SUNY Korea FALL 2017

EST 327



Professor Joseph Cabuay Classroom: ______

Phone: ______Time/Date: 5:00pm – 6:20pm Mon/Wed

Office: ______

Office Hours: By Appointment email:


Required Textbook:

Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations:

Pearson New International Edition, 3/E

Jakki J. Mohr,University of Montana

Sanjit Sengupta,San Francisco State University

Stanley Slater,Colorado State University

ISBN-10: 1292040335 • ISBN-13: 9781292040332

©2014 •Pearson

Students can purchase textbooks through online bookstores such as Kyobo or Yes24.

If you can purchase distributor of this textbook directly, you will get 10% discount from list price.

Distributor name: E&B Plus

Distributor contact number: 02-3272-3290 / 010-3749-3364

List price: 39,000 KRW

Course Objectives:

Many enterprises across industries and locations have transitioned into having cross-departmental teams. This course provides Engineers with a solid understanding of the conceptual and practical framework of marketing within the context of the High Technology industry. Engineers must now interact and support marketing executives in the area of marketing & sales, from pricing and promotion to distribution and customer satisfaction. This course provides Engineers with a solid understanding of the conceptual and practical framework of marketing/sales within the context of the High Technology industry. Thus, engineers will:(1) acquire a better understanding of needs and demands in the Hi-Tech marketplace in order to improve the process of design and innovation and (2) be able to converse and support the marketing & sales functions in any given organization.


This course will explore concepts and practices related to marketing in this unique, fast-paced environment, including the following:

  • the fundamentals of marketing and sales in the hi-tech Industry
  • the defining characteristics of high-technology industries
  • different types and patterns of innovation, and their strategic marketing implications
  • the differences of sales and marketing and their necessary interdependencies
  • the need for (and difficulties in) adopting a customer-orientation
  • tools used to gather marketing research/intelligence in technology-driven industries
  • use of strategic alliances and partnerships in marketing technology
  • adaptations to the marketing mix (the “4 p’s”) required in a high-tech environment

The course will provide a balance between topic videos, lectures and discussions (based on readings of concepts and practices), guest speakers, etc.

Code of Conduct: All students must practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic penalty by the course instructor and/or a disciplinary sanction by the University.

It is the student’s obligation to be familiar with the Student Conduct Code,especially as it pertains to academic misconduct (cheating, plagiarism, etc.).

Course Requirements: Exams will operate on cumulative 100 point system.

Midterm Exam 35 %

Final Exam 35 %

Participation/Contribution10 %

Team Project Presentation 20 %

Exams: Both Midterm and Final Exams will include a mix of multiple choice, short-answer, and True/False questions, asking for factual knowledge about the readings and material covered during the semester. * * No late exams or make-up will be given. * *

Team Project Presentations: Your team project (done in either pairs or teams of 3 students) is designed to give you a real-life opportunity to apply the knowledge you are learning in class. As SUNY Korea students, you should be able to take the initiative and develop an outline/approach to your project. I will be checking up on your team to offer advice and guidance as needed.

Project Presentation Date – (To be determined). 8 Slides maximum / 15 minute time limit.

Class Participation/Contribution: In order to stimulate active learning, class will be discussion-oriented. Obviously, the quality of a discussion class is a function of the quality of each student’s preparation. I see my role as the facilitator of student learning. It is the student's job to actively contribute, to be involved. I expect that students will come to class prepared to learn, which includes being intellectually curious, acting with integrity and reliability, and willing to work collaboratively with their classmates.

The qualityof contribution is based on the quality of the insights exhibited, the student's ability to maintain continuity of discussion (i.e., pays attention to existing discussion/prior comments) and answer follow-up questions). Finally, your contribution to the spirit of the class (contributes to a positive learning environment) is also important.

Semester Grading: Your final letter grade in the class is based upon the distribution of total points at the end of the semester. Plus/Minus grading will be used for final grades on the following scale.

93 - 100%A77-79%C+

90 - 92%A-73-76%C

87 - 89%B+70-72%C-

83 - 86% B67-69%D+

80-82% B-63-66%D


Below 60%F


* You do not need to read the complete chapter. If the book covers a topic for which there is no power point slide, then I will NOT cover that topic in class, nor on the test. If I have a PowerPoint slide, then you are responsible for having taken additional notes on that topic with supporting detail from the text. The PPT slides are merely an outline, and meant to highlight which topics will be covered.

Tentative Course Outline of Week/Topics

Week / Lecture and Reading Topics
1 / Overview of course and syllabus. Discussion on Marketing + Video Clip.Key points and concepts are covered. Be prepared to discuss and answer questions. Video Clip.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to World of High Technology Marketing
CHAPTER 2 Strategic Market Planning in High-Tech Firms
2 / Key points and concepts are covered. Be prepared to discuss and answer questions. Case Study # 1
CHAPTER 3 Culture and Climate Considerations for High-Tech Companies
CHAPTER 4 Market Orientation and Cross-functional (Marketing/R&D) Interaction
3 / Key points and concepts are covered. Be prepared to discuss and answer questions. Video Clip
CHAPTER 5 Partnerships/Alliances and Customer Relationship Marketing
CHAPTER 6 Marketing Research in High-Tech Markets
4 / Key points and concepts are covered. Be prepared to discuss and answer questions.
CHAPTER 7 Understanding High-Tech Customers
CHAPTER 8 Technology and Product Management
5 / Midterm Exam
6 / Key points and concepts are covered. Be prepared to discuss and answer questions. Case Study # 2
CHAPTER 9 Distribution Channels and Supply Chain Management in High-Tech Markets
CHAPTER 10 Pricing Considerations in High-Tech Markets
7 / Key points and concepts are covered. Be prepared to discuss and answer questions. Case Study # 3
CHAPTER 11 Marketing Communication Tools for High-Tech Markets
CHAPTER 12 Strategic Considerations in Marketing Communications
8 / Key points and concepts are covered. Be prepared to discuss and answer questions.
CHAPTER 13 Strategic Considerations for the Triple Bottom Line in High-Tech Companies