Name Date Period
Bless Me, Ultima
Tony’s Dreams
Directions: Comment on the significance of Tony’s dreams using complete and thorough sentences. No empty space. You may use your book.
Dream # / Page #s / Description / Commentary/Significance1 / 4-6 / Tony sees his own birth in Las Pasturas; Ultima is there as the midwife. The Luna and Mares families argue about Tony’s future (vaquero vs. priest). Ultima stops the argument and says she will guide Tony.
2 / 25-26 / Tony and his brothers talk about their father’s desire to build a house across the river. Tony tries to pull them together, but the brothers call him a mama’s boy. The brothers then hear the voice of la llorona along the river, but Tony acts as a priest and protects them.
3 / 45 / Tony’s mother calls to the Virgin of Guadalupe to bring her sons back and make Tony a priest. The Virgin is in mourning for the fourth son (Tony). Tony screams and Ultima calms him.
4 / 61 / Tony hears voices at the river and believes they are his brothers returning home after seeing the golden carp. Then the three figures become dark and fearful. Tony screams.
5 / 70-71 / Tony sees three dark figures again who take him along to Rosie’s place. He sees a woman at the door who reminds him of his mother. Tony sees himself as a priest and tries to stop his brothers. Andrew says he will wait until Tony loses his innocence. Ultima appears and says that Las Pasturas means innocence.
6 / 119-121 / Tony walks by a lake, hears a mer-woman, and sees the golden carp with the people the carp has saved and those who have been left to rot. Tony’s mother and father argue about which power has saved them. Tony seeks the answer to his heritage. A great storm arises; it feels like the end of the world to Tony. Ultima appears, calms the waters, and tells Tony he is part of both families.
7 / 140 / Tony dreams of a Black Mass. When he looks inside the coffin, he sees Ultima.
8 / 172-176 / Tony sees Andrew with a naked girl at Rosie’s and believes she kept Andrew from helping Narciso. Tony wants God to forgive Andrew and Narciso; God responds that He will if Tony will forgive Tenorio. Tony says he cannot do this; the Virgin says she will. Tony wants God to seek vengeance against Tenorio. Tony sees three men led by three women with whips, asking for forgiveness; when he reaches out, he feels only hooves. He is surrounded by the Trementina sisters who cut his hair and make an evil potion to drink. Tony dies unforgiven of his sins. The wicked people kill his mother, father, Ultima, her owl, an dthe carp; then they destroy the town and its people. Then the golden carp appears again to swallow everything and start a new world.
9 / 235 / Tony hears his brothers again, calling from the river to ask for help. Tony takes his brothers’ livers and uses them first for bait and then simply tosses them into the river. Then everyone rests.
10 / 243-244 / Tony sees three figured again and thinks they are his brothers. They turn out to be Narciso, Lupito, and Florence. Tony sees all hope is lost. He feels forsaken by God. The figures tell Tony that they live when he dreams of them.