Tuesday, February 21, 2017 5:00 p.m.

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Selectmen Present: Barbara Guelcher and William T. Matson

Selectmen Matson called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.

Present: Chief Ellis

Selectwoman Guelcher MOVED to go to accept the Selectmen’s Meeting minutes from February 14, 2017 SECOND Chairman Matson VOTE unanimous

Jim Dicey – Mr. Dicey stated that we lost an employee at the Transfer Station and we need to put an ad in the paper for the position which is 13.5 hours a week. Would like to put in the Monadnock Shopper. Mr. Dicey met with Bert Lang about the transfer station paving that needs to be done. Mr. Lang and Mr. Dicey agreed about the drainage being put in before the paving but it would cost an additional $20,000. Mr. Dicey stated we either go for the additional $20,000 at Town meeting or we just put a Band-Aid on it and do the paving for the $50,000. Mr. Dicey will get up at Town Meeting and ask for the additional $20,000 to do the drainage. The furnace burnt out at the transfer station it will cost $2700 to just change the insides of the furnace and keep the outside. Mr. Dicey will take it out of operating expense budget. Mr. Dicey discussed ordinance on damaged mailboxes when plowing. The Select Board and Mr. Dicey do not see a need to have an ordinance for this.

Letter from Attorney Little looking for the rest of the information for Lynn Rust, CPA to complete the Troy Ambulance Inc. paperwork. Mrs. Fox will back up the QuickBooks file to a flash drive and Chairman Matson will drop it off to Lynn Rust’s Office.

Government record request from Janet McCullough – Requesting Elizabeth Giorgianni’s will. Select Board stated to release.

Government record request from Janet McCullough – Selectmen’s meeting minutes and letter to Peter Paul that if he funds the Community Center then Kimball Hall will be closed.

2 Complaints on Map 32 Lot 2A. Chairman Matson will go take a look at the property.

HealthTrust Letter in regards to Linda Farnum owing $4164.75 for unpaid medical invoices and subsidy recouped by NHRS. Chairman Matson MOVED to pay Linda Farnum’s invoice for HealthTrust since HealthTrust has been unsuccessful collecting it from her SECOND Selectwoman Guelcher VOTE unanimous Mrs. Fox asked which line item this should be taken out of when paid. Chairman Matson stated that we need to take it out of the Police Department health insurance line item.

FEMA outreach project letter – forward to Robert Hebert

Sign Permit for Dollar General – The Select Board is referring the application to the Planning Board to compare to the original paperwork submitted by Dollar General.

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Warrant Article for Town Meeting – Selectwoman Guelcher stated that we need to change the amount for the Elizabeth Giorgianni fund and take agents to expend off of the article. Selectwoman Guelcher believes that Mrs. McCullough will make a motion at Town Meeting.

Selectmen Bailey sent an email stating that we need to account for the bequest money that was not spent.

Next week 5:30 Public Hearing on Fireworks Ordinance.

Chairman Matson MOVED to adjourn at 6:00 pm SECOND Selectwoman Guelcher VOTE unanimous


Alissa Fox William T. Matson, Chairman

Administrative Assistant

Allan Bailey

______Barbara Guelcher