems “wast not born for death” and another states that “Beauty is truth, truth beauty.” For 10 points, name this British Romantic poet of “Ode to a Nightingale” and “Ode on a Grecian Urn.”

ANSWER: John Keats

10. One of this organization's notable activities led to the deaths of Frank Clearwater and Lawrence Lamont, and occurred as a result of the corrupt regime of Dick Wilson and his GOON Squads. It split into several branches after the release of the Edgewood Declaration, and it was long led by Russell Means and the Bellecourts. It composed the Twenty Points during a campaign that ended with an occupation rife with vandalism of a Washington bureaucracy office building. This group organized the seizure of the Mayflower II and the Trail of Broken Treaties, as well as the occupation of Wounded Knee in 1973. For 10 points, name this civil rights group concerned with Native Americans.

ANSWER: American Indian Movement

11. This city includes a hill home to the Palau Nacional and the Font Màgica, both dating from the 1929 International Exposition, as well as a telecommunications tower designed by Santiago Calatrava. A central street running almost to the sea in this city is called La Rambla. It lies on the coast north of Tarragona, and Montjuïc is a large hill overlooking its harbor. The Torre Agbar, a multicolored monstrosity, is located here, but this city is more famous for the Parc Güell, Casa Milà, and another project by Antoni Gaudí whose Nativity façade was completed before his death, the Sagrada Familia. For 10 points, name this second-largest city of Spain which is part of Catalonia.

ANSWER: Barcelona

12. The bath employed by this process is stirred by magnetohydrodynamic flow and generally uses a mixture of sodium, calcium, and fluorides of the desired element. The more efficient method of this process uses solid carbon anodes and is called pre-baked. This process is often preceded by the Bayer process and originally used a cryolite bath in which alumina, now replaced by bauxite, was dissolved. For 10 points, name this doubly-eponymous industrial process that was discovered independently by an American and a Frenchman and is used in the production of aluminum.
ANSWER: Hall-Heroultprocess [prompt on partial answer]

13. In one novel by this author, the cook Berenice looks after the twelve-year-old protagonist, the younger sister of Jarvis and cousin of John Henry. This author also wrote a short story in which the hunchback Lymon is taken in by the wife of Marvin Macy and proprietor of a combination store and cafe, Amelia. In another work by this author of The Member of the Wedding, the idealistic Jake, Dr. Copeland, and Mick Kelly are among those who interact with a man who communicates in sign language with his friend Antonapoulos, the mute Mr. Singer. For 10 points, name this Southern author of “The Ballad of the Sad Cafe” and The Heart is a Lonely Hunter.

ANSWER: Carson McCullers [Accept Lula Carson Smith]

14. This concept was modified by Elliot Aronson with respect to effort, and in one experiment studying this concept partly conducted by Merrill Carlsmith, participants who were paid twenty dollars to perform a boring task stated that it was boring afterwards, while those paid only one dollar asserted that it was interesting. Discussed in relation to Marion Keech’s UFO cult in the book When Prophecy Fails, for 10 points, name this concept from psychology theorized by Leon Festinger, an experience resulting when a person holds contradictory beliefs.

ANSWER: Cognitive Dissonance

15. This war included a battle at Dorylaeum and a siege of Nicaea in its early stages, both of which weakened the Sultanate of Rum. One city besieged during it was captured after Bohemond of Taranto plotted with one of the besieged, and one leader, Baldwin, left the main contingent to conquer the region around Edessa. It began after the Byzantine ruler Alexius I Comnenus sought aid, and it caused the creation of Outremer. Before the main forces under Raymond of Toulouse and Godfrey of Bouillon had set out, the Seljuk Turks mauled the motley army of Peter the Hermit. It was prompted by a speech at the Council of Clermont, and did in fact conquer Jerusalem. For 10 points, name this crusade called for by Pope Urban II.

ANSWER: First Crusade

16. One scholar of this faith turned down a civil service position by comparing himself to a sacred turtle that would be better off dragging its tail through the mud than having its bones venerated. That scholar was Zhuangzi, and deities of this faith include the Three Purities, among who is the Jade Emperor, and the Eight Immortals. Concepts important to this religion include ch'i, de, or power, and wu wei, action through inaction, and the yin-yang is associated with it. For 10 points, name this Chinese religion whose text, translated “The Way and its Power,” is attributed to its founder, Laozi.
ANSWER: Daoism [accept word forms]

17. One suite by this composer includes a movement entitled Troika and depicts a fictional officer created in response to the Tsar misinterpreting a report. In addition to the Lieutenant Kije Suite, the piece Dance of the Knights is frequently excerpted from his ballet Romeo and Juliet. In another piece, an exchange between oboe and flute represents a quarrel between a bird and a duck, and the bassoon represents the grandfather of the title character. Writing that piece for a narrator and orchestra, for 10 points, name this Russian composer of Peter and the Wolf.

ANSWER: Sergei Prokofiev

18. Growth in these organisms occurs at the Spitzenkörper, a structure composed of microfilaments and vesicles. They can be either septate or coenocytic, depending on whether division of cytoplasm occurs. Some use haustoria to penetrate cell walls, and are often mutualistic growths on plant roots. One group of these organisms creates ascocarps to hold the spore-containing asci, while others possess basidia-tipped gills on their fruiting bodies. They are composed of hyphae, which have chitin in their cell walls and form a mycelium in their food source. For 10 points, name this saprophytic kingdom containing mushrooms.

ANSWER: Fungi [or Fungus]

19. One novel by an author from this country sees Vinicius convert to Christianity and escape to Sicily with Lygia. A poet from this country wrote a work in which the title character and his lover Zosia are members of the feuding Soplica and Horeszko families, its national epic, Pan Tadeusz. This home to the author of Quo Vadis? is the main setting of a work in which the narrator is given a job under the foreman Franek counting electrical parts after surviving the selection process led by Dr. Mengele, the autobiographical Night. For 10 points, name this native country of Henryk Sienkiewicz and Adam Mickiewicz, where Elie Wiesel was imprisoned in Auschwitz.

ANSWER: Republic of Poland

20. One war during this period included the Battle of Toba-Fushimi, after which ex-ruler Yoshinobu lost all power. That war included the founding of the breakaway Ezo Republic and was the Boshin War. Annoyed samurai were led by Saigo Takamuri in the Satsuma Rebellion during this period. It included the destruction of the han system of feudal domains. After it, a Constitution creating a legislative Diet was instituted, and it ended the Tokugawa Shogunate. For 10 points, name this period of Japanese history in which the namesake emperor regained de facto control of government.

ANSWER: Meiji Restoration [or Meiji Ishin, Meiji Revolution, Meiji Renewal, or similar terms; prompt on Meiji]

TB. One of this man's designs features a brick facade on one side and an abstract depiction of a waterfall on the other. In addition to Minneapolis' Weisman Art Museum, this man designed a namesake tower in Hannover, Germany. Another of this man's buildings was originally named Fred and Ginger before being renamed the Dancing House. Several of this architect's other buildings feature large steel curves, including music-related buildings in Seattle and Los Angeles. For 10 points, name this architect of the Experience Music Project, the Walt Disney Concert Hall, and the Bilbao Guggenheim.

ANSWER: Frank Gehry [accept Ephraim Goldberg]


1. Walter Benjamin’s The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction is an example of this literary form. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this literary form also exemplified by Jonathan Swift's satirical A Modest Proposal. Alexander Pope wrote ones “on Man” and “on Criticism.”
[10] Numerous essays were also written by this French feminist best known for her long treatise The Second Sex.
ANSWER: Simone de Beauvoir
[10] Essays is the generic name given to the collected works of this French philosopher. His essays include That to Study Philosophy Is to Learn to Die and Of Cannibals.
ANSWER: Michel de Montaigne

2. Jack Worthing's discovery as a baby in a railway station distresses Lady Bracknell in this play. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this Oscar Wilde play in which Jack and Algernon Moncrieff take the same pseudonym while wooing Gwendolyn and Cecily, respectively.

ANSWER: The Importance of Being Earnest

[10] In this play, Mrs. Erlynne, revealed to be the title character's mother, claims responsibility for the finding of the title object in Lord Darlington's apartment and becomes engaged to Lord Augustus.

ANSWER: Lady Windermere's Fan

[10] The title character of this only novel by Oscar Wilde is responsible for the death of Sibyl Vane, and the title object is painted by Basil Hallward.

ANSWER: The Picture of Dorian Gray

3.They formed “reductions” in South America to create self-sustaining communities of Christianized Indians. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this Catholic missionary order founded by Ignatius Loyola.

ANSWER: Jesuits [or Society of Jesus, or Societas Iesu]

[10] Many Jesuit reductions were in this modern-day country north of Argentina and south of Brazil, home to many Tupi-Guaraní Indians. It has Guaraní as an official language.

ANSWER: Republic of Paraguay

[10] Another Spanish priest who worked with Indians was this Dominican, the bishop of Chiapas. He spoke out against the awful situation of the natives under the encomienda system and wrote the History of the Indies.

ANSWER: Bartolomé de Las Casas, O.P.

4. For 10 points each, answer the following about the works of Arvo Part.

[10] Part wrote one of these called “Pokajanen” which is sung a capella in Church Slavonic. A famous one in D major was written by Johann Pachelbel.


[10] Part wrote a mass named for this German city, which has a Philharmonic orchestra currently conducted by Simon Rattle which achieved international prominence under Herbert von Karajan.

ANSWER: Berlin

[10] Part wrote a notable setting of the Stabat Mater, which was also treated by this Czech composer of Symphony “From the New World.”

ANSWER: Antonin Dvorak

5. Spectral class forms the x-axis of this graph, while its y-axis represents luminosity. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this diagram used in the classification of stars.
ANSWER: Hertzsprung–Russell diagram [accept HRD]
[10] These small, dense stars occupy the region of the HR diagram just below the Main Sequence. They are composed of electron-degenerate matter.
ANSWER: white dwarfs
[10] Protostars with mass less than 0.5 solar masses strictly follow this nearly vertical track towards the Main Sequence after reaching hydrostatic equilibrium.
ANSWER: Hayashi Track [do not accept “Heyney Track”]