Institutional Effectiveness Committee

September 19, 2003

9 a.m. – Founders Room

Members Present: Jay Driver, Phil Anderson, Julie Johnson, Gail Platt, Larry Nichols, Denny Barnes, Rob Blair, Marla Cottenoir, Stephanie Jones, Frances Cotton, Rafael Aguilera, Dick Shannon, Mark Miller, Kimbra Quinn, Rita Quinonez, David Conner, Lee Cox, Tim Winders, Dane Dewbre, Cary Marrow, Jeri Ann Dewbre, Kelvin Sharp, Dick Walsh, Jack Wardlow, Stephen John

Members Absent: Teresa Green, Frances Coats

The Institutional Effectiveness Committee met 9 a.m. September 19, 2003 in the Founders Room. Following an introduction of members, the following agenda items were discussed.

Review of Committee Purpose: Members reviewed and IE Committee’s purpose as approved by the Administrative Council. The committee has been charged with the responsibility to assure the systematic integration of planning and evaluation at all levels; to coordinate the collection, analysis and distribution of data useful for planning and decision-making; to develop and monitor outcome measures of institutional effectiveness; and to facilitate and monitor compliance with SACS accreditation criteria.

Review of Institutional Effectiveness Plan: The Institutional Effectiveness Plan approved by the Administrative Council was presented to members. Discussion on the plan was conducted and questions were answered. The plan addresses five initiatives the committee is being asked to address during 2003-2004 as follows:

  • Develop and adopt a departmental planning model that is simple, is clearly communicated and understood by users, and is based on the plan, do, check, act model of the quality improvement process.
  • Evaluate and modify if necessary the planning and budget cycle so that both are interrelated and systematic.
  • Establish an Institutional Purpose Task Force to evaluate the college’s Statement of Purpose in light of its current mission, role and scope.
  • Evaluate and modify as necessary the college’s system of assessment and outcome-based performance.
  • Evaluate and modify as necessary the Employee Survey.

Organization of IE Subcommittees to address plan initiatives: Four subcommittees were organized and charged with implementing the initiatives of he IE Plan. These committees and membership included:

Planning Processes Subcommittee, Larry Nichols (Chair). Stephanie Jones, Marla Cottenoir, Cary Marrow, Lee Cox

Institutional Mission Subcommittee, Julie Johnson and Phil Anderson (Co-Chairs), Kimbra Quinn, Mark Miller, Dane Dewbre, Frances Coats

Assessment and Outcomes Subcommittee, Gail Platt (Chair), Jay Driver, Rob Blair, Rafael Aguilera, David Conner, Denny Barnes, Rita Quinonez, Kelvin Sharp

Employee Survey Subcommittee, Jeri Ann Dewbre (Chair), Teresa Green, Frances Cotton, Tim Winders, Dick Shannon, Jack Wardlow, Dick Walsh.

Subcommittees were directed to meet and develop an action plan and timeline for addressing their assigned initiatives. Groups are to report progress at next meeting Oct. 31.

Review Proposed Planning Format Model: The proposed new planning format was presented for review by the committee and feedback. The Planning Processes Subcommittee will continue to review and evaluate the format model.

Next Planned Meeting: Friday, Oct. 31, 9 a.m., Founders Room

Action Plan


Schedule Subcommittee MeetingSubcommittee ChairsBefore Oct. 31

Meeting Adjourned: 10:30 p.m.

IEC Committee Meeting, 9/19/031