April 2013

Newport Autistic Spectrum Disorder Action Plan 2013-2014
Theme / No. / Key Tasks / Sub Tasks / Resources / Financial Implication / Lead / Time Frame / Progress
Structure / 1 / Establish a quarterly steering group in place of the current ASD Board and ASD Consultative Group / Gain representation from key partner agencies and service user representation / neutral / Chair / February 2013
Develop terms of reference for the ASD Steering Group with clear accountability / neutral / Andrew Powles / February 2013
Develop a communication strategy to publicise the work of the ASD Steering Group incl. links between ASD Info Wales and NCC Websites and ensuring content is current. / neutral / Andrew Powles / April 2013
Training / 1 / Map Training Needs of Professionals / Establish the training needs of healthcare professionals within Aneurin Bevan Health Board / neutral / Dr Alka Ahuja / Sept 2013
2 / Provide training for education professionals across in Newport / Support 11 schools through the ASD Friendly Schools programme / £600 (+26 days) / Andrew Powles / March 2014
Identify support/training required by post-16 Education providers / Kate Evan-Hughes / Sept 2013
3 / Provide training for health professionals across in Newport / Develop a training strategy for GPs as part of the All Wales Clinical Network for Assessment and Diagnosis / neutral / Dr Sundari / April 2013
Provide training for health and social care professionals across in Newport / Collaborative training for Social Care professionals to be explored with the Division of Mental health and Learning Difficulties. / £3k (teacch)
£5k (awareness) / Dr Sundari / Sept 2013
4 / Provide ASD Awareness training and workshops for parents and carers / Deliver weekly evening sessions for parents at Newport Information Station between October 2012 to March 2013. / tbc / Kate Evan-Hughes
NAS and Newport Education Inclusion service to deliver four NAS Family Seminars / neutral / Kate Evan-Hughes / Shirley Parsley / March 2014
5 / Develop training opportunitiesspecifically for Leisure staff / Identify staff working directly with children & young people with ASD - / neutral / Jayde Howse & Steve McGrath / Sept 2013
Pilot 1 Play provision through the ASD friendly Programme starting June 2013. / £1260 / Jayde Howse & Steve McGrath / March 2014.
Access to Services / 1 / There is an up to date, accurate map of services for people with ASD in Newport / Service mapping information to be shared via the ASDinfoWales website; Community Support Project worker to source information regarding services for adults who have high functioning ASD. / neutral / Joy White
Community Support Project worker to source information regarding services for adults with Asperger Syndrome or High Functioning Autism. / neutral / Joy White
Care Pathways and Interventions / There is a clear assessment and diagnosis pathway for adults that can be accessed appropriately / A diagnostic pathway for adults to be developed and shared via the WG Adults Assessment and Diagnostic Group / neutral / Dr Sundari / March 2013
There is a clear assessment and diagnosis pathway for children and young people aged 5yrs+ that can be accessed appropriately / A Gwent wide ASD pathway will be developed in 2013, being led by CAMHS. Dr Alka Ahuja will lead on this work and a multi agency development board will be created to oversee and implement a consistent and accessible pathway. / neutral / Dr Alka Ahuja / Dec 2013
"About Me" diagnostic passport is piloted throughout Gwent / This WG funded project will be implemented and evaluated during 2013 / neutral / Dr Alka Ahuja / Dec 2013
Social Support / 1 / Appropriate respite options are available to meet local needs / 13 Cheeky Monkey play sessions / £2860 / Amanda Callaghan / March 2014
2 / There are local social groups for individuals with ASD / Two sets of National Autistic Society social groups (18-25yrs & 18-59yrs) to operate monthly in Newport starting April 2013. / £5000 / Shirley Parsley / March 2013
3 / There are local support groups for parents/carers of individuals with ASD / Newport Autism Support Group will meet monthly to support parents and carers of individuals with ASD in Newport. / £230 / Amanda Callaghan
Education and Employment / 1 / Families receive education and support to support individuals in their care and to access the direct payments scheme. / NAS Family Support Project to operate in Newport / neutral / Shirley Parsley / Kate Thomas / March 2014
2 / There is support for pupils with ASD around transitions including nursery to Foundation Phase; Foundation Phase to Key Stage 2; Primary to Secondary School; Secondary to Adult Services / Newport Additional Educational Needs (AEN) Team and Maes Ebbw ASD Outreach Project to provide transition support to all schools within Newport. / £15,000 / Kate Evan-Hughes
3 / Parents and professionals are aware of who to access for advice and support in education regarding ASD. / GAVO to support monthly meeting of Newport ASD Parents Support Group. / (£230) / Kate Evan-Hughes / Amanda Callaghan/ Nicola Davies
4 / Adults with ASD should be supported to find employment / The NAS prospects service to be promoted to Newport residents. / neutral / Kate Thomas / Shirley Parsley
Collaborative Working / 1 / There is collaborative working and regular communication between local agencies and community organisations / Newport ASD Steering Group will meet quarterly to coordinate work between agencies and to respond to local needs. / £350 / Chair
2 / There is collaborative working with other localities to facilitate the best outcome for individuals with ASD / A representative of Newport ASD Steering Group will attend the quarterly regional ASD meetings and the twice yearly National ASD meetings to promote collaborative working. / Andrew Powles
3 / The is a contribution to the ASD regional group in order to develop and share best practice / A representative of Newport ASD Steering Group will attend the quarterly regional ASD meetings / Andrew Powles