Compiled by Susanne Enzer, RN, RSCN, SCM, RZT HMAR

Presented by Approved Trainer Jenni Tribe RGN RM DipHE MAR PRM EFTMRA

Jenni is an experienced retired Midwife and Reflexologist (Pathways Reflexology Norwich 2002) and has been teaching the Authentic Susanne Enzer Maternity Reflexology since 2008.

The Maternity Reflexology Course will give you the skills and confidence to treat women from preconception through pregnancy, labour and postnatally. The benefits of Maternity Reflexology for these women, partners and their babies are amazing and so rewarding. Whether you wish to develop into a competent Maternity Reflexologist or just pursue the course for CPD points and interest only is up to you. Please feel free to contact her to ask any questions you may have about the Course or your requirements.

THE MATERNITY REFLEXOLOGY COURSE is an exciting interactive course designed to provide participants with a basic understanding of women’s fertility and pregnancy. It enables participants to use the principles and practices of reflexology to support those processes. The course also includes information about the development of the Incoming Soul with its manifestation on the mother’s feet and reflexology care for the newborn baby. Other energetic techniques (including EFT) are included to promote self-development of the Reflexologist. More is described on the website.

GENERAL INFORMATION: The Maternity Reflexology Course is a postgraduate course for Reflexologists.

Pre-requisites:Certificate of Reflexology, Diploma of Reflexology or equivalent qualified reflexology experience (minimum 40 hours) Level 3 or above.

Anatomy and physiology (minimum 50 hours)

THE COURSE is 4 days (30 hours) duration and structured in two separate parts. Plus 30-60 hours for personal study,case studies,assignments.

Part 1 covers the basics and the time from preconception until the end of pregnancy.

Part 2 covers the Incoming Soul and pregnant feet, birthing, the postnatal period. Before taking part 2 of the course participants must have the experience of working with pregnant clients or atleast be in the process of starting to gain regular experience.

The 2 parts may run concurrently if traveling for convenience and to save costs with a day in between.

Jenni reserves the right to rearrange the teaching elements of the course as she sees fit, according to her own professional judgement.


To qualify for your Certificate of Competency in Maternity Reflexology participants are required to complete formal training, assessments, assignments and minimum 4 case studies (20 hours). These are to be completed to the standard required within 6months (extending to 12m by negotiation) of completion of formal training or as training courses permit.


Participants choosing to do the course as an interest course are not required to do the assignments and case studies but will not be able to register as competent.

N.B.In order to retain and maintain our high standards the teaching of any aspects of the course or use any of the copyrighted materials is NOT permitted without seeking permission in writing or approval independently or as part of the Maternity Reflexology Consortium Training.


ALL participants taking Part 2 of the course are required to present their work with maternity clients. (This part is enjoyable and can be something you want to share with the group about your case studies, learning points etc)

Participants receive a Statement of Attendance on completion of The Maternity Reflexology CPD Course Parts 1 and 2.

TEXTBOOK Maternity Reflexology Manual, 2004 2nd edition by Susanne Enzer.May be purchased from Melvin at MK BOOK SERVICES in advance.

PLEASE LET HER/ Coordinator KNOW TO BRING YOU A COPY as some already have their own.

CPD POINTS The Maternity Reflexology Course is CPD approved with the Association of Reflexologists (AOR) and members will receive 2 points per hour.

60 AOR points in total. NRRI Ireland 400 points.ACRB pending.


Please check with Course Coordinator/Jenni the full investment as varies with each course held as expenses vary.

FULL and remaining payment due 4 weeks before course starts.FULL REFUND ONLY IF PRESENTER CANCELS.

Presenter has the right to change venue and dates with prior notice if circumstances require.

The Investment will be transferred to another Course if student is unable to attend (valid for 12months).

If a substitute student can be found the original student may be refunded the remaining fee after deduction of the non refundable deposit.

Jenni Tribe / Address:
91 Gertrude Road Norwich Norfolk NR3 4SG
Phone: +44(0)7825 730282
Email :
Web site /


ü  'Very enjoyable - I felt supported throughout' Patricia

ü  'Wonderful! Feeling more confident about working with pregnancy' Sarah

ü  'Great course- very helpful' Sanpreet

ü  'I enjoyed and have learnt so much from this course; especially the way the tutor presented it. It has given me so much confidence. Jenni is so inspirational' Kay M

ü  'Jenni was very helpful and puts you at ease about asking questions. Very approachable. I felt encouraged and can leave here with more confidence' Kate

ü  'The course is thorough and demanding, therefore worth doing!' Jane G

ü  ‘I really liked it, opened my eyes to new ways of using reflexology’ Jane

ü  ‘The sessions were given with a lot of warmth and understanding’ Jean

ü  ‘Good theory and practical mix. Very pleased to have done it. I felt supported throughout’ Kaye

ü  ‘Wonderful Course. Feeling more confident about working with pregnancy’ Sarah

ü  ‘Just wanted to say how glad I am I went on your course-learned way more than what I thought about all sorts of things and am really glad to have met you and all the others who were there.Thankyou-I know money can’t buy what I learned over those 4 days. Thankyou.’

Sharon, Lisburn

I’m really looking forward to meeting you and sharing this fabulous work!

If you have any questions please ask Jenni who will be most happy to help


Jenni Tribe ©Maternity Reflexology Consortium