Trauma Informed Community Network(TICN) Meeting Minutes
In attendance:Lisa Wright (GRSCAN), Fred Orelove (VCU/GRSCAN), Jeanine Harper (GRSCAN), Brittany Armentrout (Poplar Springs Hospital), Tim Reddish (Crossover Healthcare Ministry), Nina Marino (The Center for Adoption Support & Education/Child Welfare consultant), Lauren Sachs (Private Practice), Vanessa Grooms (13th CSU), Katelynn Jarrells (GRSCAN), Katy Garraghty (Chesterfield CSB), Nathaniel Rudney (DBHDS), Ann Abell (Elk Hill), Joeleathia Wilson (Chesterfield-Colonial Heights DSS), Kelley Brown (Richmond DSS), Blake Miller (ChildSavers), Monica Kelley (VCU MSW intern/GRSCAN), Lauren Weidner (Children’s Home Society of VA), Beth Tolley (DBHDS), Jacqueline Bedsaul (VCU MSW Intern/VCU Health), Carly Barrows (CPT/MCV), Randi Taggart (MSW Student), Susan Jones (VCU Health/VTCC), Beth Nolan (Voices), Jessica Bell (Handover Safe Place), Shenika Carlos (Chesterfield Juvenile Detention), Dexter Wright (Richmond DSS), Brittany Nash (Richmond DSS), Cory Richardson-Lauve (VA Home for Boys and Girls), Kim Russo (13th CSU), Regina Taggart (CancerLINC), Patricia Mills (Richmond Health Department), Marcy Walsh (VCU MSW intern/LFSVA), Margo Buchanan (HCPS), Gretchen Brown (Henrico DSS), Courtney Richter (United Way), Gabrielle Stevens (DMAS), Mary Wellman (Longwood intern/SCAN), Becca Halbeisen (Longwood intern/SCAN), Olivya Wilson (New Century Hospice), Kathleen Toms (The Bair Foundation – VA), Connie Honsinger (Chesterfield Co Public Schools), Alexa Zafarana (VCU MSW intern/Podium), Madison Lowry (C2Adopt), Rebecca Ricardo (C2Adopt), Beth Wright (Camp Alkulana), Betsy Farmer (VCU SSW), Katie Copty (Safe Harbor), Nicole Poulin (FACT), Amy Fox (VCU MSW intern/SCAN), Jordan Brown (VCU MSW intern/Pediatric and Adolescent Health Partners), Elisa Hayden (Project Yoga Richmond Ambassador) and Nadia Gooray (Project Yoga Richmond).
Outcomes Committee Co-Chair update – Thank you to Allison Hallberg for serving as the Outcomes Committee co-chair & welcome to Beth Nolan with Voices for Virginia’s Children who will now co-chair the Outcomes Committee with Michael Mallet.
MARC Conference – Lisa and Melissa attended the MARC conference in early December. Presenters shared about the MARC community efforts (14 MARC communities in the U.S.), NY Times reporter, David Bornstein, presented about Solutions Focused Journalism, break out sessions focusing on legal/courts systems, healthcare systems, schools, ETC. All presentations were recorded and will be posted to the MARC website soon.
ACEs Community Tracker – ACEs Connection has added a new feature that we will be adding to the Greater Richmond TICN Community on ACEs Connection by the end of February. There are two main features: one that keeps track of all ACEs related trainings and a second that tracks organizational trauma-informed care milestones. More information will be shared at our March meeting – but, in the meantime if you want to read more about it go to THIS LINK.
ACES Connection – REMINDER to post & join!
Policy update–Emily Griffey shared about VA Legislative Efforts – Trauma-informed proposals are included as budget amendments. Members who serve on House Appropriations and Senate Finance will be targeted. We are asking for budget action in 3 categories: 1. State policy coordination, 2. Children’s mental health & 3. Approaches in schools.
For state policy coordination there is an ask to create an inter-agency workgroup to define trauma-informed approaches and best practices as well as additional funding for FACT grants. For children’s mental health we are asking for support for expansion of a statewide pilot to provide a less traumatic experience for children in mental health crises to use alternative to law enforcement when children are sent to inpatient treatment. And for trauma informed approaches in schools we are asking for support for Virginia Tiered Systems of supports or PBIS, especially as alternatives to suspension and expulsion. Asking Gov. Northam to continue the Children’s Cabinet. Action items will be sent out of individuals to contact their reps and support Voices for VA children. There is more inclusion of “trauma informed” language in legislation.
Targets in the Richmond area that serve on “money committees” Senators Dunnavant, Dance, and McDougle and Delegates Peace, Carr, Robinson, Aird or McQuinn
Upcoming Advocacy days at General Assembly: If you do participate, please update TICN so we can track our participation. Mental Health Advocacy Day: Kids on Monday and Adults on Tuesday; limited in scale; Have appts with people on. Children’s mental health – cont STEP VA improved services for the CSB’s including same day access, expansion of Medicaid (parents) (very important b/c of ignorance and lack of focus from legislatures), budget amendments for change in transportation for people who are in crisis and being TDO’d to a psychiatric facility.
– email sign up at the top of homepage; can get action alerts and Friday emails during session.
Additional updates -
Leadership Metro Richmond – training series entitled Barriers to Learning: How Trauma Impacts RVA Children. Go to THIS LINK for more info. Resilience screening at Fulgram Center; sign up on the LMR website
Early Childhood committee is teaming up with VTCC for the Early Childhood Symposium on March 14, 2018 in Willimasburg, VA. Training is entitled Changing the Lens: Broadening Our Perspective to Support Young Children and Their Families. Find an info flyer HERE.
We continue to host public screenings of Resilience every other month. Check ACEs Connections for dates and times. These screenings have been a great way to bring awareness to the TICN and have increased requests for membership.
TICN Speaker – Nina Marino - ARC Reflections and TST-FC: two new trauma-responsive skill building curricula for foster/adoptive and kinship families.
Curricula are available free online at these links:
The two curricula-ARC Reflections and TST-FC were created to increase parent skill-building for families who are certified and have or are parenting children in foster care. ARC Reflections was piloted in several counties in NC and Fairfax, VA. TST-FC was piloted in two counties in Ohio and Maryland. The hypothesis was that if we can assist parents in addressing challenging behaviors and self-regulation for both parents and kids, then we can increase placement stability and permanency while also retaining more foster families.
Both models were evaluated by Child Trends to look at how the implementation was handled and if parents showed changes in their knowledge and beliefs around trauma-informed parenting. Both models showed gains from pre and post-test data indicating that families that went through the trainings showed higher levels of praise for the children in their home and nurturance.
The models include facilitator guides, power point slides for each module, room set up, pre/post test measures for parents and fidelity checklists. ARC Reflections also includes a corresponding case worker guide to re-enforce with families the weekly concepts.
Find Nina’s PPT HERE.
C2Adopt is providing a training for adoptive and foster to adopt parents in March on Friday-Saturday. Find more info on the C2Adopt website
Updates from committees:
Trauma-Informed Brief Screening Tool Committee – Lisa–Report from Gretchen Brown re: Henrico DSS– re-trained Child Welfare in Hopewell, Chesterfield, and Henrico in September. Henrico DSS began with a pilot after the training and implemented full use of the screening on April 1, 2018. They will be screening all new kids to the system, eventually using it with kids already in the system, and have kids re-screened at certain times. Report from Joeleathia Wilson re: Chesterfield DSS – Started implementing in October by asking worker to use the tool with 1 client.
Community Resilience–Jeanine - Meeting with public agencies, community members, and community advocates. Learning what all the different people are doing. Next committee meeting will include review of different needs assessments and also look at work done on assets (what do communities have). Committee is also looking at community resiliency models and finding a framework. SCAN applied to be part of a national educational collaborative in Pittsburgh, PA that provides a focus on community resilience with trauma informed/behavioral health frameworks
Trauma-Informed Healthcare Committee – Melissa–The TICN Healthcare Committee is currently comprised of 35 individuals who represent many different facets of the healthcare field (hospital systems, public health, community health, private pediatric practice, managed care, home health). All of these organizations are at different stages of implementing trauma informed practices and policies into their organizations. The TICN Healthcare Committee is set up as a learning collaborative. Our meetings serve as an opportunity for information sharing and support. Committee members share updates on progress, barriers, and challenges they have encountered on their journey to becoming more trauma informed and trauma responsive systems. We share resources, lessons learned and updates on what’s happening in the healthcare community. We have set up a monthly e-note to disseminate resources and information related to trauma informed practices in the healthcare field. The committee meets every other month.
Trauma-Informed Legal and Courts Committee – Lisa/Kelli–Committee members are continuing work on assessment of agencies in the City of Richmond and Chesterfield County through focus group discussion. Will be facilitating focus groups with Oliver Hill JDR courts in April to include sheriffs, judges, clerks and CASA. Planning to analyze all data that has been gathered an combine into one guidance document for legal/courts affiliated agencies. In addition, Richmond Police Dept Road to Resilience Project continues with monthly informational eNotes and monthly wellness activities.
Trauma-Informed Outcomes Committee – Michael/Beth –Beth asked that any interested TICN members reach out and get involved with the Outcomes Committee. The work of this committee will help to measure and celebrate the impact of the TICN. Committee members will bereaching out to each committee to look at what they’ve been doing and outcomes. If interested in joining, please send an e-mail to Lisa at
Trauma-Informed Policy Committee – Jeanine/John –Please see Policy Update above.
Trauma-Informed Schools Committee – Fred – This committee has not met since the last TICN meeting. However, the work group leaders and co-chairs have met twice, and they are reshaping the focus of the groups and of the full committee meetings. This will be discussed at the February 7 meeting, which will feature a guest speaker, Kathy Evans, from Eastern Mennonite University, who will speak about restorative justice.
Trauma-Informed Training Committee –Melissa -The Training Committee is hosting two Trauma and Resilience Basics Trainings on 2/7 and 2/28. All Trauma and Resilience Basics trainings are filling to capacity and will be offered quarterly. Next training date will be in April – keep an eye out for the flyer to be distributed soon.
Trauma-Informed Workforce Development Committee – Lisa/Abbie–TIWD committee members are working on: 1. Community based provider survey that will be distributed soon. Would like for all TICN members to share the link to the survey with their contacts., 2. Curriculum recommendations are being developed for VCU SSW which will become backbone curriculum resources for all helping professional schools/departments and 3. We are working to develop a post graduate CE certificate program through VCU. TIWD Committee will also be sponsoring a Trauma-Informed Supervisor training in May. This training will be facilitated by Chrissy Cunningham with the Fairfax TICN. Details will be sent out to all TICN members (training is for TICN members only) once finalized.
Next Meeting Friday, March 23, 2018