EI Behavior Change Plan
CEC Content Standard(s):
5. Learning Environments and Social Interactions
7. Instructional Planning
8. Assessments
9. Ethical Practice
10. Collaboration
NBPTS Standard(s):
3. Teachers are Responsible for Managing Student Learning
D. Teachers Regularly Assess Student Progress
E. Teachers Are Mindful of Their Principal Objectives
4. Teachers Think Systematically About Their Practice and Learn from Experience
A. Teachers Are Continually Making Difficult Choices That Test Their Judgment
B. Teachers Seek the Advice of Others and Draw on Education Research and Scholarship to Improve Their Practice
5. Teachers are Members of Learning Communities
A. Teachers Contribute to School Effectiveness by Collaborating with Other Professionals
B. Teachers Work Collaboratively with Parents
The behavior change plan is a comprehensive and complex analysis of student behavior, learning environments, social and cultural contexts and instructional strategies resulting in an intervention plan that is designed to positively impact student behavior and learning. Candidates in this program have had several opportunities to collect and interpret data of the sort required in the behavior change plan; however, this assignment provides an opportunity to do so in a classroom environment that is directly dedicated to students with behavioral and emotional disorders. It is expected that all of the skills developed in prior assignments and experiences will be applied to the intervention that is designed for the behavior change plan. The documentation will be evaluated using the EI Behavior Change Plan Rubric.
Candidate Directions:
Develop a Behavior Change Plan. Your written summary must include:
· identification of a child for whom the behavior change plan will be developed.
· identification of a target behavior to be reduced, replaced, or increased.
· collection of data that includes:
· present level of performance.
· prior information related to academic, emotional and behavioral testing, observations and performance.
· design of an intervention plan that will directly influence the target behavior and indirectly increase student performance in the school setting.
· implementation of the intervention plan.
· summation of findings and recommendations for future initiatives.
Rubric - EDS 610 EI Behavior Change Report
(2) / Progressing
(1) / Unsatisfactory (0)
Target Behavior Identification
NBPTS 1A, 1D, 3E, 4A
/ All 5 of the following were satisfied:1) Used 3 or more sources to describe student behaviors and educational history.
2) Documented informal observations to describe student behaviors.
3) Used sources and observations to target a behavior to be reduced, replaced, or increased.
4) All sentences were written using terms that are easily understood by parents, general educators, and administrators, or terms that are explained.
5) All sentences were written with clarity, correct capitalization, correct punctuation, and correct spelling. / 4 of the following were satisfied:
1) Used 3 or more sources to describe student behaviors and educational history.
2) Documented informal observations to describe student behaviors.
3) Used sources and observations to target a behavior to be reduced, replaced, or increased.
4) All sentences were written using terms that are easily understood by parents, general educators, and administrators, or terms that are explained.
5) All sentences were written with clarity, correct capitalization, correct punctuation, and correct spelling / 2-3 of the following were satisfied:
1) Used 3 or more sources to describe student behaviors and educational history.
2) Documented informal observations to describe student behaviors.
3) Used sources and observations to target a behavior to be reduced, replaced, or increased.
4) All sentences were written using terms that are easily understood by parents, general educators, and administrators, or terms that are explained.
5) All sentences were written with clarity, correct capitalization, correct punctuation, and correct spelling / 0-1 of the following were satisfied:
1) Used 3 or more sources to describe student behaviors and educational history.
2) Documented informal observations to describe student behaviors.
3) Used sources and observations to target a behavior to be reduced, replaced, or increased.
4) All sentences were written using terms that are easily understood by parents, general educators, and administrators, or terms that are explained.
5) All sentences were written with clarity, correct capitalization, correct punctuation, and correct spelling
Consideration of Family, Cultural, and/or Educational Factors on Target Behavior
NBPTS 1A, 1B / All 4 of the following were satisfied:
1) Compiled information relating to the student’s family, cultural, and educational environment.
2) Synthesized information relating to the student’s family, cultural, and educational environment that provides understanding of the student’s learning and behavior.
3) All sentences were written using terms that are easily understood by parents, general educators, and administrators, or terms that are explained.
4) All sentences were written with clarity, correct capitalization, correct punctuation, and correct spelling. / 3 of the following were satisfied:
1) Compiled information relating to the student’s family, cultural, and educational environment.
2) Synthesized information relating to the student’s family, cultural, and educational environment that provides understanding of the student’s learning and behavior.
3) All sentences were written using terms that are easily understood by parents, general educators, and administrators, or terms that are explained.
4) All sentences were written with clarity, correct capitalization, correct punctuation, and correct spelling.. / 2 of the following were satisfied:
1) Compiled information relating to the student’s family, cultural, and educational environment.
2) Synthesized information relating to the student’s family, cultural, and educational environment that provides understanding of the student’s learning and behavior.
3) All sentences were written using terms that are easily understood by parents, general educators, and administrators, or terms that are explained.
4) All sentences were written with clarity, correct capitalization, correct punctuation, and correct spelling. / 0-1 of the following were satisfied:
1) Compiled information relating to the student’s family, cultural, and educational environment.
2) Synthesized information relating to the student’s family, cultural, and educational environment that provides understanding of the student’s learning and behavior.
3) All sentences were written using terms that are easily understood by parents, general educators, and administrators, or terms that are explained.
4) All sentences were written with clarity, correct capitalization, correct punctuation, and correct spelling.
Target Behavior Intervention Plan
CEC 7, 8, 9
NBPTS 1C, 1D, 3D, 3E, 4B / All 5 of the following were satisfied:
1) Described research-validated intervention appropriate to reduce/replace target behavior.
2) Outlined an implementation plan for intervention.
3) Outlined an assessment plan to monitor student progress and evaluate impact of intervention.
4) All sentences were written using terms that are easily understood by parents, general educators, and administrators, or terms that are explained.
5) All sentences were written with clarity, correct capitalization, correct punctuation, and correct spelling. / 4 of the following were satisfied:
1) Described research-validated intervention appropriate to reduce/replace target behavior.
2) Outlined an implementation plan for intervention.
3) Outlined an assessment plan to monitor student progress and evaluate impact of intervention.
4) All sentences were written using terms that are easily understood by parents, general educators, and administrators, or terms that are explained.
5) All sentences were written with clarity, correct capitalization, correct punctuation, and correct spelling. / 2-3 of the following were satisfied:
1) Described research-validated intervention appropriate to reduce/replace target behavior.
2) Outlined an implementation plan for intervention.
3) Outlined an assessment plan to monitor student progress and evaluate impact of intervention.
4) All sentences were written using terms that are easily understood by parents, general educators, and administrators, or terms that are explained.
5) All sentences were written with clarity, correct capitalization, correct punctuation, and correct spelling. / 0-1 of the following were satisfied:
1) Described research-validated intervention appropriate to reduce/replace target behavior.
2) Outlined an implementation plan for intervention.
3) Outlined an assessment plan to monitor student progress and evaluate impact of intervention.
4) All sentences were written using terms that are easily understood by parents, general educators, and administrators, or terms that are explained.
5) All sentences were written with clarity, correct capitalization, correct punctuation, and correct spelling.
Summary of Results
CEC 7, 8, 9 / All 4 of the following were satisfied:
1) Impact of intervention plan on target behavior is reported using objective evidence.
2) Recommendations for future initiatives are named and rationales provided.
3) All sentences were written using terms that are easily understood by parents, general educators, and administrators, or terms that are explained.
4) All sentences were written with clarity, correct capitalization, correct punctuation, and correct spelling. / All 4 of the following were satisfied:
1) Impact of intervention plan on target behavior is reported using objective evidence.
2) Recommendations for future initiatives are named and rationales provided.
3) All sentences were written using terms that are easily understood by parents, general educators, and administrators, or terms that are explained.
4) All sentences were written with clarity, correct capitalization, correct punctuation, and correct spelling. / All 4 of the following were satisfied:
1) Impact of intervention plan on target behavior is reported using objective evidence.
2) Recommendations for future initiatives are named and rationales provided.
3) All sentences were written using terms that are easily understood by parents, general educators, and administrators, or terms that are explained.
4) All sentences were written with clarity, correct capitalization, correct punctuation, and correct spelling. / All 4 of the following were satisfied:
1) Impact of intervention plan on target behavior is reported using objective evidence.
2) Recommendations for future initiatives are named and rationales provided.
3) All sentences were written using terms that are easily understood by parents, general educators, and administrators, or terms that are explained.
4) All sentences were written with clarity, correct capitalization, correct punctuation, and correct spelling.
CEC 10
NBPTS 5A, 5B / Report indicated substantial collaboration with all of the following:
1) Student.
2) Student’s parents.
3) Classroom teachers/support staff.
4) Administrators. / Report indicated substantial collaboration with 3 of the following:
1) Student.
2) Student’s parents.
3) Classroom teachers/support staff.
4) Administrators. / Report indicated substantial collaboration with 2 of the following:
1) Student.
2) Student’s parents.
3) Classroom teachers/support staff.
4) Administrators. / Report indicated substantial collaboration with 1 of the following:
1) Student.
2) Student’s parents.
3) Classroom teachers/support staff.
4) Administrators.