
Original by Chapter CC 1968

Updated and rewritten by Chapter K 1990


Wisconsin State Chapter

The number of games to be played depend upon the number of prizes or “white elephants” available. This is enough numbers for approximately six Bingo games. Regular Bingo game cards must be used. Each member present is given a Bingo card and 10 or 12 beans or markers. The person in charge of the By-Laws program calls off the following numbers with the Article and Section information. (You don’t use the numbers which come with a Bingo game; they’re all written out here.”)

Bingo leader should say:

“You can get ‘By-Laws Bingo’ with a row, a column, diagonal, 4 corners, or postage stamp in the upper right hand corner. When this is accomplished, let us know by saying ‘By-Laws Bingo!’ loud and clear.”

“These first numbers I will call have to do with Article I of P.E.O. By-Laws, which concern themselves with ‘Convention of State Chapter.’ The numbers and their sections are:”

B5Section 1.Members

N40Section 2.Time and place of convention

O68Section 3.Entertaining chapters

I24Section 4.Reports by each delegate to her chapter

“This next group of numbers deals with ‘Representation in Convention of International Chapter.’ They are from Article II of P.E.O. By-Laws.”

N45Section 1.Chapter delegates

G57Section 2.Nomination and election of local chapter delegates (to go

to International convention)

N44Section 3.Past presidents of the state chapter

I29Section 4.Vacancy in delegation

G59Section 5.Reports to chapters

“Numbers from Article III are associated with ‘Nomination and Election of Officers.’”

N42Section 1.Who is eligible

G56Section 2.Tenure

I25Section 3.Sequence of office for election only

B14Section 4.Nominating committee – nomination of officers

O61Section 5.Election of officers

N31Section 6.Vacancy

“Article IV numbers are about the ‘Special Duties of State Officers.’”

B7Section 1.President

N39Section 2.First Vice President

I23Section 3.Second Vice President

N33Section 4.Organizer

B12Section 5.Recording Secretary

I16Section 6.Corresponding Secretary

G58Section 7.Treasurer

“The numbers for this section represent Article V, ‘Standing Committees.’”

N36Section 1.Appointment of committees

O63Section 2.Committees’ expenses are paid from state chapter funds

I27Section 3.Each committee has to prepare a report for the spring meeting

of the executive board

O66Section 4.Committee members, duties, budget and finance, convention

grouping, historian, membership and research, nominating

committee, state chairmen for International Chapter projects,

and Wisconsin Cottey Junior College Scholarship

“Article VI is Cottey Junior College Promotion.”

G46Section 1.Expenses for promotion are paid from state chapter funds

B9Section 2.State chairman for Cottey Junior College Promotion

I28Section 3.Area chairmen

“The numbers for Article VII correlate with ‘Wisconsin Cottey Junior College Scholarship Fund.’”

G60Section 1.Establishment of such a fund

I20Section 2.Scholarships

B4Section 3.Grants

I30Section 4.Financial responsibility

B8Section 5.Wisconsin Cottey Junior College Scholarship Committee

“‘Budget and Finance’ are found in Article VIII.”

B1Section 1.Dues of Wisconsin State Chapter ($16.50)

N38Section 2.Convention of State Chapter

O65Section 3.Convention of International Chapter

“Article IX studies ‘Organization and Official Visit.’”

G48Section 1.Organization of new chapters

O73Section 2.Official visits by the organizer to local chapters

“Here we have the ‘Special duties of officers of local chapters,’ in Article X.”

I22Section 1.President

G52Section 2.Recording Secretary

G53Section 3.Corresponding Secretary

B15 Section 4.Treasurer

“In Article XI, ‘Reciprocity Groups’ are studied.”

O75Section 1.The purpose of Reciprocity Groups

B2Section 2.The second vice president of the state chapter is the supervisor of

each reciprocity group formed.

I17Section 3.Each group may adopt By-Laws

B6Section 4.Reciprocity groups must send reports to state chapter

“In Article XXII, ‘P.E.O. Groups’ are addressed.”

O67Section 1.The Establishment of P.E.O. Groups

N35Section 2.Second vice president of state chapter also supervises each

P.E.O. Group.”

N42Section 3.Reports

“‘Parliamentary Authority’ is the subject of a very short Article XIII. It states that the current edition of ‘Robert’s rules of Order Newly Revised’ shall govern all meetings in matters not covered by these By-Laws, or the Constitution, By-Laws and Standing Rules of the P.E.O. Sisterhood.”

“Article XIV, the final article in the State By-Laws, concerns itself with ‘Amendments.’”

B11Section 1.Amendments proposed prior to convention

G53Section 2.Amendments proposed during convention