SAT Vocabulary: Unit One- Negotiation

1.  Accede: to give one’s consent

2.  Arbitrator: A person chosen to settle an issue between two parties

3.  Concord: Harmony or agreement of interests and feelings

4.  Intractable: Difficult to manage; stubborn

5.  Obdurate: Not giving in to persuasion.

6.  Obsequious: full or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning

7.  Obstinate: Stubbornly adhering to an attitude

8.  Oscillate: To waver between conflicting sides

9.  Reciprocity: A cooperative exchange of favors or privileges

10.  Resolute: Firm or determined

SAT Vocabulary: Unit Two-Moods and Dispositions

1.  Ambivalence: uncertainty as to which course to follow

2.  Amorous: Strongly attracted or disposed to love

3.  Taciturn: Habitually untalkative

4.  Apathy: Lack of emotion or feeling

5.  Despondent: dejected

6.  Euphoria: A feeling of great happiness

7.  Indifferent: Having no marked feeling for or against

8.  Lachrymose: Weeping; tearful

9.  Resilient: Marked by the ability to recover quickly

10.  Timorous: Timid

SAT Vocabulary: Unit Three-Money, Money, Money

1.  Abscond: to leave quickly and to hide oneself; often to avoid prosecution

2.  Affluent: generously supplied with possessions

3.  Copious: yielding or containing plenty

4.  Destitute: Completely impoverished

5.  Impecunious: Lacking money, penniless

6.  Modicum: A small, moderate amount

7.  Ostentatious: Pretentious

8.  Pecuniary: Of or relating to money

9.  Penury: Extreme want or poverty

SAT Vocabulary: Unit Four-Speaking of Words

1.  Aphorism: a tersely phrased statement of truth or opinion

2.  Colloquial: Characteristic of or appropriate to the spoken language; informal

3.  Misnomer: an error in naming a person or place

4.  Malapropism: ludicrous misuse of a word

5.  Neologism: a new word or expression

6.  Obfuscate: to make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to understand

7.  Recondite: not easily understood; abstruse

8.  Succinct: characterized by clear, precise expression in few words; concise and terse

9.  Terse: brief and to the point

10.  Verbose: using or containing an excessive amount of words; wordy

SAT Vocabulary: Unit Five-Bad Reputations

1.  Ignoble: Not noble in quality, character, or purpose

2.  Licentious: lacking moral discipline or ignoring legal restraint.

3.  Malevolent: having or exhibiting ill-will

4.  Malicious: deliberately harmful

5.  Miscreant: a villain

6.  Nefarious: infamous by being wicked

7.  Notoriety: ill fame

8.  Pugnacious: combative in nature; belligerent

9.  Reprehensible: blameworthy

10.  Ruffian: a tough or rowdy person

SAT Vocabulary: Unit Six-Admirable Traits and Tendencies

1.  Affable: easily approachable

2.  Benignant: favorable, beneficial

3.  Genial: having a pleasant or friendly disposition

4.  Judicious: having or exhibiting sound judgment

5.  Magnanimous: courageously noble in mind and heart

6.  Munificent: generous

7.  Philanthropic: organized to provide humanitarian assistance

8.  Sang-froid: coolness and composure especially in trying circumstances

9.  Prudent: wise in handling practical matters

10.  Unflappable: persistently calm; not easily upset or excited

SAT Vocabulary: Unit Seven-Conflict

1.  Acrimonious: bitter and sharp in language

2.  Cataclysm: a violent upheaval that causes great destruction

3.  Contentious: given to contention; quarrelsome

4.  Discordant: not being in accord; conflicting

5.  Imbroglio: a difficult or intricate situation

6.  Indomitable: incapable of being overcome, subdued, or vanquished

7.  Rectify: to set right

8.  Trenchant: forceful, effective, and vigorous

9.  Truculence: a disposition or apparent disposition to fight

10.  Vexation: the act of annoying, irritating, or vexing

SAT Vocabulary: Unit Eight-Shapes, Locations, and Physical Qualities

1.  Amorphous: lacking definite form; shapeless

2.  Apogee: the apex or highest point

3.  Malleable: capable of being shaped or formed

4.  Nebulous: cloudy, misty, or hazy

5.  Tenuous: long and thin; slender

6.  Pellucid: admitting the passage of light; transparent

7.  Immutable: not subject to change

8.  Protean: readily taking on various forms or meanings

9.  Nadir: The lowest point

10.  Zenith: the highest point above the observer’s horizon attained by a celestial body

SAT Vocabulary: Unit Nine-Nature

1.  Acclivity: An upward slope

2.  Arable: fit for cultivation

3.  Arboreal: relating to or resembling a tree

4.  Archipelago: a large group of islands

5.  Bucolic: characteristic of the countryside, rustic

6.  Fallow: plowed but left unseeded during growing seasons

7.  Grotto: a small cave or cavern

8.  Subterranean: situated or operating beneath the earth

9.  Terrestrial: of or relating to the earth

10.  Verdant: green with vegetation

SAT Vocabulary: Unit Ten-Seemingly Supernatural

1.  Apparition: a ghostly figure

2.  Augury: a sign of something coming; an omen

3.  Clairvoyant: having the supposed power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses

4.  Doppelganger: a ghostly double of a living person

5.  Ominous: of or being an omen; especially an evil one

6.  Portentous: of the nature or constituting a portent; foreboding

7.  Presage: an indication or warning of future occurrence

8.  Telepathic: communication through means other than the senses

9.  Uncanny: peculiarly unsettling