Updated January 2018
Please read these instructions completely and carefully to minimise any delays in processing your submitted application. If any of the items listed is not included, your application will be returned.
1.You must have both HETV approval (and GMC approval through the Royal College if you want any OOP time to count towards your CCT) confirmed in writing before you can leave the programme.
- Please type all information, then print off for hard copy signing by yourself, and the other relevant signatories. You should send this paper copy to HETV by ‘signed for’ delivery, or deliver in person to your Specialty School Manager.
- Please indicate clearly which single option you wish to apply for, noting that at least THREE MONTHS notice must be given. Ideally, longer notice would be given.
a.Out of Programme Clinical Experience (OOPE)
b.Out of Programme Experience for Training (OOPT)
c.Out of Programme Experience for Research (OOPR)
d.Out of Programme for Career Break (OOPC)
e.Out of Programme – “Acting Up to Consultant” (AUC)
f.Out of Programme – Extension to current OOP
- Please confirm that you currently have an Outcome 1 from your most recent ARCP if you are applying for OOPR, OOPT or OOPE, or an Outcome 8 for those alreadyundertaking OOPR or OOPE.
You can take OOPC with any outcome
IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR ACF TRAINEESThe ACF appointment will cease if a period of OOPisundertaken. This is because the ACF post is deemed to have fulfilled its purpose. ACFs who do take OOP will return to a full-time clinical training post. Please also refer to OOP Guidelines for further details concerning ACFs in Core Medical Training. For ACF’s taking a Career Break, please refer to your Specialty School for guidance.
Applicants seeking EXTENSION TO OOP only
Please note any extension of Out of Programme should be made in a written request to the Training Programme Director and MUST then be submitted for written approval of the Postgraduate Dean giving a minimum of 3 months’notice before the agreed return date. Reasons must be given why the extension is required.
Please submit Educational/Clinical or Research Supervisor’s Report of Progress to support extension of application – not required for OOPC / Yes / No
PAPERWORK START DATE: / Office use only
The following must be included with your application for out of programme leave from your Specialist Registrar/Specialist Trainee training programme. Without the details below the Postgraduate Dean and the GMC* will notbe able to consider your request:-
Please note the General Medical Council cannot accept applications from individual trainees or Colleges/SACs/Faculties
ALL APPLICANTS – Please confirm that you have completed the following sections, attached any correspondence from your Royal College, and that all the relevant endorsements have been provided. / CONFIRMProposed leave - Dates
Written details of research/ clinical training
Source of funding
Written Support from
Consultant Supervisor
Programme Director
Head of School
Letter from Royal College/Faculty Training Committee confirming provisional prospective approval of the placement OR letter from host organisation/ HE Thames Valley confirming GMC approval of the placement.
(NB A signed “provisionally agreed” copy of the OOPE form will only be provided for those Colleges who require a HE Thames Valley signed form before they can produce a College letter of support.)
If you require your time out of programme to count towards your CCT written College confirmation of educational credit for proposed time to be spent out of programme MUST ACCOMPANY THISAPPLICATION. Please attach a copy of the correspondence from the College confirming they approve your Out of Programme time.
Signature of trainee:
Signature of Education Supervisor
Signature of Training Programme Director
Signature of Head of School
Once you are satisfied that every section is complete, and any documentation from your College to support the application is available, please send to your Specialty School Manager at HETV. 1. You should send this paper copy to HETV by ‘signed for’ delivery, or deliver in person to your Specialty School Manager.
Thames Valley House, 4630 Kingsgate, Oxford Business Park South,Oxford
I am requesting approval from the Postgraduate Dean’s office to undertake time out of programme described below/continue on my currentOut of Programme (delete one) whilst retaining my training number. I understand that all the points listed below apply to me:
- If I do NOT submit all the required documentation in a timely manner as stated above, my application will NOT be considered.
- A total of three years out of my clinical training programme will normally be the maximum time allowed out of programme (one year for GP Specialty Trainees).
- I understand that any extension to this application will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances and will require a further written approval from the Postgraduate Dean.
- I agree to liaise closely with my Training Programme Director and Specialty School Manager so that my re-entry into the clinical programme can be facilitated. I am aware that at least 3 months’ notice must be given of the date that I intend on returning to the clinical programme and that the placement will depend on availability at that time. I understand that I may have to wait for a placement.
- I agree to return an annual Form R for each year that I am out of programme for consideration by the annual review panel. This will need to be accompanied by an assessment report of my progress in my research or clinical placement. Failure to do this may result in the loss of my National Training Number.
- I have completed a Whole Scope of Practice form if relevant, which covers my entire scope of practice including locum and other wider work as a doctor which is NOT part ofmy training programme. I can provide evidence that I am satisfying the GMC domains across that scope of practice. This form must be signed by your Educational or Research Supervisor.
- Approval from the Training Programme Director is not approval to go Out of Programme and if I commence Out of Programme without prior approval from HE Thames Valley or GMC, disciplinary action may be taken by my employer.
- I am aware that if I have not been providing any clinical care during my Out of Programme, I will need to undertake a return to practice programme on return to training.
- I agree to give at least 3 months’ notice to the Postgraduate Dean and to my employer before my time out of programme can commence.
- I have read and understand the implications in respect of maintaining my pension contributions whilst I am out of programme.
- I understand that whilst I am out of programme and not in a training post, I am not entitled to receive relocation expenses.
- I understand that I am not entitled to study leave from Health Education Thames Valley when not in a funded training post.
Signature of trainee:Date:
The following sections must be completed by the applicant and all other parties before submission to HETV
TRAINEE to complete in fullName:
Date of Birth: / GMC No:
Training NTN No: / ACF / Yes/No
Speciality: / Sub-Specialty (if applicable)
Current Placement:
Grade/Year of training: e.g. CT stage (CT1 or CT2) or ST stage (eg ST3)
Current Hospital/Trust/GP Surgery
Contact address:
Work: / Tel. No./Bleep No. / Email:
Mobile No: / Current CCT Date:
Are you currently Working Less than full time (LTFT)? / Yes % / No
Do you intend to work LTFT (OOPT/OOPR)? / Yes % / No
Dates of Time out of Programme requested:
Start Date: / (day) / (month) / (year)End Date: / (day) / (month) / (year)
Have you been on any previous or are you currently on OOPE/OOPT/OOPR / OOPC (please continue on another sheet if more than one placement): / Yes / No
Start Date: / (day) / (month) / (year)
End Date: / (day) / (month) / (year)
What is the reason for your OOPE/OOPR/OOPT/OOPC request? If this is an extension please give reasons and attach letter in support from clinical/research supervisor (this box can / must be expanded as necessary).
If you are planning to undertake clinical training during the period of proposed leave, please explain why this is being done outside the HETV programme.
Research supervisor/Clinical training name and contact address:
(must be provided)
Telephone: / Email:
(If different from overleaf)
Your contact details whilst out of programme:
Telephone: / Email:
(If different from overleaf)
Source of confirmed funding:
Please state clearly if this period of OOPE/OOPT/OOPR is to counttowards your CCT as this now requires GMC approval. OOPC does NOT COUNT
N.B. The GMC does not grant retrospective approval under any circumstance / Yes / No
If YES the trainee MUST obtain a College letter of support to accompany this request to Health Education Thames Valley for an OOPE. HE Thames Valley will be unable to make an application to the GMC without this document.
Please confirm date application made to College to obtain letter of support / Date
Is the application to train in a non-NHS Organisation as a formal part of your training? / Yes / No
If YES, please identify non-NHS Organisation and give reasons why:
If planning to “Act up”in a consultant role.Please read FAQ attached to this form. / ReceivingLETB GMC approval code number:
Royal College/Faculty Approval if you are seeking to have any time counted towards your CCT
Training approval has been granted by the Royal College/Faculty of (please state) : / Yes / No / PendingIf no or pending please state the reason why, (e.g. your College will not give approval until after the HE Thames Valley has approved the application):
If no or pending have your applied to HE Thames Valley for a “provisional” sign off to enable you to gain College approval? / Yes / No
Would you still wish to go out of programme even if College/Faculty approval is not given? / Yes / No
Please indicate the length of time this request for Out of Programme is to count towards your CCT / Years / Months
My CCT date will be deferred by
Years: ------Months: ------/ The new CCT date will be approximately:
------/ The CCT date will remain at
Trainees applying for extension of OOP need to obtain the signature of the TPD (section 4 only) before submission to the Postgraduate Dean. Please remember to submit the letter of support from your clinical/research supervisor.
TO BE COMPLETED BY EDUCATIONAL SUPERVISOR:I DO SUPPORT * this request (*please delete as appropriate) / I DO NOT SUPPORT* this request (*please delete as appropriate)
Please give reason why:
NAME in BLOCK Capitals:
TO BE COMPLETED BY TRAINING PROGRAMME DIRECTOR:Trainees should not go OOPE/OOPR in the final year of training.
I DO SUPPORT * this request (*please delete as appropriate) / I DO NOT SUPPORT* this request (*please delete as appropriate)
Please give reason why:
NAME in BLOCK Capitals:
Can this training be provided locally? / Yes / No
Please indicate whether the post will remain vacant or how it will be filled (eg LAS, trainee returning from mat leave or OOP)
How much of the period of leave will count towards accreditation?
Has the trainee provided you with all the documentation required for their OOP application? / Yes / No
Are you satisfied with the trainee’s progress? / Yes / No
Has the most recent ARCP been satisfactory? The trainee must have an Outcome 1 or 8 to qualify. / Yes / No
Have you ensured that this application (OOPR/OOPT/OOPE) is not for the last year of the trainee’s specialty training, unless an exception? / Yes / No
Are you satisfied that no other trainee’s planned rotation will be affected? / Yes / No
If this is an extension, has the trainee given at least 3 months’ notice prior to the original planned end date? / Yes / No
Additional comments from TPD which the Postgraduate Dean may need to be aware of:
Please confirm that the trainee is aware that they should discuss plans regarding pension arrangements whilst on an Out Of Programme with local Human Resources Department: / YES / NO
Does the trainee have any pending General Medical Council referrals? / YES / NO
If “Yes” please give a brief outline on a separate sheet:
TO BE COMPLETED BY HEAD OF SPECIALTY SCHOOL:I DO SUPPORT * this request (*please delete as appropriate) / I DO NOT SUPPORT* this request (*please delete as appropriate)
Please give reason why:
NAME in BLOCK Capitals:
TO BE COMPLETED BY POSTGRADUATE DEAN:I DO SUPPORT * this request (*please delete as appropriate) / I DO NOT SUPPORT* this request (*please delete as appropriate)
Please give reason why:
NAME in BLOCK Capitals:
Frequently asked questions and useful contacts
Q1. I am a final year trainee and I have the chance to ‘act up’ as a consultant.
- A doctor in training can apply to the Dean to take time out of programme and credit the time towards CCT/CESR(CP) as an Acting Up (AUC) – but only if it is permitted in the relevant specialty curriculum. If the relevant specialty curriculum does not have provisions for Acting Up (AUC) – i.e. the curriculum does not say an Acting Up (AUC) post can count – then it cannot count towards CCT/CESR (CP). Furthermore, the time cannot be applied for via the OOP process.
- Taking up a LOCUM consultant post whilst holding a training number is not permitted as this post WILL NOT count towards training as you will be deemed to be practising without any supervision.
- DoctorscompletingActing Up posts outside of HE Thames Valley are responsible for seeking confirmation from their College on behalf of the GMC that the time will count towards training before they commence such duties. This should be copied to the specialty School Manager at HEE TV.
- Where the Acting Up (AUC) is in the same training programme, then prospective approval is not needed from the GMC. If it is a different training programme, the usual Out of Programme process applies and we will need to see an application form and a college letter endorsing the Acting Up (AUC).
NB If “acting up” in a Consultant Position: Clinical Oncology/Radiology/JRCPTB and Psychiatry Trainees
DO NOT require Royal College or GMC approval.
PLEASE NOTE ALL TRAINEES (as per the Gold Guide Appendix 4): You will be required to complete all the specialty required documentation for your annual assessments
Q2. What do I need to know / do about revalidation?
- Doctors are reminded that they have to declare their whole practice annually as part of the appraisal or ARCP process. (This is known as ‘wider scope of practice’ ,WSOP). This might include (but is not limited to) locums, ATLS instructor, medic at sporting events, work for the VSO or Medecins san Frontieres, medical journalism.
- Trainees must complete Form R and send to the Revalidation team at HETV as instructed, along with reports from the Academic Supervisor, and Educational Supervisor if OOPT.
Q3. What does my specialty require for OOPT / OOPR applications?
Anaesthetics / If OOPT needs GMC Approval, also need to complete the Royal College Form.General Practice / The usual time allowed out of programme is one year. Any additional time up to the maximum of two years would have to be under very exceptional circumstances.
Medicine / Need to complete JRCPTB OOP Application Form. Available from the JRCPTB website.
Please refer to the website for current guidance
Obstetrics & Gynaecology / Once approved, submit all relevant documents and a detailed time table to: Secretary to the Specialty Education Advisory Committee at the RCOG.
Ophthalmology / TSC/ASTO posts are part of the training programme and require OOP paperwork to be completed.
If TSC/ASTO posts are outside of the HEE Thames Valley area trainees will need to complete and submit OOP paperwork.
Paediatric SpRs / Trainees “acting up” in a consultant position also need to complete Royal College Form.
Paediatrics / Also need to complete the Royal College Form
Royal College support for prospective approval for time to be counted towards CCT should take the form of either a letter on College or Faculty headed paper or an email from an official College or Faculty email address confirming the trainees:
Psychiatry / Trainees ON OOPT needs GMC Approval, you will also need to complete Royal College Form.
For Acting Up – refer to the college guidance
Surgery / If OOPT is to be counted towards CCT, you will need to apply for SAC support BEFORE you apply to HE Thames Valley. Please submit with HE Thames Valley documentation plus a current CV and a signed offer letter.
Trauma and Orthopaedics / If OOPT is to be counted towards CCT, you will need to apply for SAC support BEFORE you apply to HE Thames Valley. Please submit with HE Thames Valley documentation plus a current CV and a signed offer letter.
Trainees are also required to submit 2 logbooks from the previous incumbents of the post.
Q4. Who are my key contacts ?
Education Programme Managers at HETV:
Jane BishopSurgery and
Maxine GroutAll other
Barbara GowGeneral
Heads of School:
School of Anaesthetics / Dr. Vivian Addy /School of Emergency Medicine / Dr. Jane Brenchley /
School of General Practice / Mr Richard Mumford /
School of Medicine / Dr George MacFaul / ;
School of Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Miss Rebecca Black /
School of Ophthalmology / Mr C. K Patel /
School of Paediatrics / Dr Nicola Pritchard /
School of Pathology / Dr Lisa Browning /
School of Psychiatry / Dr Jane Da Rosa Davis /
School of Radiology / Dr Jane Phillips-Hughes /
School of Surgery / Mr Patrick Lintott /
Foundation School / Dr Anne Edwards /
OUCAGS / Professor Chris Pugh /
School of Public Health / Dr. Premila Webster /
Royal College/Faculty Contacts for OOP approval
Royal College/Faculty / College WebsiteCollege of Emergency Medicine (CEM) /
Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine /
Faculty of Public Health Medicine /
Joint Royal College of Physicians Training Board (JRCPTB) /
Royal College of Anaesthetics (RCOA) /
Royal College of General Practitioners /
Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynaecologists /
Royal College of Ophthalmologists /
Royal College of Pathologists /
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health /
Royal College of Psychiatrists /
Royal College of Radiologists /
Joint Committee on Surgical Training
(Royal College of Surgeons) /
Applying for Out of Programme Training April2016