Compound ProjectName______Per___
- Create a group of 1, 2, 3 or 4 students.
- Select two compounds…one ionic and one covalent.
- Create models or analogies to explain covalent bonds and ionicbonds
* You will need two models or two analogies, one for ionic and one for covalent, but they can use the same materials or analogy topic.
*You can create a model that shows the elements sharing electrons for covalent or transferring electrons for ionic. Or, you could choose to show the bonds by using an analogy and creating a 3-D or 2-D representation of it (for example, an analogy for a covalent bond could be 2 friends at the movies who each contribute $1 to buy popcorn to share.)
*You can bring materials you have from home (no need to buy anything) or you can create your model/analogy using construction paper.
*Your model or analogy needs to include all the elements in the compound and their valence (outer) electrons, and it needs to show what is happening with the electrons in that compound (sharing electrons for covalent or giving/taking electrons for ionic).
*You need to convey your understanding of what an ionic or covalent bond is in your project.
* Include the following on your models or analogies:
Key or labels (for each element and the valence electrons)
Label & Explanation of the Type of Bond
Shows the type of bond
- Write a story or poem to explain the bonds in your compounds (Use one of the ideas from class or use your own idea.)
Compound Project Grading Guide
A=Deep scientific thinking is evident; compound model/analogy is accurate and includes all elements and valence electrons. All parts are clearly labeled or a key is included. The model/analogy conveys the meaning of the type of bond, story conveys deep understanding of the bonds. Attention to detail, creatively presented.
B= Accurate representation of the compound bond. All elements and valence electrons are included with a key or labels. Project is neat but may lack detail or may include very minor mistakes. Bond is explained correctly in the story but deeper digging is needed. Model/Analogy includes the bond but does not show it.
C= Scratched the surface, understanding of scientific concepts is at a basic level, not enough attention to detail. Elements and outer electrons are included. The key/ labeling is present but not clear. Bond needs to be identified, explained and/or shown better in the model/analogy. May include mistakes but conveys a basic understanding of the bond. Story shows basic understanding of the bonds.
D=Incomplete, project is an incorrect representation of the compound. Type of bond is wrong. Story is incomplete or missing