Repairs Working Group:

Terms of Reference

1. Aims and Objectives

1.1 To operate on behalf of tenants and leaseholders, to ensure that the Asset Management & Property Services directorate provides a repairs service that meet residents’ needs and are of the highest standard

1.2 To monitor the performance of Responsive Repairs. Capital Works and Planned Preventative Maintenance (also known as Major Works)

1.3 To work with officers to cascade the flow of information relating to repairs and major works to TRA’s and residents

1.4To provide an opportunity for tenants and leaseholders to challenge and question Council officers and contractors to enable continuous improvement to the repairs service

2.The Role of the Repairs Working Group

2.1 Monitor and review performance targets for repairs and major works

2.2Examine the evidence of good and bad practice, and make recommendations for serviceimprovements including giving clear, accurate and advance notification of consultations and information on Capital Works and Planned preventative Maintenance to tenants and leaseholders

2.3 Monitor repairs and major works programme updates

2.4 Monitor the effectiveness of the consultation process across the spectrum of Responsive repairs, Capital Works and planned preventative Maintenance

2.5 In conjunction with Council officers to inform other tenants and leaseholders what the Repairs Working Group is doing and encourage them to getinvolved

2.6 Determine the need to establish sub groups for specific pieces of work as and when required


Membership of the Repairs Working Group is open to all residents living in property managed or leased from the Council. Membership is subject to the following conditions:

3.1 Members of the Repairs Working Groupare appointed by the group to serve a minimum of two years

3.2 Members of the Repairs Working Group will be eligible to reapply and if reappointed may serve further two years terms subject to 3.1

3.3 A willingness/commitment to undertake training for the role

3.4 A willingness/commitment to set aside the time necessary to attend meetings, sub groups and training; failure to comply may lead toa member being asked to leave the group

3.5 An expectation that members will read previous meeting minutes and other related documents prior to the following meeting

3.6A commitment to abide by the Code of Conduct and respect confidentiality of the group and sign a confidentiality agreement prior to joining the group

3.7 In accordance with Health & Safety procedure all members will wear ID badges provided by the Council when attending meetings

4.Equalities & Diversity

4.1 The Council believes in a fair society that gives everyone an equal chance to learn, work and live free from discrimination, harassment and prejudice; that the diversity of our community is an asset to our borough; in fighting against discrimination

4.2 The Council is committed to equal opportunities policies and action to ensure that its employees and the people it serves are not discriminated against on the basis of their age, class, disability, employment status, ethnic or national origins, race or colour, HIV status, marital status, religious or political beliefs, responsibilities for children or dependants, sex, sexuality, trade union activities and unrelated criminal convictions

4.3 Members must sign and abide by the Code of Conduct which undertakes to deal firmly and promptly with any cases of discrimination, harassment or prejudice

4.4 Members must undertake mandatory Equality and Diversity training

5.Frequency of Meetings

5.1 The Repairs Working Group will normally meet on the second Wednesday of the month with a minimum of 10 meetings peryear


6.1The Repairs Working Group shall have a maximum of 12 members.

A quorum will be at least 50% of members. Inquorate meetings should be noted and decisions ratified atthe next quorate meeting

7.Officer Support and Meeting Space

7.1 The Repairs Working Groupwill be provided with officer support to ensure liaison with the Council and to co-ordinate the group’s activities

7.2 Accurate minute taking will be provided by LBHF Housing Department or the partnering contractor as agreed by the groupand will be produced in draft within 5 working days following a group meeting

7.3 The Repairs Working Group will be provided with suitable meeting rooms, including refreshments and access to facilities

8.Chairing of meetings

8.1 The Repairs Working Group will elect a Chair and Vice Chair annually in January, who may represent the group at other meetings

8.2 The Vice Chair may deputise in the Chairs absence

9.Attendees of Meetings

9.1 In addition to the Repairs Working Group members the Council’s Principle Manager of Operations and Engineering or their representative and MITIE’s Senior Partnering Manager or their representative are expected to attend all meetings

9.2 Relevant guests may be invited to attend as required by the Repairs Working Group

9.3 Non participating observers may attend as agreed by the Repairs Working Group members at the previous meeting or at the discretion of the Chair after consultation with the group

9.4 Requests to attend by Councillors or officers should be put in writing to the Chair to be agreed by the group

10.Programme of Work

10.1 The Repairs Working Groupwill identify and develop an initial programme of work andreview this on a quarterly basis. The priority areas for review will bedecided using feedback from all available information, including:

  • Performance reports
  • Reports from officers and other parts of the involvement structure
  • Contract reviews
  • Resident surveys
  • Repair and project complaints
  • Repairs Working Group web pages

11.Accountability to Residents

11.1 The Repairs Working Group will refer to a wide range of formal and informal sources toinform its work programme and priorities

11.2 The minutes and all reports etc of the Repairs Working Groupwill be published on the council’sweb site and to any resident on request

12. Accountability to/from the Repairs Working Group andAsset Management and Property Services

12.1All recommendations of the Repairs Working Groupwill be presented in the form of a written report directly to theHead of Operations who will agree an action plan

12.2 In the event of the Repairs Working Groupbeing dissatisfied with the action plan, the Repairs Working Groupmay write to the Director of Housingsetting out its concerns. The Director will take account of theconcerns and meet with the Repairs Working Group at a mutually convenient datewithin 21 days where they will provide the Repairs Working Group with a response. If theRepairs Working Group remains dissatisfied it may take its concerns to the Cabinet Member for Housing

12.3 In the event of the council having concerns about Repairs Working Group compliance with these Terms of Reference, representatives from the councilwill meet with the Repairs Working Groupat the next scheduledmeeting (subject to14 days notice in advance of the meeting) to raise theseconcerns and establish a joint agreement to ensure that the RWG complies with these Terms of Reference

13.Budget and Expenses

13.1 The council will consult with the Repairs WorkingGroup and negotiate a budget tosupport the group to operate effectively. An annual budget will beagreed by the Director of Housing

13.2 Expenses will be paid in line with the Council’s Resident Involvement Structure guidelines

13.3 The Repairs Working Group will determine the Repairs Working Group budget spend by agreement at a group meeting. The spend is to be clearly minuted and actioned by the Resident Involvement Team within the timescale specified in the minutes


14.1 All members will undertake an induction programme and training andcapacity building requirements will be assessed. A training programme willbe negotiated with the Repairs Working Group and will bedeveloped, delivered and regularly reviewed. A budget for training will beincorporated into the annual Repairs Working Group budget as above

15.Evaluation of Repairs Working Group Activities

15.1 The work of the Repairs Working Group will be subject to an annual impactreview by the Housing Representative Forum

16.Recruitment and Succession

16.1 Repairs Working Group members will be recruited via the Council’s Resident Involvement Structure

16.2 In the event of a Repairs Working Group member failing to attend 3 consecutive meetingswithout good reason, they will be deemed to have resigned, unless otherwiseagreed by the group. Their place will be filled via the recruitment process

Version 4; 14th June 2106