(Narrative – Fiction)

Reading Literacy: Narrative Fiction

Writing Literacy: Writing Narratives

(July 2014)

Unit Statement: Good stories, especially fiction stories, all captivate the reader through good organization and strong beginnings. |The student will learn to use a variety of reading strategies to identify and analyze fiction. Additionally, he/she will discover that they, themselves, are authors and have their own stories to tell. The student will focus on strong paragraph writing with main ideas and supporting details to tell their stories.

Unit one is currently engaged, and teachers should refer to it for continued practice of routines, strategies, skills, etc.

Unit Emphasis (Focus Wall):

Reading Strategies/Skills: mental images, asking questions, determining importance, synthesizing, story elements

Developing Vocabulary: prefixes (non-,un-, dis- mis-), suffixes (-ion, -tion, -ly, -ful)

Writing Genre: narrative

Trait Focus: use the 6+1 writing traits in conjunction with the writing process

Grammar Focus: complete sentences, kinds of sentences, compound sentences, common/proper nouns, singular/plural nouns

Essential Outcomes: (reading and writing must be assessed separately for mastery)

Reading Literacy (E02): (Narrative Fiction)

Using course-level appropriate fiction and nonfiction texts:

1.  The Student Will apply unit prefixes (non-, un-, dis-, mis-) and suffixes (-ion, -tion, -ly, -ful) in determining the meaning of age appropriate words. (JTE 1.2, 1.4, 1.5)

2.  TSW read a variety of texts and demonstrate comprehension by identifying story structure. (JTE 1.1)

3.  TSW identify the main idea and the supporting details of paragraphs and longer texts.(JTE 1.1, 1.4).

4.  TSW ask questions to help clarify comprehension of the story. (JTE 1.2)

5.  TSW create mental images using all five senses and express personal connections with the story through those images. (pictures, personal narratives, poetry, writing lists, a written descriptive picture) (JTE 1.5)

6.  TSW analyze characters and their motives by identifying the important information and supporting details. (JTE 1.1)

7.  TSW determine the themes of the text by identifying the important information and supporting details. (JTE 1.2 and 1.5)

8.  TSW summarize each text using mental images. (eg. comics, storyboards, poetry, book covers etc.) (JTE 1.1 and 1.5)

Writing Literacy (E02): (Writing Narratives)

1.  The Student Will demonstrate the use of the following grammar principles: complete and compound sentences, kinds of sentences (declarative, imperative, interrogative, exclamatory), common/proper nouns and singular/plural nouns in their writing. (JTE 1.1-1.5; LC 1.18, 1.19)

2.  TSW write narrative paragraphs with a main idea sentence and supporting details. (WS 1, LLG p. 14, 103; LC 1.6)

3.  TSW write longer descriptive narratives that show a clear beginning, middle, and end using the writing process. (JTE 1.4, 1.5; LC 1.9).

4.  TSW demonstrate peer-edit skills when editing/revising their longer narratives. (WS 1; LC 1.9)

5.  TSW use the writing process to publish their writing using a word processing program and proper formatting (Times New Roman, Size 12 font, double spaced). (JTE 1.4, LLG p. 61-77)

6.  TSW orally present their published writings to the class in a creative way. (JTE 1.6; LC 1.6, 1.11, 1.18, 1.20)

Introduced Outcomes: (taught, but not assessed)

1.  The Student Will write responses to the texts read.

2.  TSW use dialogue in their narrative writings.

Practiced/Ongoing Outcomes: (ongoing development, but not assessed)

1.  The Student Will daily read aloud with accuracy, attention to punctuation, fluency, and appropriate phrasing emphasizing expression. (JTE 1.1 p. 12, 23, 44)

2.  TSW acquire and use new vocabulary in reading, writing, and speaking.

3.  TSW demonstrate age appropriate spelling in their writing.

4.  TSW practice properly formed handwriting techniques.

Key Terms and Concepts:

narrative fictional narrative main idea supporting details sensory words attitude setting point of view voice peer-edit / Reading
story elements
mental images

Suggested Materials for Teachers: (provided by school)

*See Essential Unit 1

Journeys Language and Literacy Guide (see appropriate lesson)

Suggested Support resources for Reading:

The materials listed here support the teaching the Reading TSW’s.

TSW 1: prefixes (non-, un-, dis-, mis-) LLG5 p. 102-103, 133, 134, 136, 157, 162-163; JTE 1.2 p. 122-123, 152-153, 154

TSW1: suffixes (-ion, -tion, -ly, -ful) LLG5 p. 92, 104, 123, 124, 140-141, 150-151, JTE 1.5 p. 346-347, 380-381, 382

TSW 2: Story Elements and story maps

A Package for Mrs. Jewls (F&P level R) JTE 1.1 12-13,16-18, 26, 27, 28, 30-31, 34, 64-65, 72; LLG5 186,

Elisa’s Diary (F&P level S) JTE 1.5 p. 335, 336 (flashback), 337

Serves Two Hundred (F&P level S) on-level reader JTE 1.1 p. 67,

The Black Stallion (F&P level U) JTE 4.20 p. 312-313, 316-318 ,323, 335, 338, 372-373, 380; LLG p.224

Wilderness Rangers (F&P level S) on-level reader JTE 4.20 p. 375,

Tucket’s Travels (F&P level U) JTE 5.21 p.12-13,16, 18-33, 34-35, 36, 37, 70-71, 78; LLG p.226

Riding with the Pony Express (F&P level T) on-leveled reader JTE 5.21 p.73,

TSW 5 create mental images /make connections

A Package for Mrs. Jewls (F&P level R) JTE 1.1 p. 39

Elisa’s Diary (F&P level S) JTE 1.5 p.322-323, 328, 332, 374

Words Free as Confetti (F&P level S ) JTE 1.5 p.342-344,

Mental Images RCQ5 1:B3 TE 24

Poetry RCQ5 1:B10, B18, B30; TE p. 29, 35;

The Black Stallion (F&P level U) JTE 4.20 p.320, 337, 380

The Midnight ride of Paul Revere (F&P level T) JTE 3.15 p.344-346

Rhyme on the Range (F&P level S) poetry JTE 5.23 p.190, 193

Tucket’s Travels (F&P level U) JTE 5.21 p.16-17, 22, 24, 28-29, 34-35, 70-71,

TSW 6 & 7 analysis of characters and theme

A Package for Mrs. Jewls (F&P level R) JTE 1.1, p.12-13, 22, 24, 26, 64-65

Baseball Blues (F&P level S) leveled reader JTE 1.5 p. 377,

Elisa’s Diary (F&P level S) JTE 1.5 p. 318-319, 324, 329, 330, 333, 337,382; LLG5 194

The Black Stallion (F&P level U) JTE 4.20 p. 312-313, 318-333, 335. 336

The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere (F&P level T) poetry JTE 3.1 p. 346, 351

Rhyme on the Range (F&P level S) 3 poems JTE 5.23 p. 192, 193

Determining Important Ideas and Themes RCQ5 2 B3

Tucket’s Travels (F&P level U) JTE 5.21 24

TSW 8 summarize with mental images

A Package for Mrs. Jewls (F&P level R) JTE 1.1 66-69

Elisa’s Diary (F&P level S) JTE 1:5 339

Words Free as Confetti (F&P level )poetry JTE 1.5 345

Baseball Blues (F&P level S) leveled reader JTE 1.5 377,

The Black Stallion (F&P level U) JTE 4.20,

Tucket’s Travels (F&P level U) JTE 5.21 p. 18-33, 73, 74, 75, 76

Riding with the Pony Express (F&P level T) leveled reader JTE 5.21 73,

Suggested Professional Materials for Teachers: (provided by school)

*See Essential Unit 1

Strategies That Work by Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis p. 132,134,136, 137-138

Reading With Meaning by Debbie Miller p. 80-85

The Daily Five by Gale Boushey and Joan Moser

6+1 Traits of Writing by Ruth Culham

Literacy and Language Guide p. 186, 187, 194, 195, 227

Suggested Exemplar Texts (read alouds):

Fair or Foul JTE 1.5 p. 318-319, LLG p.195

Ode to Lunch Poetry JTE 1.1 p. 12-13; LLG p.187

The Huntress JTE 4:20 312-313

Land Rush JTE 5.21 p.12-13 LLG p.227,

Black Beauty by Anne Sewell

Wayside School is Falling Down by Louis Sachar

Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell

Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli

Additional Resources: (may not be provided by school)

*see Essential Unit 1

Technology Links:

*See Essential Unit 1

Destiny Webpath Express (found in school library)

Anchor Chart examples for the parts of a story

Suggested Activities and Strategies:

●  Anchor Charts

●  Word Walls- Create a wall or door where students can add new words that you discover as a class or that they discover individually.

●  Individual Word Lists- tape individual spelling/vocabulary words to student desk.

●  Bingo played with vocabulary words

●  Map a Movie -use a commonly watched, age-appropriate movie to help map out the parts of the story and the plot.

●  Flash Drafts - see Lucy Calkins Units

●  Comics- students draw comic strips based on literature read or their own narrative stories

●  Toontastic- Ipad app for bringing stories alive using the story elements (setting, characters, introduction, climax, resolution)

●  Writer’s Workshop

●  Editing Cut-Ups- have students type their essays with an “enter space between each sentence”, then cut their essays into sentence strips. Have a partner edit each sentence for grammar concepts in the unit, then student fix the sentences on their typed document.

●  Diagram Sentences

●  Read-Alouds for grammar and writing concepts

●  Me Books- Student creates a book about themselves with a variety of written works throughout the year, including but not limited to letters, autobiographical writing, poetry, interviews, biographical writing, fiction stories, descriptive writing, expository writing, informative writing, persuasive writing, and researched writing. Students may provide pictures, photos, collages, timelines, or diagrams to enhance their books.

Suggested Assessment Tools:

1.  Attached rubric or teacher-generated rubric that assesses ALL essential outcomes (TSWs). An effective rubric is presented and discussed with the student at the beginning of the unit, referred back to throughout the unit, and used to assess at the end. Students will collaborate with peers and the teacher to assess their own writing with final judgment by the teacher.

2.  Writing Pathways (Units of Study Kit) by Lucy Calkins provides rubrics and checklists for teachers and students.

3.  6+1 Traits writing rubrics

4.  Teachers can have students produce a quick write at the beginning and end of units. (*See QSI Quick Write Guidelines) Teachers should keep these as evidence of students’ writing.

5.  Elk Grove Common Core Rubrics for narrative, informative, and opinion writing are found in the QSI Literacy User’s Guide. Scoring on these rubrics should follow QSI mastery grading. (Scores on the 1 and 2 points should be P, scores on the 3 should be at the B level and scores on the 4 should be an A.) Document Source: Elk Grove Unified School District, Elk Grove, CA

6.  Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment / DRA

7.  QSI Reading and Writing Behaviors Checklists (*See QSI Literacy User’s Guide)


LITERACY-10: Reading: Narrative Fiction (E02)

Student Name: Date: ______

To receive a ‘B’ the student must show ‘B’ level mastery on ALL Essential Outcomes. (TSW’s)

To receive an ‘A’, the student must show ‘A’ level mastery on 4 of the 5 ‘A’s available and ‘B’ level mastery on all remaining TSW’s.

‘P’-Notes / ‘B’ Level / ‘A’ Level / TSW
I can apply the prefixes (non-,un-, dis- mis-)and suffixes (-ion, -tion, -ly, -ful) in determining word meanings. / 1. Apply unit prefixes and suffixes in determining the meaning of age appropriate words.
I have read a variety of texts and demonstrated comprehension by completing story maps, and through selection or teacher generated tests . / I have created poems or visuals to demonstrate my comprehension of the texts. / 2. Read a variety of texts and demonstrate comprehension by identifying story structure.
I can identify the main idea and supporting details of paragraphs and longer texts / 3. Identify the main idea and the supporting details of paragraphs and longer texts.
I have asked questions to help clarify my comprehension of the story. / I have created a game or quiz asking specific questions clarifying meaning of the text . / 4. Ask questions to help clarify comprehension of the story.
I have created mental images including all five senses and expressing personal connections to the texts though these images. / 5. Create mental images using all five senses and expressing personal connections with the story through these images.
I have identified the important information and supporting details to analyze characters and their motives. / I have developed strong character sketches and made in-depth analysis of their motives. / 6. Analyze characters and their motives by identifying the important information and supporting details..
I have determined the themes of the text by identifying the important information and supporting details / I have supported the theme with several accurate quotes from the text. / 7. Determine the themes of the texts by identify the important information and supporting details.
I have summarized each text using mental images. / My mental images are detailed and complete. / 8. Summarize each text using mental images.

LITERACY-10 Writing: Writing Narratives (E02)

Student Name: Date: ______

To receive a ‘B’ the student must show ‘B’ level mastery on ALL Essential Outcomes. (TSW’s)

To receive an ‘A’, the student must show ‘A’ level mastery on all 'A' available and ‘B’ level mastery on all remaining TSW’s.

P-Notes / ‘B’ Level / ‘A’ Level / TSW
With prompting, I can correctly use these grammar concepts in my writing. / I can explain the grammar concepts and correctly use them consistently in my writing. / 1. Demonstrate the use of the following grammar principles: complete and compound sentences, kinds of sentences, common/proper nouns and singular/plural nouns in their writing.
I write multiple narrative paragraphs. My paragraphs have a main idea sentence and some supporting details. / I write multiple narrative paragraphs. My paragraphs have a clear main idea sentence and supporting details which strengthen my story. / 2. Write narrative paragraphs with a main idea sentence and supporting details.
I write a longer descriptive narrative. My narrative has a clear beginning, middle, and end. I used the writing process to help me create my narrative. / My longer narrative has rich descriptive details. / 3. Write longer descriptive narratives that show a clear beginning, middle, and end using the writing process.
I work with a partner to peer-edit our paragraphs and strengthen my writing.. / 4. Demonstrate peer-edit skills when editing/revising their longer narratives.
I type my writing using the proper format that my teacher gave me. / 5. Publish their writing using a word processing program and proper formatting.
I present my writing to the class. / I orally present my narrative inflection to make my story come alive for my classmates. / 6. Orally present their published writings to the class in a creative way.



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