Economic Challenges Assignment


1.  Article Summaries (written, individual, completed)

2.  Current Events Presentation (oral, individual/partner, in progress)

3.  Concept Map (online, group, coming soon)

4.  Background Research (written – point form, online, group, coming soon)

5.  Criteria Selection (oral, individual, in May)


6.  Economic Survival Guide (video or graphic or written, individual, in June)

Challenges Assignment: Task 1 — Exploring the Topics

For the economic challenges assignment, you will be responsible (in groups of your choosing) for researching and explaining key events affecting the global economy. Before you pick groups and topics I would like you to explore a few of the potential topics by reading current articles.


1.  From the list of potential topics, pickthreethat interest you and readonearticle for each topic.

2.  Create a google document based on thefollowing template.The easiest way to do this is to open the template and create a copy. You will need to be signed into a google account to do this.Share the document with me (msccuttle at gmail dot com).

3.  Read each article and complete template for each article. Please keep the summaries together in one document.

4.  For three main points, in your own words summarize the three main points of the article. At most, you should have three sentences for each point. I’m looking for conciseness in your summary (quality not quantity).

5.  For the concepts, list and briefly describe any economic concepts or terminology in the article. Separate the concepts into ones that you understand and ones that are unfamiliar to you.

6.  Create at least three questions that occur to you as you read the article. These questions should be about concepts and ideas that need future research, topics/issues you want to explore in further detail or about the effects/consequences/impacts of the topics covered in the article. The questions should have more than one word answers and be intended to guide further research.

Challenges Assignment: Article Analysis

Article 1 – Description and Analysis

Item / Particulars / / Mark / Wt.
(TI) / ·  Selection of key points correctly identifies main points in the article
·  Summary is succinct but contains sufficient detail. / 6
Concepts (KU) / ·  Summary lists all the key economic concepts covered in the article. / 4
Questions (TI) / ·  Follow up questions are relevant, specific and provide direction for future research / 5

Challenges Assignment: Current Events Presentations

Instructions and Expectations

―  Each group will be required to make 3 presentations on their topic. The presentations are meant to be ‘short-and-sweet’, taking a maximum of 10 minutes at the beginning of class.

―  You can present in pairs or on your own. You must present at least once. You may present more than once.

―  You will find a newspaper or magazine article or news clip on your topic. The information must be recent (preferably within the past three weeks, acceptable up to the past 3 months).

―  You will summarize the key points of the article for the class including defining any key terms.

―  You will create two discussion questions that will generate informed, interesting comments from your classmates. Consider the level of understanding of the class of your topic.

―  You will post a working link to your article on the Caution Blog as well as your two discussion questions on the day of your presentation, before class. You do not need to post your summary.


Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
TI: Choice of Article/News Clip / Article is somewhat relevant, current and engaging. / Article is somewhat relevant, current and engaging. . / Article is relevant, current and engaging. / Article is highly relevant, current and engaging.
Marks: 5 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 5
TI: Questions / Questions are easy to understand but do not engage students in discussion. / Questions are somewhat engaging and easy to understand. / Questions are engaging and easy to understand and encourage some critical and creative thinking skills. / Questions are highly engaging, easy to understand and encourage critical and creative thinking skills.
Marks: 5 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 5
CM: Presentation Style / Student’s presentation style is difficult to understand and/or unclear. / Student’s presentation style is somewhat clear and easy to understand. / Student’s presentation style is clear and easy to understand. / Student’s presentation style is clear, concise and easy to understand.
Marks: 5 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 5
CM: Presentation Style / Student’s presentation style is difficult to understand and/or unclear. / Student’s presentation style is somewhat clear and easy to understand. / Student’s presentation style is clear and easy to understand. / Student’s presentation style is clear, concise and easy to understand.
Marks: 5 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 5

Challenges Assignment: Topic Concept Map

Assignment Description

―  Before you begin researching your topic, I want you to create an outline of the material you will need to research. This will also help you develop your research tags and refine your web searches.

―  Your concept map can be updated over time to reflect changes in your research direction, new terminology and concepts and more refined search terms as you develop a better understanding of your topic.


―  An outline of your challenges topic created

―  A colour-coded legend

―  Share it with me so I can view it: account name: mscuttle

Item / Particulars / / Mark / Wt.
Economic Thinking and Concepts (AP) / ·  Concept map approaches the topic from an economic perspective (interactions of individuals, businesses, countries when dealing with scarcity). (ie not a scientific or historical perspective)
·  Concept map incorporates key economic concepts - micro (scarcity, efficiency vs equity, incentives, market failures, etc) and macro (growth, inflation, risk, business cycle, trade, etc) / 5
Breadth (TI) / ·  Concepts mapped cover the topic with sufficient breadth and include: basic terminology and concepts, causes, parties involved, effects, impacts and consequences, solutions / 5
Depth (TI) / ·  Concepts mapped cover the topic with sufficient depth to provide direction for research, key parties involved, and demonstrate an understanding of the topic / 5
Categorization (CM) / ·  Categorization reflects different approaches to the topic, concepts are categorized correctly / 5
Links and Mapping (CM) / ·  Concept hierarchy and linkages are logical, correct and easy to follow. / 5

Challenges Assignment: Background Research

Task 4: Research and Prep (Diigo Group)

You will need to setup adiigogroup for your topic and invite me as a member. The diigo group will be used to collect your resources. I will also add articles as I find them and offer comments as your research progresses.

Sample Group



A minimum of 5 articles per person bookmarked, tagged and annotated on your diigo group (no duplicates).

Links must include:

― Reputable sites with statistics related to your topic

― Blogs from economists

― Canadian sources

― News organizations

― Resources that include suggestions for addressing your issues

Tags should be developed from your concept map.

Definitions Topic

A topic on your discussion group should include a definitions thread where you find and define key terms and provide links to your sources.

Key Facts Topic

In this discussion you gather your key facts for your fact sheet. It doesn’t have to be detailed, think of it as more of an outline of your Fact Sheet.

Research – Individual Mark

Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
KU: Evidence of Research / Student(s) gathered information from a limited range of sources and displayed minimal effort in selecting quality resources / Student(s) gathered information from a variety of relevant sources--print and electronic. / Student(s) gathered information from a variety of relevant sources--print and electronic. Sources are relevant and balanced. / Student(s) gathered information from a variety of quality electronic and print sources that are relevant, balanced and show breadth and depth of understanding.
Marks: 10 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 9 10
TI: Quality of Notes and Annotations / Notes and annotations identify few key points and demonstrate limited ability to summarize and synthesize research / Notes and annotations identify some key points and demonstrate some ability to summarize and synthesize research / Notes and annotations identify key points and demonstrate some ability to summarize and synthesize research / Notes and annotations identify key points and demonstrate ability to summarize and synthesize research
Marks: 5 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 5
AP: Use of electronic and group research conventions / Student uses tagging conventions to organize research with limited effectiveness / Student uses tagging conventions to organize research with some effectiveness / Student uses tagging conventions to organize research with considerable effectiveness / Student uses tagging conventions to organize research with a high degree of effectiveness
Marks: 5 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 5

Research – Group Mark

Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
TI: Evidence of Research / Combined research and discussion posts cover the topic with limited depth and breadth. / Combined research and discussion posts cover the topic with some depth and breadth. / Combined research and discussion posts cover the topic with considerable depth and breadth. / Combined research and discussion posts cover the topic with a high degree of depth and breadth.
Marks: 10 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 9 10
AP: Research Sources / Few sources of research are included. / Some sources of research are included. / Many sources of research are included. / All required sources of research are included.
Marks: 5 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 5

Challenges Assignment: Fact Sheet (Blog Post)

Your fact sheet is a summary of the key points of your topic. The purpose of the fact sheet is to provide an overview of your topic for your classmates to help them prepare their Economics Survival Guide

Due Date: Friday, June 1st, by the beginning of class.


Your fact sheet must cover the following aspects:


― What is the issue? (explain key concepts, define key terms)

― Who is involved? Who is affected? (companies, governments institutions, individuals, groups, etc)

― Where? (Local? National? Global?)

― When? (timeline/time frame?)


― How? (mechanisms, economic concepts and models) (how did the issue become a challenge?)

― Why is it happening? (causes, reasons)

― Why is it a challenge? (effects, consequences)

― What can be done? (solutions)

Be sure to include evidence for your points (statistics, graphs, charts, etc) and always link to your sources


―  A post on the economic journals blog.

―  One post per group

―  Point form, using headings to organize, is acceptable

―  You do not have to use the headings listed above but you are expected to cover all areas


Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
KU: Background / Post correctly identifies and describes few of the key concerns of the assigned topic. / Post correctly identifies and describes some of the key concerns of the assigned topic. / Post correctly identifies and describes most of the key concerns of the assigned topic. / Post correctly identifies and describes the key concerns of the assigned topic.
Marks: 5 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 5
TI: Analysis – Causes and mechanisms / Challenges reflect limited analysis and integration of key concerns. / Challenges reflect some analysis and integration of key concerns. / Challenges reflect considerable analysis and integration of key concerns. / Challenges reflect a high degree of analysis and integration of key concerns.
Marks: 5 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 5
TI: Analysis – Why is it a challenge / Challenges reflect limited analysis and integration of key concerns. / Challenges reflect some analysis and integration of key concerns. / Challenges reflect considerable analysis and integration of key concerns. / Challenges reflect a high degree of analysis and integration of key concerns.
Marks: 5 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 5
CM: Evidence / Evidence provided supports some concerns and challenges with limited detail and accuracy. / Evidence provided clearly supports most concerns and challenges with some detail and accuracy. / Evidence provided clearly supports most concerns and challenges with sufficient detail and accuracy. / Evidence provided clearly supports all concerns and challenges with sufficient detail and accuracy.
Marks: 5 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 5
AP: Solutions / Suggested solutions address some key concerns and are limited in the use of economic theories and concepts / Suggested solutions address some key concerns and use some economic theories and concepts. / Suggested solutions address key concerns realistically and incorporate some use of economic theories and concepts / Suggested solutions address key concerns realistically and incorporate the use of economic theories and concepts
Marks: 5 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 5

Challenges Assignment: Criteria

Open thegoogle doc and reviewthe current criteria. Add suggestions and refinements.


Select two generic and one specific criteria you will use to determine your two challenges for your survival guide.

Criteria Interview Questions:

1.  What three criteria did you choose?

2.  Why do you think these are the best criteria?

3.  Which two challenges did you choose?

4.  How do they meet your selected criteria (explain each criteria for each challenge – i.e. six statements)

5.  One additional question (depends on your responses)

Item / Particulars / / Mark / Wt.
Criteria Choice
(TI) / ·  Criteria choice is logical, reasonable and reflects critical thinking into the inter-relations of macroeconomics
·  Criteria choice considers multiple dimensions of economics / 3
Challenges Selection (AP) / ·  Challenges selected best meet the chosen criteria / 6
Selection Rationale
Challenges Selection (TI) / ·  Explanation of choices is clear, demonstrates reflective and critical thinking
·  Justification of choices reflects understanding of macroeconomic conditions, the nature of the individual challenges and the needs of the chosen audience. / 6

Challenges Assignment: Economic Survival Guide