Subject: English Course: English Studies

Module: English and the media.

Total Weighting: 25% Components: How texts convey meaning/Viewing/Using language.

Date Assigned: 5/3/15 Date Due: 23/3/15

Task description:

You will view a film text in class on Thursday, March 5 2015.

You will be required to submit a written response by the due date that analyses the way that the actions of the characters in the film text act as barriers to transferring accurate, honest information. You will do this by responding to the following question in the form of an essay:

How do the unethical practices displayed in the Frontline episode “Smaller Fish to Fry” act as barriers to accurate, honest journalism?

The episode can be found at URL:

Your essay should use specific evidence from the film text to support your argument and be no less than 600 words.

Outcomes addressed:

• P1.2 Explores the ideas and values of the texts

• P2.2 Demonstrates skills in expression in English at an appropriate level of accuracy and fluency to enrich their personal lives and to provide a sound basis for current and future education, careers and citizenship.

• P3.1 Recognises a range of purposes for and contexts in which language is used and the appropriate text forms, vocabulary, style and tone when writing and speaking for those purposes

• P3.2 Recognises a range of audiences and the appropriate text forms, vocabulary, style and tone when writing and speaking for those audiences

• P4.2 Works effectively, both as an individual and within a group, to locate and communicate information and ideas related to a variety of topics

Criteria for assessment:

You will be assessed on:

• Your strong understanding of ethical media practice.

• A clear and insightful argument that answers the question in detail.

• Adeptly selected and well-incorporated use of evidence.

• A cohesive, well-edited essay that displays skillful language.

Note: Late submission penalties will apply as per conditions outlined in your assessment manual.

Head Teacher: Coordinating Teacher:


Crit Marking Criteria / Marks Mark
·  Strong understanding of ethical media practice.
·  Clear and insightful argument that answers the question in detail.
·  Adeptly selected and well-incorporated use of evidence.
·  A cohesive, well-edited essay that displays skillful language. / 17 – 15-13
·  Sound understanding of ethical media practice.
·  Clear argument that answers the question in detail.
·  Appropriately selected and well-incorporated use of evidence.
·  A cohesive, well-edited essay with effective language. / 13 – 1 12-10
·  Adequate understanding of ethical media practice.
·  Satisfactory argument that answers the question in detail.
·  Appropriately selected evidence.
·  A sound argument that might contain inconsistencies. / D 9-7
·  Limited understanding of ethical media practice.
·  Limited or truncated treatment of the question.
·  Poorly selected –and/or lack of - evidence.
·  Weak argument with inconsistent language. / K 6-4
·  Attempts to explore the question and/or the idea of media ethics.
·  Attempts to construct and extended response with elementary language. / cc
Non – attempt


DATE: ______

COMMENT: ______