Vocabulary Unit 6 – The Changing Nation

Cattle Drive – The movement of cattle from one place to another, traditionally by cowboys on horseback. Cattle drives were a major economic activity in the American west.

Chisholm Trail – The Chisholm Trail was a trail used in the late 1800s to drive cattle overland from ranches in Texas to Kansas railheads. The trail is named for Jesse Chisholm who had built several trading posts in what is now western Oklahoma before the American Civil War. He died in 1868, too soon ever to drive cattle on the trail.

Emigration– The act of leaving one’s country to settle in another

Ethnic Group – a group of people whose members identify with each other, through a common heritage (common language, culture, and history).

Exodusters – African American settlers trying to find a place to be free. This is named after Exodus, a book of the Bible, in which the people of ancient Israel left Egypt to escape slavery.

Immigration – The act of moving into a new country

Panama Canal – A ship canal that joins the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, therefore increasing and improving trade.

Persecution – Unfair treatment or punishment. Many immigrants came to America to escape persecution.

Progressive – Reformers; they wanted to change the government so that workers would be protected, and consumers and citizens would be protected.

Railhead– A town where railroad tracks begin and end.

Slum – A run-down area of a city characterized by poor housing and dirty conditions.

Sodbusters – A nickname for western farmers. They were named this because they had to break through so much thick soil (sod) to plant.

Tenement– A poorly built apartment building.Many immigrants lived in tenements that were crowded and unsafe.

Theodore Roosevelt – William McKinley’s Vice President. He took over after McKinley was assassinated, becoming the 26th President. He is noted for his energetic personality, range of interests and achievements, leadership of the Progressive Movement, and his "cowboy" image. While in office, the Panama Canal was finished and lots of land was preserved. Many consider him one of the greatest presidents.

William McKinley - The 25th President of the United States, and the last veteran of the Civil War to be elected to that job. He ran for office in a new way (using slogans), and brought in the Progressive Era. While he was president, America was involved in the Spanish-American War. He was assassinated.