Voyage Academy Charter School

Board Meeting

April 4, 2013


Board Members / April Olson – Chair, Mindy Hamblin – Vice Chair, Ashley Roberts– Secretary,
April Hanks – Treasurer, Melissa Kelley – Key Holder, Anna Stanton-Trustee, Seth Finlinson – Trustee
Absent: Anna Stanton
Visiting: Jeff Biesinger
  1. Welcome – Mindy Hamblin
“That which we persist in doing becomes easier. Not that the task itself has become easier but that our ability to perform it has improved.”
Mission Statement-
The mission of Voyage Academy is that through Expeditionary Learning, children will explore
Life Skills and gain personal responsibility. As they strive for excellence in the molding of their future, they will become honest, compassionate and respectful seekers of learning.
  1. Informational Items
a)Calendar and Events
April 5th – Kitchen Manager Interview/Barbara – 3 pm
April 10th – Mandatory Kitchen Meeting
April 16th – Enrollment Ends
April 17th – Kindergarten Roundup Discussion
Parent Meeting
April 18th – Board Meeting AM???
April 22nd – Lottery
April 24th – Costa Vida Fundraiser
May 6th – Lottery Notification
May 22nd – Enrollment Reopens
June 17th & 18th – UAPCS Conference
July 13th – Clinton City Parade
October–EL Conference
b)Check List
  • Training
  • Policies
  • Amending the bylaws to hold open slots
c)Approval of last board meeting minutes
Motion to approve the last board meeting minutes by Ashley Roberts, with a second by April Hanks. Mindy Hamblin abstains from approving minutes because she hadn’t read them. Votes unanimous. Motion passed.
  • Minutes should be signed by board chair or at least the secretary
  • Can be an electronic signature
  • E-mail for approval
  1. Public Input/Comments
Vote on founding members status
Make a list of members
Lottery numbers ever changing
  1. Discussion Items/Action Items
  • Cargo Pants/Slacks – Fine Khaki/Blue/Gray – Black???
  • Patterned Tights – School colors???
  • Striped Shirts??? No
  • Field Days
  • Dress Down Friday
  • Rewrite Policy to amend changes
b)New Board Members
  • Bringing on new board members
  • Post on website – a week
  • Facebook – depends on how many you want
  • Requirements to be on the board
  1. Read charter
  2. Ethics of Excellence
  3. 7 Outs??
  • Looking for an educator
  • Business or Accountant
  • Vote to add more board members
  • Different needs as closer to school opening
  • Can’t sub at Voyage and sit on board??
  • Stacee’s brother-in-law being on board??
  • Prefer not to have business and family mix
Motion to approve adding board members to the action items of the agenda by April Hanks, with a second by Ashley Roberts. No further discussion. Votes unanimous. Motion passed.
Motion to approve adding 1 to 2 new board members to Voyage Academy by Ashley Roberts, with a second by April Hanks. No further discussion. Votes unanimous. Motion passed.
c)Amend By-laws/Policies
  • “City of Voyage” – changed to “City of Clinton”
  • Bringing on a board member
  • Policies/Qualifications of candidate
  • Supervisor/Director cannot recommend salary or evaluate family
  • Hiring of Stacee’s sister
  • Exempt from law, best interest of the school
  • Guidelines
  • Section 26 – supervision of relative
  • Revise policy??
d)Facility Use
  • Exempt from using school as a civic center
  • Most schools allow school to be used as a civic center
  • Concern with lease – running a charter school
  • Community to be able to use school – open policy
  • Draw up a policy establishing use
  1. Questions/Concerns
  • Meet and greet with the teachers – request teacher
  • Punch and cookies
  • Still need 4th grade teachers, 1 5th grade teacher, 2 6th grade teachers
  • 51C3 update – 6 additional items needed
  • Budget – nothing moved – suggestions

  1. Adjourn
Motion to adjourn by Seth Finlinson, with a second by Ashley Roberts. Votes unanimous. Motion passed.