ZOT ARTZ Art Tools:

Chalk Walk and Roll Art Box

Doesn’t everyone like to draw with chalk? Isn’t fresh blacktop just begging for color? We think so. Our chalk drawer enables everyone to have fun and make his or her mark. The chalk drawer easily attaches to a wheelchair or walker and, with a simple change to a handle, can even be pushed.

Making an ordinary sidewalk extraordinary!

Item # 2-20261 Little Chalk Drawer Art Box

Item # 2-70102 Big Chalk Drawer Art Box

Art Roller Art Box

Sometimes, you just have to go big. Whether at an outdoor festival or a transformed gym, rolling through an enormous field of color is a whale of a good time. Everyone gets to paint. The fun starts with making a print plate, wheels and shoes are covered, the print plate is attached to the art roller, paint is added, and the artist adds their unique, individual design to the mural. The art roller can be attached to wheelchairs, walkers, and standers by using the Wheelchair Bridge. The Push Handle can be used for walking.

Item # 2-70101 Big Art Roller with Bridge and Handle Art Box

Item # 2-20259 Little Art Roller with Handle Art Box

Pogo Paint Poles Art Box

A wonderful inclusion art activity. Pogo Paint Poles can be hand held for wall or floor stamp painting, or attached to a wheelchair with the pogo clamp for wall murals.

Little pogo paint poles are sized for Early Childhood. The rubber grips are just right for little hands. In sets of Three

Item # 2-20262 Little Pogo Paint Poles Art Box

Item # 2-20271 Big Pogo Paint Pole Art Box

Mini/Mighty Rollo Art Box

These art tools allow users to paint small individual table top work or large group wall murals and banners. Create your own print plate design, attach to Rollo, and roll out colorful designs. Mini Rollo is hand held. Just grasp little red handles and roll. Mightly Rollo can be hands on or off. Grasp with one hand or two, or use Velcro straps to roll designs out with simple arm movement.

Item # 2-20263 Mini/ Mighty Rollo Art Box