Data Administrator’s Meeting Minutes for February 6, 2014

·  Accountability Update

o  TSDL/TAA and Pin system – new changes (new teachers Feb. 10) - a few data coordinators in our region piloted the new application for SED. It was to be rolled out on the 10th, and the testing appeared to go well. My guess is that with all the other issues going on at SED over the past two days that this might be on the back burner for a little bit.

o  Growth to Proficiency- The Accountability Dept. at SED will be releasing the calculations to the field soon.

o  Data Source Matrix – I continue to get these slowly. If you haven’t sent me one for your district please do so.

o  L0 Historical – SED is still shooting for Feb. break for 12-13 data. Not sure when Level 2 will actually take the data.

o  CC Regents exams – June 3rd – 5 levels (not sure 0-100)

o  Scoring of CC Regents done by June 6th – results back 24 hours after rating day. SED will contact districts that will be chosen for sampling and provide them with answer sheets, etc.

o  Dosaging – From SIRS 9.6: Linkage duration adjustment values in the Staff Student Course Template will not be used for growth score calculations in 2013–14.

o  SED will contact districts with anomalies on SSC: If SED finds issues such as, hours and days instead of minutes, they’ll contact districts to let them know it is incorrect.

o  ELL kids with LEP records sent to vendor for labels on Feb. 28th : Please make sure your ELL kids have the correct program service records so that the NYSELAT vendor can send labels, etc.

·  Refresh Schedules – Weekly – Each Thursday. Special Education Program Data is pulled every Wednesday.

·  SED Update?

o  PARCC – according to the latest from SED, there will be field testing this year and next. After that, I have no idea what SED will do. In our region only four districts will be pilot testing. There is quite a bit to think about in preparing for online tests, both on the technical and administrative sides.

o  EDP Update and Issues – legal filings – on hold till April at earliest: Now it is on hold until sometime next year as they sort out the issues with security and concerns with inBloom.

o  ESEA Waiver update – key points – SWD at instructional level: The Board of Regents was deciding today whether to move forward with this or not. It would appear that 1% of ELA students, and 2% of math students with disabilities could be eligible to take the assessment at a more appropriate instructional level, rather than a chronological level. This is not for NYSAA students.

o  Taking 8th grade Integrated Algebra and 8th grade math assessment: Please review the documents sent out by Ira in late November. As it currently stands, if a student takes a math Regents in grade 8, they only need to achieve a score of 65 on an additional HS math Regents to receive full performance credit for HS.

o  EDM – Status – It is working fine at this time. We have opened it up for additional templates that allow districts to load their data from Level 0 to Level One multiple times a day, if they’d like.

·  Reminders:

o  NYSAA rules

·  Reports:

o  T/NT Report will look different- (not accountability report)

o  ISRs will be changing – will add subscores, and % at each level

o  SED will have a F/R lunch report (based on enrollment on BEDS Day): There will be a verification and certification tied to this report.

o  Monthly Student Stability Report: more like a student mobility report. Will be monthly and tell each district and school which students came or went during each month. Look for a verification tied to this as well.

o  New Version of Cognos: Carol Eckl provided a very nice overview of Cognos 10 and some of the changes. The Cognos reports look pretty much the same. The Cubes are significantly different. Carol Eckl from the DW group is and has provided both novice and more expert training for those interested. The next training is scheduled for Feb. 14th. You can sign up at The new Cognos link is

o  National Student Clearinghouse: Deb Wood gave a nice overview of the NSC and how to use some of the reports that we developed. Please take advantage of these reports, and share them with HS administrators and counselors.

·  Upcoming Meetings and Workshops

·  Test Scoring Update

o  NYSITELL- this replaces the LabR for public schools. New ELL students must now take this to determine their proper placement. SED will be collecting the results. Noelle Hickok sent out an email to our districts to find out how many answer sheets we need to order, since districts will need to get us the information by the end of the school year.

o  Test Dates – please see the critical path which we have up on our Test Scoring website.

o  OSC scoring option: We currently have 10 or so districts that purchased the online scoring service for this school year. Teachers will not have to score the extended response questions. The assessments will be boxed up, and shipped off to the vendor for scoring. Certified educators will score them remotely, via computer. If anyone would like additional information please contact Pam Dowse, , or myself.

o  Benchmarking – This service is fairly cost effective service that is becoming more popular around the region. Most districts have Teleform licenses and this allows them to take advantage of their own printer/scanners and the Pace software to score assessments.

·  RTI update: we just had both an Aimsweb and RtI Usergroup at the RIC on Friday the 7th. Both sessions were very well attended.

·  Student Services Update

Data Admin Meetings for 13-14

April 10th – Rodax 8

June 19th – Rodax 8