“Guided by the Holy Spirit, we will empower churches to refocus the ways they do ministry by equipping and training leadership as well as providing resources to meet the real needs of the people in their community.” (Mission statement of the Local Church Transformation Committee of the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church)

To our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the New England Conference,

The Local Church Transformation Committee (LCTC) of the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church (NEUMC) will be awarding transformation grants to local churches in 2005. They will be one-time grants and the amount will vary depending on the proposed mission. There will be two award dates for the grants – February 2006 (with applications required to be submitted by December 1, 2005) and July 2006 (with applications required to be submitted by April 15, 2006).

The attached page provides a number of questions and requests for background information that must be included. While it may seem daunting at first, the intent of these questions and requests for information is to assist with an evaluation and discernment process that must take place at the local faith community level before requesting grants. Recognizing that the conference, as well as many faith communities, is financially limited, such a process at the local faith community level allows all to be good stewards of those financial resources.

Types of transforming missions that could be considered for grants would include training for DISCIPLE and other Bible Studies, assistance to attend a conference, a new outreach mission to the community, bringing in a consultant, publicizing the church and its ministries (matching grants), and a variety of other opportunities.

These grants will be awarded in compliance with the mission statement of the LCTC as well as the vision and mission of the NEUMC. It is hoped that churches will use this opportunity to further develop or to create new ways of making disciples for Jesus Christ as described in the Great Commission as found in Matthew’s Gospel.

Such requests should have a long-term impact on the faith community and those whom the community is serving.

If a faith community needs assistance in completing the information, please contact the chair of the committee, Rev. David Abbott at 207-338-5575 or and he will assign a member of the committee to help you in this process.

Essential information for the grant application process

When submitting a request for a Local Church Transformation grant, in addition to a description of the mission, please include the following:

1)What type of evaluation process will be used to measure the “success” of the mission?

2)What type of process was used to understand the purpose and core values of the church? Was a vision/dream session held? What is the mission/purpose statement of the faith community? How has the entire faith community participated in the vision/purpose process? What is the vision of the pastor for this church and its ministries?

3)What is the link between the request and the purpose and core values of the church? How does the mission extend who the church believes they are and where they feel they have been called by God to serve?

4)Who will benefit from this mission? Is there a connection to a particular community or group? If so, which one? How will the mission reach the people listed above?

5)Have someone within the group write a statement of support for the mission.

Required background information. Please provide copies of the necessary support information.

1)Narrative history of the faith community submitted by the lay leadership of the church. Highlights and growing edges as well as any previous work in the requested grant area or reasons for entering into the new area of ministry. Describe the process used to arrive at this decision for ministry. 2-page limit.

2)Explanation of which “group” within the church will oversee and participate in the requested grant area. How many people will be involved.

3)What is the estimated overall cost of the project and how much the church is planning to financially contribute?

4)Describe the projected long-term impact of the mission on the church and/or local community. How will it be funded after the grant money has been used?

5)How does this mission educate and develop leaders within the church?

6)Explanation and actual demographics used to support request. The LCTC will assist any church in finding such information.

7)Average weekly worship attendance. If including more than Sunday morning, please explain.

8)Provide copies of the budget and expense reports for the previous 3 years as well as the current year’s income and expenses to date. Also include the percentage of Mission shares paid each year.

9)Describe the community’s connectional involvement with the NEUMC.

10)List and explain other grants the faith community is currently receiving from church or secular resources. Also include any requests that have been denied and any that are in process.

11)Signatures of Lay Leader, Pastor, and District Superintendent, with comments from each pertaining to the project.