Housing and Interiors

Identify housing needs for specific stages of the life cycle.

According to researchers, most families will follow eight fairly predictable patterns as they grow and develop. While the cycle may vary, there are general family life cycle trends. Just as families grow and change, so do their housing needs.

Life Stage / Name of Stage / Description
Stage 1 / Newly Married / No children, not much money (if young at time of marriage), possibly more money if older at time of marriage, may have pets, busy with job and friends.
Stage 2 / Childbearing Years / Couple with infants and toddlers, one parent may stay at home and not work, other parent might have to work long hours to support. Possibly, both work outside the home and child(ren) spend time in daycare. Consider home’s safety.
Stage 3 / Preschool Years / Couple with oldest child between 3 and 6 years, children have friends over sometimes, family activities are important, children need play space.
Stage 4 / School Age / Couple with oldest child between 6 and 13 years, family is busy with children’s activities. Both parents may work. Children have opinions about their space.
Stage 5 / Adolescent Years / Couple with oldest child between 13 and 18 years, family is busy with children’s activities, children may have jobs or sports and be gone a lot, household can be pretty noisy.
Stage 6 / Launching Years / The time when the oldest child leaves home until the last child leaves home. Money can be tight if family is helping children pay for college, as children leave home there is more space for the family that is left.
Stage 7 / Middle Age / The time when the children leave home until the couple retires. Couple has more time to travel and participate in their own hobbies. Children may come home to visit. Grandchildren start to expand the family.
Stage 8 / Retirement / The time from retirement until death of both spouses. Health problems might start to occur, money can be a problem. There may only be one spouse to do all the maintenance in and around the home. Couple may choose to move to a new area.

The class will be divided into 8 groups. Each group will have a piece of typing paper and markers. Each group will be assigned a life stage.

Directions: Your group will create a small poster that shows the following:

  • Name of the Life Stage
  • A drawing of the house
  • 4 Specific Characteristics about the home that makes it perfect for a family in this life stage
  • Identify if the family Renting the home or are they Buying it?
  • Identify if the home is a Multi or Single family residence?

Your group may be asked to present your ideas to the class and hang the poster in the classroom or hallway for public viewing.