Support Documentation Sheet


Changing to Datalux Screen On Saturn H

Document Information
Level of Difficulty / 2 - Intermediate
Category / 0 Rinex Hardware
Sub-Category / Touch Screen
Description of Document contents / How to change the screen driver to a Datalux 27 cm screen on a Saturn G or H system with Windows XP Embedded operating system.
Applicable Versions / All Saturn H interface units and Saturn G interface units which have been upgraded to the Windows XP Embedded operating system
Related Documents
Revision Information
Revision / Issue Date / Drafted By / Checked By / Approved By
A2 / 27/06/05 / A Booth
Release Document To
Client / Goldacres / Gps-Ag / Hardi
High / Hardi Std / Rinex Dealer / Rinex High / Rinex Std / Rising Tech
Y / Y / N / N / N / Y / Y / Y / Y

Changing to Datalux Screen On Saturn H

Revision History
Rev / Date / By / Change Details / Checked By / Approved By
A1 / 18/02/05 / J Gregory / Initial draft
A2 / 27/06/05 / A Booth / Include Revision History, change doc. number, include standard header.

Document #: Revision: Issue Date:

6-0806 A2 27/06/2005 Page 1 of 1

Changing to Datalux Screen On Saturn H

Perform the following operation if you wish to change the touch screen from a 22cm to a 27cm or vise-versa. (By default, a standard Saturn H or Saturn G with Windows XP will be setup to use the 22cm touch screen).

Note: You will need a keyboard connected to the Saturn G or H Interface Box to perform the following operation.

Step / Instruction
1 / Connect the desired touch screen to the screen port on the HT Interface Box and the keyboard to the keyboard port. (Note: there will be no touch on the screen so the keyboard must be used)
2 / With vehicle ignition OFF, turn the power switch on the HT Interface Box OFF.
3 / Turn the vehicle ignition ON.
4 / When the vehicle has started, turn the power switch on the interface box ON.
If this is a Saturn G interface box, hold the left shift key on the keyboard down at the same time as the power switch is turned on, and keep the shift key held down until the Launcher screen is displayed.
5 / The system will now start up displaying the Launcher program. Select Setup Options in the Launcher program by pressing F2 on the keyboard.
6 / Select Utilities by pressing F4 on the keyboard.
7 / Press the left Shift key on the keyboard once.
8 / Enter the password: 123 using the keyboard and press Enter on the keyboard.
9 / Select Windows Shell by pressing F1 on the keyboard.
10 / If you are switching to a 27cm touch screen (Datalux Screen), in the Windows Shell, type the following using the keyboard:
11 / If you are switching to a 22cm touch screen (Rinex Screen), in the Windows Shell, type the following using the keyboard:
12 / Press Enter. When the system has finished the operation it will restart automatically.
13 / When the system has restarted tap the screen to see if it is calibrated. If not, select Setup Options and then select Calibrate. Use the calibration program to calibrate your screen.
14 / Select Start GuideTRAX and proceed to use the system as normal.

Document #: Revision: Issue Date:

6-0806 A2 27/06/2005 Page 1 of 1