Does the Bible sometimes seem baffling to you? Are you trying to find the Lord through His Word, but you don't know where to begin? The Steps to Life Bible studies are designed to, step by step, lead you to the great truths of the Bible.

Supplemental Lesson 1 (S-1)

Is the Bible God's Word?

Introduction: The Bible says that "all Scripture is given by inspiration of God," for "prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit" (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21).The claim of the Bible is that it is the word of the living God, written by human penmen, to the inhabitants of earth. How can we know that this claim of the Bible is true?

1. What element is essential in order for us to believe the Bible?Heb. 11:3, 6 [Note: Not only the Bible testimony but most of our learning has been received through faith. As children, our parents showed us a ball and said, "This is a ball." We learned because we had faith in their word. Most of us have not been to Mongolia, but we believe it exists because we have faith in the authorities who have told us. Many people reject the Bible because of their belief in evolution, but evolution itself can be believed only on the basis of faith in someone's interpretation of selected evidence. The Further-study verse is Heb. 4:2]

2. What is faith?Heb. 11:1 [Ans: Faith is evidence, for it is founded upon evidence. God does not bypass the human mind. He says, "Come now, and let us reason together" (Isa. 1:18). God gives sufficient evidence upon which to honestly base our faith. But faith is founded upon evidence of things which are not seen with natural sight. We cannot see the wind, but we can see the evidences of the wind. Rom. 8:24, 25]

3. What is one evidence that God has given us on which we can base our faith?Isa. 45:18-21 [Ans: The God of the Bible claims to be the only God, the Creator of heaven and earth. As evidence, He says He has foretold current happenings "from ancient times." 2 Peter 1:19]

4. What knowledge does God alone have?Isa. 46:9, 10 [Note: In the lessons following in this series, we will note prophecies that foretold accurately events happening thousands of years later. We will note prophecies of Greece, Rome, and Europe, in some cases giving the specific dates for certain events. The Bible also describes the events and conditions of today. John 14:29]

5. What conditions does the Bible predict will prevail in society today?2 Tim. 3:1-4 [Note: Sin has always existed in society, but the conditions describe in our text will increase in the last days. Matt. 24:37-39; Gen. 6:5]

6. What international conditions does the Bible picture for the last days?Matt. 24:6, 7 [ Rev. 11:18]

7. In the midst of calamities, violence, and threats of war, for what will many people be seeking and predicting? 1 Thess. 5:2, 3 [ Rev. 18:7, 8]

8. What religious conditions will prevail in the last days? 2 Peter 3:3-7a [Ans. Men and women will scoff at the faith of Christians, denying the evidences of creation and the flood. They will claim that all things continue in a uniform process of evolution that cannot be, and has not been, changed. Luke 18:8; Rom. 1:19-22]

9. While the moral conditions of society are deteriorating, while efforts to reduce international tensions are preoccupying us, and while evolution is replacing belief in creation, what will suddenly happen to earth?2 Peter 3:10-13 [ Luke 21:34, 35]

10. How can we be preserved from the coming destruction? John 3:16[ Ps. 91:1, 2, 7-10; 27:15; John 6:39, 40]

11. From whom do we receive the gift of faith, which we must have in order to believe and be saved?Rom. 12:3 [ Heb. 12:2; Mark 9:24; James 1:5, 17]

12. Through what process does God develop faith?Rom. 10:14, 17 [ 1 Cor. 1:2124; Matt. 24:14]

13. How only can we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ?John 6:44, 45 [Only those who have learned from the Father can believe on Jesus Christ. As we ask God to teach us, while studying the Bible and opening our minds to the evidences of His presence, He will teach us; He will give us faith; and we will be drawn to Christ as our Savior. John 20:31; Mark 16:17]

14. What invitation does God give to each one of us?Ps. 34:8 [ Matt. 11:28-30]

Commitment: To be understood, the Bible must be studied from a higher standpoint than mere human logic. There must also be the element of conviction from God and an exercise of faith. In His Word, God has given abundant evidence upon which to base our faith in Him. We have looked at one evidence-He can foretell the future. The greatest evidence is the abiding presence of Christ within one's life. God is fair. He says, "Taste and see" for yourself (Ps. 34:8). You do not have to rely on another's faith. His promise is that "You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart" (Jer. 29:13). Will you give God a chance to demonstrate His goodness in your life?

SUPPLEMENTAL LESSONS (Sl-S4): Studies for Further Knowledge
© 1989 by MDS P.O. Box 782828, Wichita, KS67278 (316) 788-5559

Lesson 1

How to Understand the Bible

Introduction: Some people think that the Bible is so difficult to understand that they are afraid even to try. Others wonder why, if the Bible really can be understood, there are so many different churches, all claiming to believe the Bible and yet teaching different things. The reason for so many different beliefs is that, although many people claim to believe the Bible, they have not studied it the way God has told them to. God has told us how to understand the Bible. If we will just follow the method He has outlined, we can know exactly what it means. We can know truth! We can have eternal life! In this lesson we will learn how God tells us to study the Bible.

1.What claim does the Bible make about itself?2 Tim. 3:16 [Note: Faith in the Bible as the inspired Word of God is developed by studying it. In these lessons we will witness how the Bible accurately reveals future events, and we will experience how it meets the needs of every human being. The Further-study verse is 2 Peter 1:20, 21]

2. Why were God's people in ancient times destroyed? Hosea 4:6 [Isa. 5:13]

3. What portion of God's Word is needed for real spiritual life?Matt. 4:4 [Deut. 8:3]

4. What did Jesus say was the basic theme of the Scriptures?John 5:39 [Note: The only part of the Bible written at this time was the Old Testament. Luke 24:44]

5. What did Jesus call those who do not believe all that the Bible says?Luke 24:25 [Matt. 22:29]

6. Why did Paul commend the Bereans?Acts 17:10, 11 [2 Tim. 2:15; 2 Chron. 20:20]

Thus, as we have just seen, if we are going to understand the Bible we must recognize that all of it is important and none of it is to be neglected. If we will study the whole Bible exactly as God tells us to, we will find the truth. Even children and those who are poorly educated can understand it. God gives us six rules for studying the Bible correctly. Let us look at these six principles.

7. What is one condition that God sets forth for understanding the Bible? Matt. 11:25[Ans: We must be humble and teachable. 1 Cor. 1:21, 26-31]

8. What is a second condition that God gives for understanding the Bible?Isa. 28:9, 10 [Ans: We must let the Bible interpret itself by comparing Scripture with Scripture. We should study everything the Bible says on a subject to make sure we are not misinterpreting a given passage. 1 Cor. 2:13; Luke 24:27, 44]

9. What is a third condition for understanding the Bible?1 Cor. 2:7, 10-14 [Ans: We must ask that the Holy Spirit guide us. John 16:13]

10. What is a fourth condition God sets forth for understanding the Bible?2 Thess. 2:9-12 [Ans: We must really want to know truth. Some people are looking for excuses not to believe the truth. If they look ha2 enough, God will let them be deceived, but they will still be lost! Heb. 4:12; Rom. 1:28]

11. What is a fifth condition God gives for understanding the Bible?Jer. 29:13 [Ans: We must really search for truth. Even if we have all the true principles for studying the Bible, if we do not spend sufficient time studying, we still will not find God's truth for today. Matt. 13:45, 46; Isa. 44:3; Matt. 5:6]

12. What is a sixth condition for understanding the Bible?John 8:31, 32 [Ans: We must follow what we already know to be truth. Why should God reveal more truth to us if we are not following what He has already revealed to us? John 7:17; Matt. 13:12; 7:24-27]

Commitment: Is it your desire to let Jesus teach you truth through His Word? Will you endeavor to study His Word every day in the way God has told us to study it?

STEP 1 (Lessons 1-10): Believing in Christ Our Savior and Coming King
© 1989 by MDS P.O. Box 782828Wichita, KS67278 Phone: (316) 788-5559

Lesson 2

How to Pray

Introduction:More Important than any rule or law is our loverelationship with Jesus Christ, which is developed through spending time in Bible study, prayer, and witnessing. When we study the Bible, God speaks to us. When we pray, we speak to Him. And when we witness, we speak to others about Him. In this lesson we will discover the secrets of prayer and how we can enjoy this privilege.

1. Prayer is talking to God from the heart as to a friend. How do we know that God will always answer our prayers in the best way?Rom. 8:32 [The Further-study verses are Psalms 102:17; 147:3-6]

2. How should we pray in these solemn times?1 Peter 4:7 [Luke 21:34-36]

3. What did the disciples want Jesus to teach them?Luke 11:1. In response, what did Jesus say should be included in our prayers, Verses 2-4. And finally, what principle did Jesus give for obtaining answers to prayer? Verses 5-9. [Note: In verses 2-4, Jesus was not giving a formal prayer to recite but was answering the disciples' request, "Teach us to pray." Here He taught us what type of things to pray about and how we should persist in prayer. Matt. 6:9-13; 7:7-11; Luke 18:1-7; 1 Thess. 5:17]

4. In Luke 11:2, above, Jesus taught us to pray to the Father. In whose name, or by whose authority, should we address the Father? John 15:16 [Note: We pray in Jesus' name because He is our mediator and Savior. Through His merits we gain access to the very throne of the universe. John 14:12-15; 16:23, 24; 1 Tim. 2:5]

5. When especially should we pray?Ps. 5:3 [Mark 1:35; Ps. 55:16, 17].

6. What kind of prayers should these morning prayers be? Matt. 6:5-8 [Ans: Personal, private prayers rather than formal, "prayerbook" prayers. Matt. 23:14]

7. Besides our private prayers, is there also a place for public prayer?Matt. 18:19, 20 [Acts 1:14; 2:1]

8. What attitude toward God should we exhibit in our prayers?Ps. 95:6, 7 [Ans: Reverence such as is shown by kneeling in awe and humility when possible. Isaiah 45:23; Phil 2:9, 10; Daniel 6:10; 2 Chron. 6:13; Ps. 141:1, 2]

9. On what specific occasions did Jesus and the apostles pray?Acts 27:35 [Ans: At meal times. Luke 24:30] Thus far we have noted four things that will make our prayers effective. We might call these conditions, or principles, of prayer. The four principles we have noted are: (1) being persistent, (2)praying with Jesus' authority, (3)being personal, and (4) having reverence. Now let us look at five more principles of prayer. See if you can remember all nine when we have completed the lesson.

10. What is a fifth condition? Ps. 37:5 [Ans: We must trust God. James 1:5-7; Heb. 11:6; Mark 11:24]

11. What is a sixth condition?1 John 5:14 [Ans: We must want Cod's will to be done. This is a matter of faith. If we really believe God's way is best, we will want His will to be done. Matt. 26:39; James 4:3; Rom. 8:26-28]

12. What is a seventh condition?Prov. 28:9 [Ans: we must listen to God and obey Him. Why should we expect God to hear us, if we will not hear Him? And why should we expect Him to do what we ask, if we will not do what He asks? 1 John 3:22; Luke 6:46; John 14:12-15]

13. What is an eighth condition? Phil. 4:6 [Ans: we should praise God and be thankful for His goodness. Col. 4:2; Ps. 34:1]

14. What is a ninth condition? Mark 11:25, 26 [Ans: We should be willing to forgive others as we expect God to forgive us. Matt. 6:14, 15; 18:21-35]

Commitment:Will you plan to become better acquainted with Jesus by setting apart some time every morning to talk with Him in personal, private prayer?

STEP 1 (Lessons 1-10): Believing in Christ, Our Savior and Coming King

Lesson 3

Satan, Our Enemy

Introduction: In our last two lessons we learned how to develop a relationship with God. In this lesson we will study about Satan. Who is he? Is there really such a being? And if there is, has he existed from all eternity? Is he therefore another god, an enemy god, who is in conflict with Jehovah? We will answer these questions in this lesson.

1. Where did Jesus say Satan came from?Luke 10:18[The Further-study verse is Jude 6]

2. Why did Satan fall from heaven? Isa. 14:1215 [2 Peter 2:4]

3. How did Satan come into being, and what was he like? Eze. 28:15 [Note: In verse 12 of this chapter Satan is referred to as the "king of Tyre." Just as the Lord was the real king behind the human ruler in Israel (I Chron. 29:23; Zeph. 3:5), so Satan was the real king behind the pagan kingdoms of Babylon and Tyre. Thus at certain points the prophecies of Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 reflect in a graphic manner Satan's own characteristics. Col. 1:16; Ps.148:1,2,5]

4. Since Satan was created as a holy and perfect angel, what change took place in him that caused him to be cast out of heaven?Eze. 28:13, 14, 17 [Note: Satan was "perfect" until "iniquity was found" in him. Ezekiel 28:16 says, "You sinned . . . O covering cherub." Satan thus became the first sinner, or, according to 1 John 3:4, 8, the first transgressor of God's law. 1 John 3:8 says, "The Devil has sinned from the beginning." In other words, he was the originator of sin. Ps. 80:1; John 8:44]

5. Who were expelled from heaven with Satan?Rev. 12:7-9, 12 [ Matt. 25:41]

6. How did this world become involved in Satan's rebellion?Gen. 3:1-6 [Note: As Satan later worked through the king of Tyre, so in Eden he used a serpent as his medium. Therefore the "serpent" also became one of Satan's titles (Rev. 12:9). [ Rom. 5:12]

7. In the beginning, Adam was made the ruler over this world (Gen.1:26). But after Satan caused Adam to sin he lost that dominion. Who then claimed rulership of this world?Luke 4:5-7 [ John 14:30; 2 Cor. 4:4; Eph. 6:12]

8. What does Satan do to those who oppose truth?2 Tim. 2:25, 26 [John 8:34-44; Eph. 2:13]

9.What warning does Peter give to Christians living in the last days? 1Peter 5:6-9 [Eph 6:10-18]

10. How will Satan work in the last days, and who will he deceive? 2 Thess. 2:8-10 [Rev. 16:14]

11.How will Satan disguise his work and workers in the last days? 2Cor. 11:1315 [Matt. 4:5, 6]

12.How can we overcome Satan? Rev. 12:11 [1 John 3:4-8; James 4:7, 8]

Commitment: Many people have wondered how a God of love could permit the sin and suffering in the world today. But God never intended it to be thus. God never made sin or suffering. He gave all His beings, including the angels, the power of choice; and one of those angels, the highest angel in heaven, chose to rebel. Then our first parents joined him in that rebellion. Thus sin entered our planet. Satan is at war with God and is seeking through intrigue, deception, and force to cause our eternal destruction. The Bible reveals his plans and disguises. It also reveals a Savior--Jesus Christ--who will save us from Satan. Will you study His Word and allow Him to save you from the wiles of the Devil?

STEP 1 (Lessons 1-10): Believing in Christ, Our Savior and Coming King

Lesson 4

Jesus, Our Friend

Introduction: Allour lessons are about Jesus and His truth, but this is a special lesson on who Jesus is and what He wants to do for us. Because of Satan's rebellion, and because Jesus loved us too much to leave us under Satan's control, Jesus left heaven and came to this earth to redeem all who want to be saved.


1. Shortly after Jesus was conceived within Mary, an angel explained His birth to Joseph and said He would be called Immanuel. What does Immanuel mean? Matt. 1:21-23 [The Further-study verses are Col. 2:9; Isa. 9:6; Rev. 22:13]

2. Where was Jesus before the world was formed? John 17:4, 5 [John 8:58]

3. What work did Jesus do in the beginning? John 1:1-3 [Ans: He created all things. Col. 1:16, 17]

4. What does Paul call Christ? 1 Cor. 10:4 [Ans: The Rock. 2 Sam. 23:3; Deut. 32:4; Ps. 18:2; 31:3; 42:9; 62:2, 6]


5. Why are all human beings, including ourselves, doomed? Rom. 5:12 [Rom. 3:23; 6:23]

6. Life is only in God, and only by remaining in harmony with God can life continue. Through sin, the inhabitants of this world have placed themselves out of harmony with God and have received the death penalty. What has Jesus done to pay the penalty for our sins? Isa. 53:4-6 [John 1:29]

7. What did Jesus have to do to take our place (i. e., become our substitute) and pay for our sins? Phil. 2:5-8 [John 1:14; 1 Tim. 3:16; Heb. 2:14]