Jeffrey S. Gordon
The New York Botanical Garden
Bronx, NY 10458
607-277-5973 –
Graduate – Cornell University, Ithaca, NY – September 2004 to present
§ Plant Cell and Molecular Biology Ph.D. program
§ Minor areas: International Agriculture and Rural Development, Economics of Development
Undergraduate – Yale University, New Haven, CT – September 1998 to May 2002
§ B.S. in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, intensive program
§ Senior Thesis: Mechanisms of Cell Cycle Regulation in α-Proteobacteria
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2005 – 2008
Cornell Presidential Genomics Fellowship, 2004 - 2005
Graduate Researcher – Cornell University, August 2004 to present
§ Advisor: Molly Jahn
§ Project: Agricultural Biotechnology Support Project II (ABSPII), funded by USAID
§ Mapping Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) resistance genes in tomato using a unique collection of conventionally bred resistant varieties.
§ Working with National Agricultural Research and Extension Services (NARES) in West Africa to conduct field trials of TYLCV-resistant tomato varieties for potential introduction in the region.
Research Assistant I – III – Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, June 2002 to August 2004
§ Advisor: Greg Martin
§ Designed and fabricated an ORF-specific full genome microarray for Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) strain DC3000.
§ Defined the virulence regulon of Pst DC3000 at the transcriptional level and performed downstream analyses.
Undergraduate Researcher – Yale University, September 2001 to May 2002
§ Advisor: Christine Jacobs-Wagner
§ Studied subcellular protein localization as a regulatory mechanism in α-proteobacteria.
Research Intern – Cereon Genomics, summer 2001
§ Advisor: Rob Last
§ Conducted a high-throughput transient assay in maize protoplasts to identify transcriptional activators in the tocopherol biosynthetic pathway.
§ Performed a phylogenetic analysis of DnaE sequences in α-proteobacteria to determine the origins of duplicate copies in the A. tumefaciens genome.
Student Member – American Society of Plant Biologists Committee on Public Affairs, 2005 to 2008
§ Participate in committee activities, which include educating policy-makers and the public about new relevant discoveries in plant biology research. Selection for position was competitive.
Workshop Instructor – Cornell Plant Genome Research Program, January 2003 to present
§ Conduct educational workshops several times per year on microarray technology for students, teachers, and policy-makers. Recent workshop attendees have included high school biology teachers from upstate New York, biotechnology graduate students from Thailand, and government officials from Ghana.
Member, American Society of Plant Biologists since April, 2005
Member, New York Academy of Sciences since October, 2005
Preiter K, Gordon JS, Martin GB, Kunkel BN. TvrR is a regulator of virulence-related gene expression in Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000. In preparation.
Ferreira A, Meyers CR, Gordon JS, Vencato M, Schneider DJ, Lamboy WF, Alfano JR, Collmer A, Martin GB, Cartinhour S. Whole-genome expression profiling defines the HrpL regulon of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000, allows de novo reconstruction of the Hrp cis element, and identifies novel co-regulated genes. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 19:1167-79 (2006).
Sarkar SF, Gordon JS, Martin GB, Guttman DS. Comparative genomics of host-specific virulence in Pseudomonas syringae. Genetics 174:1041-56 (2006).
Alba R, Fei Z, Payton P, Liu Y, Moore SL, Debbie P, Cohn J, D'Ascenzo M, Gordon JS, Rose JK, Martin G, Tanksley SD, Bouzayen M, Jahn MM, Giovannoni J. ESTs, microarrays and gene expression profiling: tools for dissecting plant physiology and development. Plant Journal 39:697-714 (2004).
Goodner B, Hinkle G, Gattung S, Miller N, Blanchard M, Qurollo B, Goldman BS, Cao Y, Askenazi M, Halling C, Mullin L, Houmiel K, Gordon J, Vaudin M, Iartchouk O, Epp A, Liu F, Wollam C, Allinger M, Doughty D, Scott C, Lappas C, Markelz B, Flanagan C, Crowell C, Gurson J, Lomo C, Sear C, Strub G, Cielo C, Slater S. Genome sequence of the plant pathogen and biotechnology agent agrobacterium tumefaciens C58. Science 294: 2323-8 (2001).
Markelz N, Barth C, Gordon JS. Hands-on microarrays (without the expensive equipment!) Presented at the Annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, July 2005.
Gordon JS, Ferreira A, Lamboy WF, Cartinhour S, Martin GB. Characterization of the ‘hrp’ virulence regulon of pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 using DNA microarray analysis. Presented at the Silicon Genetics User Conference, September 2003.