Canterbury Inland Wetland & Watercourses Commission

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 – 7:00 p.m.

Canterbury Municipal Building, 1 Municipal Drive


I.  Call to Order

J. Tetreault called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

II. Roll Call

Members present: J. Tetreault, J. Sangermano (7:11 p.m.), B. Marks, S. Tucker, T. Poehler, D. Ginnetti (7:06)

Alternates present: R. Shinkiewicz, K. Kelly, N. Geragotelis

Others present: S. Sadlowski, B. Messier, P. Santoro

All alternates were sitting members of the Commission.

D. Ginnetti arrived at the meeting. R. Shinkiewicz and K. Kelly continued to sit as regular members.

III. Secretary’s Report –

February 25, 2009

M. Schafer, A. Racy and D. Lisee were added to others present. A. Racy was identified as the unknown abutter. There was spelling correction to M. Schafer’s name and the words square feet were added after 4,125.

K. Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes with corrections. R. Shinkiewicz seconded the motion and it passed by a vote of 6-1-0. D. Ginnetti abstained from voting.

March 4, 2009

D. Ginnetti noted that he was inaccurately marked absent at the meeting, he just arrived late. K. Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes with that correction. S. Tucker seconded the motion and it passed by a vote of 6- 1-0. D. Ginnetti abstained.

J. Sangermano arrived at the meeting. R. Shinkiewicz remained as a regular member.

IV. Public Hearing

A. IWC #08-16, George J. Scarveles, improvement of existing right-of-way, Garosshen Road, Assessor’s Map 8, Lot 6. – To be continued until April 22, 2009

R. Shinkiewicz made a motion to continue the public hearing until April 22, 2009. D. Ginnetti seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

D. Ginnetti stepped down from the Commission for the following application. N. Geragotelis sat in his place as a regular member.

V. New Business

A. IWC #09-1-Modification, River Junction Estates, LLC, Modification to approved permit, Wauregan Road, Assessor’s Map 66, Lot 6.

B. Messier was present at the meeting. He presented plans for the proposed walking trail that was approved by the Commission. The original walking trail required two culverts. B. Messier explained that due to safety reasons, the plans for the layout of the walking trail had changed. He explained that the trail was in the same location, it just was modified some. The plan originally called for an arched pipe for the proposed culverts. Now a 36’ square pipe was proposed. He stated by doing this the velocity drops and the hydrologic factors drop by 50%.

N. Geragotelis stated the ERT recommended the arch pipes. He asked why this was modified. B. Messier stated the square pipes would be less intrusion to the wetlands and less fill would be needed. K. Kelly stated the arched pipe was recommended because of amphibian crossing. J. Sangermano stated he did not foresee any problems with the modification would have less wetland disturbance.

J. Tetreault asked if the Commission felt D. Aubrey, the town engineer should review the modification. N. Geragotelis recommended that the ERT be reviewed as well as having D. Aubrey review the proposal.

R. Shinkiewicz made a motion to approve IWC #09-1-Modification, River Junction Estates, LLC, Modification to approved permit, Wauregan Road, Assessor’s Map 66, Lot 6. J. Sangermano seconded the motion and it passed by a vote of 5-1-1. K. Kelly abstained and N. Geragotelis voted against the motion.

D. Ginnetti rejoined the Commission. N. Geragotelis was no longer a voting member.

B. IWC #09-2-EXT, David & Margaret Motowidlak, extension of approved permit, 309 Brooklyn Road, Assessor’s Map 26, Lot 7A.

S. Sadlowski stated that D. Motowidlak wanted to renew his pond permit. S. Sadlowski stated he realizes that he has to deal with the Army Corp first. B. Messier stated he was currently working with D. Motowidlak and the Army Corp to discuss what to do to remediate the situation. R. Shinkiewicz stated he was the one who originally called the Army Corp. J. Sangermano stated he made several trips to the property with R. Shinkiewicz, as acting WEO. He stated the permit was approved for a farm pond and he did not follow the original plans or use the necessary erosion and sedimentation control measures.

K. Kelly suggested the Motowidlak’s apply for a new permit and the fees would be waived. B. Messier stated he would draw new plans. R. Shinkiewicz made a motion to deny the extension without prejudice for IWC #09-2-EXT. J. Sangermano seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

C. IWC #09-1-Determination of Permit Need, Paul & Donna Santoro, 3-lot resubdivision outside the 100’ upland review area, Lisbon Road, Assessor’s Map 28, Lot 1.

P. Santoro was present at the meeting. He explained the recent history of applications before the Inland Wetland & Watercourses Commission and the Planning & Zoning Commission. He stated he would proposing to create 2 more new lots. S. Sadlowski stated that all activity would be over 100’ away from the regulated area.

R. Shinkiewicz made a motion that no permit was needed for IWC #09-1 because there was no activity within the 100’ regulated area. D. Ginnetti seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

D. Michael and Cheri Surprenant, activity in violation of the town of Canterbury Inland Wetland & Watercourses regulations.

M. and C. Surprenant were not present at the meeting. S. Sadlowski stated he met with M. Surprenant and told him when the meeting was. He stated M. Surprenant was upgrading a driveway within the regulated area and installed and un-permitted wetland crossing to access the property to the rear with was owned by Singh/Chapman/Ramchurejee on Buntz Road. S. Sadlowski stated he needed a permit to continue the work. He stated there was no more digging being done in the back of the property.

VI. Old Business

A.  Harold Ramchurejee, Denise Chapman, Reepu Singh, Buntz Road, Assessor’s Map 24, Lot 28 Cuts D through N, activity in violation of the town of Canterbury Inland Wetland & Watercourses regulations.

R. Singh was not present at the meeting. S. Sadlowski stated he visited the property today. He noted that lot 11 has been leveled off with topsoil and two silt fences have been installed. He stated the field had been seeded and hayed well. He stated that over 50% of the work has been completed. K. Kelly stated the Commission will look at it at the next meeting but stated the cease and desist was still in effect.

VII. Any other appropriate business

A. Correspondence – Reviewed

B. Monthly Expenses- S. Sadlowski stated he would like to purchase a wide format printer for the office. D. Ginnetti made a motion to spend up to $900 on a printer. R. Shinkiewicz seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

C. WEO Report

S. Sadlowski stated he received a complaint that there was logging be done behind the Kobyluck property. S. Sadlowski stated after investigating it appears the logging was being completed at the Chykow property and he stated there was no activity within the wetland areas. S. Sadlowski stated he went to both the Labbe and the Noiseux properties to discuss work they wanted to complete in the regulated area. The Labbe’s wanted to level a wetland area to plant grass for their alpacas. He explained they could do this they just couldn’t fill it. He stated they would place silt fence below the area.

S. Sadlowski stated R. Noiseux want to add another paddock area behind their barn in the upland area. S. Sadlowski stated they could do this but they could not fill regulated area and they had to install silt fence. It was the consensus of the Commission to have S. Sadlowski talk to them.

S. Sadlowski stated the town road crew would be doing work on Lisbon Road. He reminded the members to attend the workshop the next night on the POCD update.

VIII. Public Participation


IX. Adjournment

R. Shinkiewicz made a motion to adjourn at 8:27 p.m. J. Sangermano seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Melissa E. Gil

Land Use Secretary

* as recorded

Cc: IWC members & alternates; Town Clerk; Applicant files; IWC files