PhoenixCollege Committee Blueprint


PhoenixCollege will be the premier provider of learning opportunities for our community to go far close to home.


PhoenixCollege delivers teaching and learning experiences that inspire the lifelong pursuit of educational, professional, and personal goals for our diverse urban community.

Mission Goals

We support our mission through a rich tradition of:

  • University Transfer Education
  • General Education
  • Workforce Development
  • Developmental Education
  • English as a Second Language
  • Continuing and Community Education
  • Community Partnerships
  • Student Support Services
  • Global Engagement

College Committee Name: eLearning Committee

Committee Chair: Casandra Kakar, Victor Cornell, Kurt Chambers (tri-chairs)

Secretary:CTLT Office Coordinator

Strategic Goal Link(s):

Goal 3: Explore and develop new programs and services to meet the needs of our diverse community.

  • Develop, enhance, and support alternative learning opportunities.

Committee’s work begins 9/17/10and ends 5/12/11 .

Meeting Dates/Time/Location

Times: All meetings are from 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Location: Library Conference Room, 2nd Floor


September 17thJanuary 21st

October 15thFebruary 18th

November 19thMarch 25th

December 16thApril 15th

Committee Charge:

Implement, update and revise the eLearning Plan approved during the 2007-2008 academic year and updated in 2008-2009 and 2009-2010.

Scope of Committee’s Work:

The eLearning committee is an advisory committee that works to implement the eLearning Plan. The committee meets monthly to review the plan, to review the steps and deadlines for completing the plan, review recommendations for changes, review budget requests related to the eLearning Plan and represents concerns from faculty/staff/students in regards to improving elearning at Phoenix College. The committee also reviews and recommends changes to the existing plan as needed. The committee also oversees the Teaching and Learning grant process and recommends grant awards.

Expected Outcomes:

Expected outcomes include recommendations, modifications, additions to the elearning plan and action items that will allow the successful completion of the elearning plan for the 2010-2011 academic year. The committee will work on obtaining approval for online degrees for HLC. The committee will develop and implement a process for supporting continuous development and improvement of online and hybrid courses.

Measures of Success (Data):

Submission of the eLearning Plan, including any possible revisions, with status report on completion rates for action items due during the 2009-2010 academic year.

Resources: (People/Financial):

Casandra Kakar, V.P. of Academic Affairs/Workforce Development: Instructional Resource,Tri-Chair

Yira Brimage, V.P. of Student Affairs

Sharon Halford, Dean of Industry and Public Service

Year End Report

See page 3 & 4

eLearning Committee Review

Meetings: 8 Meetings

  • September, October, November, December 2010
  • January, February, March, April 2011

Accomplishments: 2010-2011

  • Approval of the Distance Learning Plan
  • $52,745 funding for 2010-2011 eLearning grants.
  • 19 eLearning grants awarded
  • *Enrollment: 108 online sections added, 19 Hybrid sections added
  • * Unduplicated Headcount: Online 959 increase, Hybrid 125 increase
  • Added AGEC courses online
  • MAT courses (4)
  • Computer statistical course (1)
  • Social Behavioral (1)
  • Biology (1)
  • Implemented automated email notification of new students enrolled in online courses
  • Implemented email program for faculty to use to communicate with students prior to the semester start.
  • Finalizing proposal to offer 3 online degrees (AA, AAS, AGS)
  • Updated PC Online resources
  • Updated Faculty Development resources
  • Implemented Mentor Program for Faculty
  • Modified course request form to make process more efficient
  • Trained faculty in use of lecture capture system
  • Centralized Help Desk (Bb/WebCT into Bb)
  • Purchased READI student skills assessment program
  • Trained 4 faculty as Quality Matters Reviewers
  • Trained 1 Master Reviewer for Quality Matters
  • Renew SMARTHINING online tutoring
  • Identfied liason to work with Web Task Force on PC web pages
  • Revised eLearning Plan for 2010-2013
  • Purchased MatchWare software for mind mapping and online course presentation development
  • Reviewing course evaluation form for online version. Will work with Assessment committee and PRIE on final recommendations

Goals: 2010-2011

  • Upgrade to Blackboard 9
  • Prepare for HLC visit – online degrees
  • Develop online guidelines for ADA compliance in podcasts and vodcast presentations
  • Implement eLearning grant processes
  • Expand Podcasting/Vodcasting systems
  • Expand the use of the READI program for assessing student readiness skills for online classes
  • Increase online/hybrid enrollment by 10%
  • Expand AGEC course offerings (10 courses)
  • Quality Matters review for 5 online courses
  • Work collabortively with Web Task Force to improve PC web pages for students and faculty
  • Conduct eLearning Day to increase knowledge and awareness of eLearning opportunities
  • Develop automated calling, email, texting for students (registration reminders, payment deadlines, etc)
  • Benchmark existing partnerships

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