This opportunity is being released to ODX Contractors pre-qualified as a result of RFP #0A1216.
ONLY pre-qualified Contractors are eligible to submit proposal responses AND to submit inquiries. The State does not intend to respond to inquiries or to accept proposals submitted by organizations that are not pre-qualified.
An alphabetical listing of Contractors pre-qualified to participate in this opportunity follows:
Base 22 / ICCStatement of Work Solicitation
/ Department of Administrative Serviceson behalf of the
Department of Public Safety
Website Re-platform Project
Statement of Work / ODX Solicitation ID No. / Solicitation Release Date
DXDPS-18-01-001 / April 6, 2018
Section 1: Purpose
The purpose of this Project Statement of Work (SOW) is to provide the Ohio Department of Public Safety with Information Technology services related to the State of Ohio Digital eXperience (ODX) environment. A qualified Contractor, herein after referred to as the “Contractor”, must furnish the necessary personnel, equipment, material and/or services and otherwise do all things necessary for or incidental to the performance of work set forth in Section 3, Scope of Work.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Purpose
Section 2: Background Information
Section 3: Scope of Work
Section 4: Deliverables Management
Section 5: SOW Response Submission Requirements
Section 6: SOW Evaluation Criteria
Section 7: SOW Solicitation Calendar of Events
Section 8: Inquiry Process
Section 9: Submission Instructions & Location
SOW Solicitation Release to Pre-Qualified Contractor:April 6, 2018
Inquiry Period Begins:April 6, 2018
Inquiry Period Ends:April 16, 2018 at 8:00 AM
Proposal Response Due Date:April 20, 2018 at 1:00 PM
All times are Columbus, Ohio local time.
Section 2: Background Information
2.1Agency Information
Agency/Program Name / ODPS/ Ohio Department of Public Safety website redesign / re-platform
Contact Name / Vi Tran
Greg Wyatt / Contact Phone Numbers / 614-466-7517
Bill to Address / SUBMISSION OF INVOICES: In order to be a proper Invoice, the Contractor shall include on all invoices the proper vendor identification number, purchase order number, and total cost of service; and submit an original copy to:
Emailing invoices is preferred, email them to: with “DPS Origin A77” in the subject line and on the actual invoice the U.S. mail address.
Or U.S mail to:
DPS Origin A77
Ohio Shared Services
PO Box 182880
Columbus Ohio 43218-2880
2.2Project Information
Project Name / Ohio Department of Public Safety website redesign / re-platform
Project Background & Objective / Using the Ohio Digital Experience platform and accelerators design, build, test, and deploythe following website:
Keyproject objectivesare to enhance website / website management usability for DPS’content owners and make DPS’public information and documents more accessible to DPS constituents.
Tasks are outlined in the Scope of Work (SOW) section.
Expected Project Duration / Work must be completed and approved by DPS on or before 10/31/2018.
If a prospective Contractorcannot meet this timelineor any of the dates outlined in the project schedule, they should clearly detail reasons why they believe dates cannot be meet and propose another plan with dates.
Contractor must be able to make sites live at the time they are approved and accepted; site completion can be staggered throughout the project.
2.3Project Timeline
Proposed Dates / Task
May 1, 2018 / Project commences
Contractor supplied date / Project kickoff with DPS, workshop (requirements validation and working sessions); technical design
Contractor supplied date / Detailed Project Plan
Contractor supplied date / Business, functional, and technical requirements
Contractor supplied date / Clickable Design Prototype (functional design)
Contractor supplied date / Technical Design
Contractor supplied date / Web Content Author Training
Contractor supplied date / SIT Plan and SIT Completion
Contractor supplied date / UAT Test Completion
Contractor supplied date / Production Environment Build Deployment
October 31, 2018 / Final Website Presentation, Final Report and Agency Style Guide
2.4 Project Milestones
Proposed Dates / Milestones
Contractor supplied date / Identify and define DPS website requirements
Contractor supplied date / Creation of DPS website prototype (clickable) and construction of the website.
Contractor supplied date / Testing the new DPS website.
Contractor supplied date / Final website pages completed Contractor.
Contractor supplied date / Editable templates completed and submitted to the DPS.
Contractor supplied date / Launch of the new DPS Website.
Contractor supplied date / Technical assistance to DPS staff including, but not limited to, training DPS staff on editing/modifying editable forms and templates, updating website content and training DPS staff on analytics for running reports. Content management responsibilities will then shift to DPS staff.
2.5Contractor’s Work Effort Requirement
The Contractor’s full-time regular employees must perform at least 75% of the effort required to complete the work. The Contractor may use its personnel or subcontractor personnel to accommodate the remaining 25% of the effort.
Section 3: Scope of Work
3.1Description of Scope of Work
- Develop the User Experience and Technical Designs for the DPS website:
- Content selection and site requirement gathering working sessions
- Design prototype development; updates to State and DPS-provided branding guidelines as required
- Business requirements validation using design prototype (stakeholder interviews and workshops)
- Functional specifications document development leveraging design prototype and validated business requirements
- Non-functional requirements definition (e.g. performance metrics)
- Technical gap identification based on design prototype and business requirements
- Deploy the new website(s) to the ODX Platform
- Virtual portal(s) creation
- Libraries creation: for content, code, as well as Java and/or JavaScript required components
- Unit and System Integration Issue/ Remediation documentation (prior to UAT)
- ODX CMS Content Import and Upload
- Content Author Training Sessions – Contractor to propose # of Content Author/ Owner training sessions
- Fulfill the following Global Requirements:
- Responsive Design
- Responsive UI design to support mobile and tablet devices.
- Mobile responsiveness will be tested for agreement at the conclusion of UAT for:
- Apple – latest IOS version as of one month before commencement of UAT
- iPhone 7: Safari and Chrome browsers
- iPad Air 9”: Safari and Chrome browsers
- Android – latest Android version as of one month before commencement of UAT
- Samsung Galaxy: Chrome browser
- Asus ZenPad 3S: Chrome browser
- Additional requirements:
- Use of the ODX site, content and information architecture accelerator(s) and capabilities
- Intuitive navigation
- Clean and focused design
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) best practices
- Forward-facing searchable document library
- Analytic reporting capability
- Compliance with Ohio web accessibility requirements and other policies, including Americans with Disabilities Act/Section 508 compliance.
3.2Assumptions and Constraints
Assumptions / The project must be completed by October 31, 2018.
Contractor will have the capability and capacity to perform content design, satisfy all requirements described in section 3.1, and build / deploy the website(s).
Contractor will have the capacity and ability to provide technical assistance and training to DPS staff, including, but not limited to the following activities: edit / modify editable forms and templates, update content, and running website Analytics reports.
Constraints / Contractor must be able to adhere to ODX-hosted solution requirements: including use of IBM Digital Experience portal tools as configured, hosted and supported by DAS and per the requirements set forth herein.
Contractor is responsible for travel expenses and cannot charge DPS, DAS or ODX for incurred expenses
3.3 Detailed Description of Deliverables
- Contractor and DPS will agree upon deliverable dates. Once the project schedule and plan are set, Contractor must meet specified deliverable timeframes. Any deviation from established schedule and plan requires prior approval (in writing) from the ODX Contract Manager or designate.
- Deliverables must be submitted to the DPS in the ODX-approved format.
- Deliverable acceptance criteria and time period for deliverable testing and acceptance must be established with the DPS within the first two weeks of project commencement.
- If a deliverable cannot be completed per the approved schedule and plan, Contractormustnotify in writing the DPS Project Manager and ODX Contract Manager with the reason for the delay and proposed revision to the schedule. Proposed schedule revision must include the downstream impact and impact to the overall project.
- If the DPS Project Manager and ODX Contract Manager determine a deliverable is no longer needed, DPS Project Manager and/or Contract Manager will provide this information in writing to the Contractor within 2 weeks. Monies cannot be reallocated.
- The ODX Contract Manager must approve any schedule revision prior to revision taking effect.
- Deliverable reviews will be conducted by the ODX Contract Manager and DPS designatewithin 5 – 10working days ofdeliverable submission.
- A final report to be delivered to DPS by October 31, 2018.
Deliverable / Description
Project Kick off and planning meeting / Kickoff meeting will be held at a location and time selected by DPS where Contractor and its staff will be introduced to DPS and ODX and will discuss project requirements and brand guidelines.
Project Plan and Schedule / Includes breakdown of tasks, milestones, and deliverables, milestone and deliverable dates and owners, and critical path (baselined). Contractor will proactively maintain baselined, approved project plan throughout the project.
DPS Stakeholders meeting / Contractor will meet with stakeholders identified by DPS at a date within the first month of project initiation that is mutually agreed upon by the Contractor and DPS. Contractor will ensure all stakeholders have ample notice of the meeting. DPS will provide contact information for all stakeholders. The Contractor will arrange the specifics of the meeting, including but not limited to, providing an agenda, location, date, and time for the meeting. The Contractor will provide these specifics to DPS for approval. The Contractor will be responsible for assembling stakeholders, conducting the meeting, and maintaining a line of communication for feedback with stakeholders after the meeting. The Contractor will use the meeting for the purpose of establishing a relationship with stakeholders and soliciting design, functionality, utility, usability, etc. ideas from those most likely to utilize the website. The meeting will result in a list of desired outcomes and functions provided by the stakeholders. This list must be developed by the Contractor, based on the stakeholder input, and provided to DPS within one week of the stakeholder meeting. DPS will determine which of the desired outcomes and functions must be incorporated by the Contractor. The Contractor is responsible for follow-up with stakeholders and DPS regarding this meeting. The Contractor may be required to conduct further stakeholder meetings in a fashion similar to this initial meeting at the request of DPS. These subsequent stakeholder meetings would be limited to at most 2 additional meetings.
Business, Functional, and Technical Requirements / Complete documentation of business, functional, and technical requirements.
Functional Design (Clickable Design Prototype) / Functional specifications document using the visual components from the design prototype and documented business requirements.
Technical Design / Includes technical infrastructure and data architectural design for Digital Experience.
Web Content Author Training Materials / Materials used for training Content Owners to use the Digital Experience WCM Web Content Authoring System. Materials can include:
Class outline
Training presentation
Lab handout
SIT Plan and SIT Completion / System Integration Testing Plan and results of this test
UAT Test Completion / Completion of the User Acceptance Testing. It will include what was tested and what changes, if any, are required.
Production Environment Build Deployment / Deployment of the DPS-specific code and configuration to the ODX production environment.
Communication and Engagement Plan / Detailed, sequenced plan for communicating to impacted stakeholders. Defines what is communicated, to what stakeholder groups, by whom, and by when and defines the communication vehicle. Plan is based upon stakeholder identification and impact assessment.
Present final version, project report, and Agency Style Guideto DPS by October 31, 2018. / Contractor is required to submit a final report to DPS and ODX on or beforeOctober 31, 2018. ODX will provide Contractor with a report form template.
Deliverable Name / Due Date (If applicable) / Payment Eligible?
Yes/No / Acceptance Criteria
Project Kick off and planning meeting / TBD / No / Meeting was held
Project Plan(s) and Schedule / TBD / updated throughout project / Yes / DPS PM/Stakeholders and ODX Contract Manager approval. Requirements for approval:
Meets criteria established in Deliverable Expectations Document
DPS Stakeholder Meeting / TBD / No / Meeting was held. Stakeholder’s information translated into list of desired outcomes and functions; List discussed with DPS staff; Approved outcomes and functions incorporated into website design and content
Business, Functional, and Technical Requirements / TBD / Yes / DPS PM/Stakeholders and ODX Contract Manager acceptance
Meets criteria established in Deliverable Expectations Document
Functional Design (Clickable Design Prototype) / TBS / Yes / DPS PM/Stakeholders and ODX Contract Manager acceptance
Meets criteria established in Deliverable Expectations Document
Technical Design / TBD / Yes / DPS PM/Stakeholders and ODX Contract Manager acceptance
Meets criteria established in Deliverable Expectations Document
Web Content Author Training Materials / TBD / Yes / DPS PM/Stakeholders and ODX Contract Manager acceptance
Meets criteria established in Deliverable Expectations Document
SIT Plan and SIT Completion / TBD / Yes / DPS PM/Stakeholders and ODX Contract Manager acceptance
Meets criteria established in Deliverable Expectations Document
UAT Test Completion / TBD / Yes / DPS PM/Stakeholders and ODX Contract Manager acceptance
Meets criteria established in Deliverable Expectations Document
Production Environment Build Deployment / TBD / Yes / DPS PM/Stakeholders and ODX Contract Manager acceptance
Meets criteria established in Deliverable Expectations Document
Communication and Engagement Plan / TBD / No / DPS PM/Stakeholders and ODX Contract Manager acceptance
Final Project Report and Agency Style Guide / TBD / Yes / DPS PM/Stakeholders and ODX Contract Manager acceptance
Subcontractors. / Duration of the contract. / No / All subcontracts are submitted to DPS for approval before any agreement is entered into by the Contractor and subcontractor.
3.5Roles and Responsibilities
Project or Management Activity/Responsibility Description / Contractor / DPS/ODX
Schedule a kick-off meeting with all key stakeholders / X
Prepare for kick-off meeting materials / X
Identify DPS Stakeholders / X
Approve subcontractors / X
Project Plan / X
Business, Functional, and Technical Requirements / X
Functional Design (Clickable Design Prototype) / X
Technical Design / X
Web Content Author Training Materials / X
SIT Plan and SIT Completion / X
UAT Test Completion / X
Production Environment Build Deployment / X
Communication and Engagement Plan / X
Final Project Report and Agency Style Guide / X
Approve final product and project report / X
3.6Restrictions on Data Location and Work
The Contractor must perform all Work specified in the SOW Solicitation and keep all State data within the United States, and the State may reject any SOW Response that proposes to do any work or make State data available outside the United States.
The Contractor must maintain all of DPS’ data on a secure data storage unit (hard drive, USB, etc.). If multiple storage units are necessary, DPS must be notified. Data provided by DPS will be used solely for the creation of this website.
3.7Resource Requirements
- Contractor must perform all required work at their location with the possible exception ofmeetings and presentations.
- Contractor must provideany and all equipment they need to perform activities at their workplace.
- Contractor should clearly identify technology and tools they will utilize to develop the site and any software licensing that needs to be purchased.
Section 4: Deliverables Management
PM Artifact/Project Work Product / Submission / Format
Contractor must follow DPS or ODX Program Management methodology. Contractor, DPS PM, and ODX PM will align on work products required for this project within the first 2 weeks of the project / Templates will be provided by DPS or ODX Program
Weekly Status Report / Every Wednesday beginning the second Wednesday of the contracting period. / The report will include specific information about the progress of the project. The report must be in a format that makes it easy to read and follow (Microsoft Office compatible format).
Weekly project dashboard for ODX Status Report / Wednesdays at 3 p.m. / Format will be provided by ODX
Final Project Report / 10/31/2018 / In a report format based on a template provided by ODX. DPS may request additional information for this report.
4.2Reports and Meetings
- Contractor will conduct weekly status meetings with DPS PM/ team. DPS PM will establish meeting date/time/location. Meetings can be in person or over the phone at the discretion of DPS PM.
- Contractor will submit a project status report that includes work performed and completed for the current week and planned work for the subsequent week; anddocumentation of issues and risks encountered or outstanding, with an explanation of the cause and resolution / proposed resolution
- Contractor is required to provide DPS and ODX with a written weeklystatus reports summary. Status reports are due to ODX by 3 p.m. by the close of business on Wednesday every week throughout the lift the project; template will be provided by ODX
- Final project report is due by October 31, 2018