Associate Deans and Academic Support Group Meeting

June 17, 2008

8:30 am – 10:00 am

CU 299

Present: Laura Goodwin, Sara Potter, John Lanning, Linda Brooker, Ellen Stevens, JC Bosch, Teri Burleson, Lissa Gallagher, Roxanne Byrne, Danielle Zieg, Cliff Young, Clark Strickland, Frank Sanchez, EJ Yoder, Tammy Stone, Linda deLeon, Rene Galindo, Catherine Worster, Steve Kriziman, Danielle Zieg, Paul Rakowski, Zen Camacho, Peggy Lore, Christine Stroup-Benham, Bob Tolsma, Fred Manly (for Aaron Wishon)

Guests: Lynn Mason

The minutes from the 5.20.08 meeting were approved.

Calendar Items: No calendar items were presented

Announcements: No announcements were presented.


·  Fall Enrollment: Frank distributed a handout showing fall 2008 enrollment numbers to date, compared to fall 2007 numbers. Frank will continue to update the group with changing enrollment numbers.

·  SIS Conversion Issue: Teri Burleson discussed a data issue related to the conversion of SIS to Campus Solutions. The title field for independent study, internship, dissertation, and thesis can only allow 29 characters. She asked the group for opinions regarding continuing to use processing forms vs. automating the process with individualized permission numbers for students.

Next Steps: Teri will email the group a summary of the options this week and ask for feedback. She will discuss the issues with the AMC group, Academic and Student Affairs Leadership Committee (ASAL), too.

Discussion Items:

1.  Draft Web Publishing Policy (attachment): Steve and Bob discussed the latest version of the draft policy. Steve said that the role and the membership of the Communications Advisory Council (CAC) has been clearly identified, as well as the relationship of the policy to the practices and procedures document. Bob said that the CAC has formed a sub-committee to outline guidelines for use of URLs on certain websites as well as other concerns about the websites.

Next Steps: Steve and Bob asked for feedback by July 1st. They will present the draft policy to the ASAL group soon, and then provide both groups with a final version. The final version will also be sent to the Deans.

2.  Draft UCD Student Fee Plan (attachment): Lynn Mason discussed the draft plan and the next steps for moving the draft along. He still needs feedback from the downtown campus and clarification of the program fees. Some questions and concerns were raised:

o  What are the roles and responsibilities of the Executive Student Fee Review Board?

o  When are student votes required?

o  How are students selected or elected to the school/college advisory groups that might vote on fees?

o  The CCHE statute states that program fees apply to costs for instruction related to specific courses.

Next Steps: Lynn asked for feedback, which he will take to his committee for discussion. He will draft a revised plan and present it to student governance groups and to AD/ASG and ASAL future meetings this fall. The goal is to have a new policy in place by October 2008.

3.  Missing Grades: Teri and Frank discussed the high numbers of missing and lost grade sheets:

·  Teri’s office had to manually duplicate 78 grade sheets this spring semester.

·  Her office also receives many incomplete grade sheets.

·  Some faculty members are sending grades via e-mail, which is not appropriate.

·  Rox volunteered to take this issue to EPPC in the fall.

·  Frank will follow up with Manuel Rupe regarding the legal implications of missing and lost grade sheets.

·  Frank and Teri will refine grade reports for the Deans.

Information Items: Summer Meeting Schedule – July 1, July 15, August 5, August 19