Minutes of Brailes Neighbourhood Development Plan FULL meeting



Louise Appleton; (Chairman);Peter Jordan; (Vice chairman); Steven Kaack; Richard Cheney; Maggie Witherick;John Dudbridge; Elaine Cook.


Mark Moore

Members of the public;

Nigel Shortt; Paul Clark; Howard Taylor;Peter Binns; Kirsty (Righton); Jeremy Scarfe.

The minutes of the last full meeting held on 7th December were approved.

Matters Arising

Discuss the consequences of the questionnaire returning a NO/Rejection of the New Policy for the 12 home sites.

The consequence of a No vote to our 12-house sites would provoke the NDP to potentially do a new ‘call for sites’.

Louise and Peter explained that they believed the 6-house per site remained viable and there could be other options for development of affordable homes, such as a mixed sites of 6-house sites and a 12-house site as well as rural needs exception sites, but these would not be decided upon unless a No Vote won.

Currently, SDC are drawing up built up area boundaries of LS villages who have not started developing a NP.

Some of us carried out an exercise ‘testing’ our current questionnaire on friends/family to get some response varied.

MM’s trial returned many No Votes and stated many thought that ticking no would help reduce development. However, when he verbally explained the key aims of the questionnaire, there was a unanimous agreement to tick the Yes box.

MW found her trial to be accepting and easy to understand.

EC found most returned a No vote, again thinking No would reduce development. Many thought there was already enough development. Of the 5 people selected, only 2 would select Yes, once it was verbally explained, 1 preferred affordable homes via Rural Needs Exception, and 2 voted No.

RC’s trial, said his person didn’t read it properly, but would have voted No.

We all agreed the questionnaire needed to be worded simply and easy to understand what they were voting for.

Questionnaire discussion – agree policy wording.

This was quite a difficult exercise, we even asked members of the public to read and give their opinion on two styles of questionnaire. MW pointed out the green text wording is more difficult to read and therefore we should change this to another colour, either blue or black.

It was decided that Louise would edit the ‘key aims’ of the NDP Questionnaire to make the points clearer for people to understand. Currently there is too much text on the first page. The NO vote box requires amending to say ‘Brailes will have no protection against unwanted development until the NDP is completed”.

This will be circulated to each committee member for comments and then a draft would be produced by EC to give to the Parish Council for approval at their next full meeting on 29th January.

This draft questionnaire would also be sent to Rosemary Williams at SDC for her approval.

Questionnaire process going forward – next steps.

Louise and Peter to give contact details of some of the Street Champions already known to them so that EC can contact them.

EC will contact the ‘Street Champions’ and ask if they would be willing to distribute and collect the questionnaires once they have been approved and printed.

Once they have been collected, an independent body would analyse the questionnaire results.

SK suggested we put a notice in the Feldon News explaining that a Questionnaire will be forthcoming and asking residents to complete. The cut-off date for publication is 12th February for the March edition.

Landowner Update

Louise confirmed the Marquis does want his land on Saltway Lane to be included as one of our two new sites for 12-house development. He expressed that he would not wish to be the ‘reserve site’.


EC to ask Rosemary Williams to continue with the desktop assessments of all the three new 12 house sites.

MW sends her apologies in advance being absent for the next NDP meeting.

Members of the public:

There was interaction during the meeting but no comments at the end.

NEXT MEETING will be a Working Party Meeting on Monday 29th January8pm in the Pavilion).