St. Petronille Parish Council Meeting Minutes
May 23, 2017
Present: Bob Solak president, Tim Barder vice president, Rita Doyle secretary, Fr. James Dougherty pastor, Dan Bak, Lori Carlson, Kathy Driscoll, Lisa Mojica, Joan Mowry. Guests: LPAC members Terry O’Brien, Mary Miller, Tania Pasterz, Chip Miller, Renee Stephan, Marianne Deaton, Mark Algaier and Rich Schulz School Board.
I. Call to Order and Opening Prayer. The regular meeting called to order at 6:40 p.m. in the Volunteer room. B. Solak provided the opening prayer.
II. Parishioner Participation. None
III. Approval of Minutes. Minutes of April meeting approved upon motion made and duly seconded.
IV. Special Presentation –LPAC Committee
The Local Partnership for Adolescent Catechesis Committee, LPAC, presented its report documenting three years of research. The planning portion of the project is now complete and the Committee will turn over the data to a subsequent Action group, as well as to all parish groups and committees, with the expectation that this information will aid in addressing the known gaps in St. Petronille’s adolescent catechesis
The Committee’s report is attached to and made a part of the record of these minutes.
V. Commission Reports
A. Finance. D. Bak reported.
- April, offertory was unfavorable to budget, primarily due to Easter offertory.
- YTD offertory is unfavorable by $21K due to unfavorable Sunday and Easter offertory.
- The report includes Faith Formation and School budget reports.
The complete Finance report is attached to and made a part of the official record of
these minutes.
B. Education. L. Carlson reported
- The new tuition collection procedures for Faith Formation k-8 have been implemented. Notices went out before the end of session and full or half payment is required when registration forms are submitted. On July 1 tuition fee will go up. Families can submit registration after July 1, but they will pay the higher tuition.
- New members to the F.F. board are being recruited.
The complete Education report is attached and made a part of the official record of these
C. Christian Service. K. Driscoll reported.
- Volunteers are needed for the summer PADS dates.
- A new program, Faith, Fellowship and Fun kicks off this month.
The complete Christian Service report is attached and made a part of the official record of these minutes.
D. Worship. J. Mowry reported.
- The Feast of Corpus Christi will be celebrated on June 18 with a procession through the neighborhood following the 11:30 Mass.
- All parish organizations are reminded to work with Maintenance to clean up after events. This has been a problem
VI. Pastor’s Report. Fr. Jim reported.
A. Fr. Jim invites all to celebrate with him the 50thAnniversary of his ordination, May 28.
B. Fr. Art and Fr. John are recovering and expect to be back at the Priests’ Residence
soon. A chair lift will be installed and partially funded thanks to generous gifts from individual parishioners and the Knights of Columbus. The initial cost was in excess of $7000.
. The Mass schedule is temporarily being modified.
C. The architects are meeting with school and parish staff regarding the space utilization
VII. Old Business. Parish Council membership for 2017-18. Final discussion deferred to June meeting.
VIII. New Business.
A. Springboard Status. D. Bak reported that the Springboard fund will have a balance of $50K after paying for the new boilers. Currently the Springboard fund balance is not great enough to cover the originally designated projects that have not yet been completed. In order to complete these remaining projects, additional money will need to be raised for the fund.
B. August Parish Council meeting set for August 22.
IX. Executive Session. None
X. Closing Prayer and Adjournment. Closing prayer, Fr. Jim.Meeting adjourned at 9:41 p.m. Next meeting June 20th, 2017 – 6:30 p.m.
Minutes submitted by R. Doyle