Physics Teaching
Prof. Graziano Biraghi
–A knowledge of the main concepts of physics, through a historical pathway of evolution from classical physics to contemporary physics.
–A knowledge of the methodology of scientific discovery.
–An exploration of the most suitable ways for introducing Primary School pupils to an understanding of the facts of physics.
Part 1: We will look at the evolution of physics, from the mechanistic interpretation according to the laws of forces and movement formulated by Galileo and Newton, to the notion of electrical fluids in the shift between wave theory and corpuscular theory of light, in order to offer a study of the key concepts which emerge from the National Indications.
Part 2: An exploration of the elements of the theory of scientific discovery will lead us to outline aspects of methodology in physics teaching that are practicable and applicable to primary schools. This will lead to an outline of the most suitable teaching strategies for allowing children to develop their mental processesso that they can autonomously build upon scientific concepts and skills.
Compulsory reading
A. Einstein-L. Infeld, L’evoluzione della fisica, Ed. Universale Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2007.
D. Antiseri, Didattica delle scienze. Epistemologia, Armando Editore, Roma, 1999.
One of the following texts to be chosen:
F. Giudice, Isaac Newton, Scritti sulla luce e i colori, Bur Rizzoli, Milano, 2006.
A. Frova, Luce colore visione. Perché si vede ciò che si vede, Ed. BUR Scienza, Milano, 2006.
T. Andena, Insegnare con i concetti le scienze, F. Angeli, Milano, 2007.
G. Pelosi, Eureka, ISU Università Cattolica, Milano, 2006.
Lectures supplemented with slide and video projections. Discussions. Students may also make presentations on their own experiences.
The slides will be made available on the virtual classroom or on Blackboard. In order to facilitate distance learning, the discussions may also take place through the forum.
Interaction with students through the use of the forum on Blackboard.
The final assessment will take into account:
–Direct participation in class discussions.
–Students’ presentations of their experiences to the class.
–The oral exam, referring particularly to physics teaching experiences carried out by students themselves or covered in the set texts.
The “Teaching Units” prepared by students must be sent to the lecturer’s e-mail address at least three days prior to the exam or to the classroom presentation.
Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.