Juan Carlos Reina, Ph.D.
Houston Community College System
3100 Main Street, Suite 12E19, MC1763 8327 Waterbury Drive
Houston Community College Houston, Texas 77055
Houston, Texas 77002 (713) 464-4038 (home)
(713) 718-5225 (office) (832) 971-5045 (cell)
(713) 718-2030 (fax)
Austin College Physics BA 1972
Boston University Physics MA 1983
Boston University Physics Ph.D 1989
05/01/2009-Present Director of Academic Resource Development
Houston Community College System
3100 Main Street, 3rd Floor, Houston, Texas 77002
10/2003 – 04/31/2009 Title V Faculty Leadership Program Director
Houston Community College System
3100 Main Street, 3rd Floor, Houston, Texas 77002
08/2000 - Present Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Houston Community College System
1550 Foxlake Drive, Houston, Texas 77084
08/1997 – 2009 Adjunct Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Lone Star College-Kingwood, Kingwood, Texas
2000 Kingwood College Drive, Kingwood, Texas 77339
08/1993 – 10/2003 Research Associate and Lecturer in Physics and Astronomy
University of Houston, Department of Physics, Houston, TX
4800 Calhoun, Houston, Texas 77204
06/1990 – 05/1995 Assistant Professor of Physics
Department of Natural Sciences, University of Houston – Downtown
One Main Street, Houston, Texas 77002
01/1989 – 05/1990 Visiting Assistant Professor of Physics
Texas A & M University
4242 TAMU, College Station, Texas 77843-4242
05/1988 - 12/1988 Post-Doctoral Fellow
Center for Polymer Studies, Boston University, Boston, MA
590 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02215
09/1983 - 05/1988 Research Assistant
Center for Polymer Studies, Boston University, Boston, MA
590 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02215
01/1981 – 08/1983 Teaching Assistant
Physics Department, Boston University, Boston, MA
590 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02215
04/1973 – 08/1980 Assistant Professor of Physics
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Blv. Suyapa Ciudad Universitaria F.M., Tegucigalpa, MDC
1. “Panel on the Sterling Report of the Dept of Education. “, Bruce A. Austin, HCC Trustee;
Richard M. Schechter, HCC Trustee; Alan Ainsworth, HCC English Prof.; J.C. Reina, HCC
Physics Prof.; HCC Faculty Conference, Houston, Texas, January 2008.
2. “Bridge Courses for Developmental Math Course Redesign,” Timor Sever, HCC Math Prof. J.C.
Reina, Physics Prof.; National Center for Academic Transformation (NCAT) Annual Conference,
Orlando, Florida, November 2007.
3. “Master Courses for Distance Education” National Institute for Staff and Educational
Development (NISOD) Annual Conference, Austin, Texas, May 2007.
4. “Math Initiatives at Houston Community College.” J.C. Reina, HCC Title VFLP Director, Bill
Echols, HCC Math Prof.; Lynette Hickmann, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Spring
2007 Title V “Math Awareness and Curriculum Alignment”, Houston, Texas, May 2007.
1. “Houston Pathways” $1.6 M funded by the Houston Endowment, Principal Investigators: Juan Carlos Reina, Project Director, HCC; Dr. Charles Cook, HCC; David Wagner, Assistant Commissioner Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB); Dr. Brad Phillips, Director Cal-PASS; Dr. Catherine O’Brien, Dean Instruction San Jacinto Community College. A partnership of HCC, THECB, San Jacinto Community College, Cal-PASS to obtain and analyze student data from most of Houston independent school districts, community colleges and the University of Houston System.
2. NASA Space Telescope Science Institute, Grant HST-ED-90315.01-A $50,000; “Estrellas
Asombrosas” Principal Investigator (PI): J.C. Reina; A partnership with Houston PBS, Channel 8,
to create bilingual video segments relating science, astronomy and culture. August 2007.
3. National Science Foundation, Grant award AST-0721742 - $517, 000.00; Texas Observatory for
Remote Research and Education, (TORRE); PI: Chris Johns-Krull, Physics & astronomy Prof.
Rice University, Co-PI: J.C. Reina, HCC Physics & Astronomy Prof; A partnership with Rice U.
and UT-Austin, to rebuild a 30 inch. telescope at the McDonald Observatory, Fort Davis, Texas.
September 2007.
5. US. Department of Education, Title V, Grant P313030010- $2,677,000; “Faculty Leadership
Program; PI: J.C. Reina. A cooperative agreement with the University of Houston-Downtown and
Houston ISDs to develop workshops, conferences to prepare students for college in the areas of
math, science and English. Houston, Texas, September 2003.
6. Science Challenge Program, A NASA Education Programs Grant-$150,000. PI: Carlos Garcia,
Dean of Academic HCC NW; Co-PI: J.C. Reina, HCC Physics Prof. A project to increase the
number of students enrolled in science, math and engineering. Houston, Texas, May 2001.
1. Eagle Entrepreneurial Award, Houston Community College Chancellor’s Award, June, 2006.JOURNAL
1. Izumi, Nishio, J.C. Reina, R. Bansil, “Quasielastic Light Scattering: Probe Diffusion in Polymer Gels;” Physical Review Letters, 19, 3124 (1989).
2. C. Knovak, J.C. Reina, R. Bansil, “Temperate Dependence of Probe Diffusion in Solution and Gels;” Polymer Journal, 35, 1256 (1993).
Board Member Institute of Hispanic Culture, Houston, Texas.
Creator and Host, "Astronomy Spoken Here" Television Program, HCC-TV
American Physical Society
American Astronomical Society
American Hispanic Physicist Society
Houston Astronomical Society
North Houston Astronomy Club
Dynamic Light Scattering
Raman Spectroscopy
Polymer and Gel Visco-elastic properties measurements
Argon-ion laser operation and maintenance
Electronic troubleshooting
Telescope operation and maintenance