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CP/RES. 977 (1772/10) corr. 1
30 September 2010
Original: Spanish
CP/RES. 977 (1772/10)
(Presented by the delegations of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, CARICOM, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, El Salvador, United States, Guatemala, Mexico,Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Venezuela)
(Approved at the special session held on September 30, 2010)
HAVING HEARD the presentation by the Permanent Representative of Ecuador on the current situation in the country, which threatens the democratic order, institutional democratic system and the rule of law in Ecuador;
UNDERSCORING the provisions of the Charter of the Organization of American States and the provisions of the Inter-American Democratic Charter with respect to the strengthening and preservation of the democratic institutional system;
CONCERNED about acts of violence against the physical safety and challenges to the Constitutional President of the Republic of Ecuador Rafael Correa Delgado;
MINDFUL of the commitment by the inter-American system to safeguard on a permanent basis the stability of the democratic institutions of its member states and full respect for human rights in the Hemisphere; and
REAFFIRMING that the strengthening and preservation of democratic order, the institutional system, and the rule of law in the member states is an essential purpose of the Organization, which calls for hemispheric solidarity,
- To repudiate any attempt to alter the democratic institutional system in Ecuador.
- To firmly support the Republic of Ecuador and the government of President Rafael Correa Delgado in its obligation to preserve the institutional democratic order and the rule of law.
- To make a strong appeal to Ecuador’s law enforcement personnel, as well as to the political and social sectors to avoid all actsof violence and other acts that could further exacerbate a situation of political instability, threatening the established democratic order, freedom from social unrest, and public security.
- To request the Government of Ecuador to continue reporting on developments in that country in order to take appropriate measures to strengthen and preserve the democratic institutional system.
- To ask the Secretary General to offer the Organization’s full cooperation, at the request of the Government of Ecuador, to preserve the democratic institutional system in that country.