
WW2 Political cartoons


For this assignment, you may create your own political cartoon and explain its meaning, or you may find 3 other cartoons from World War II that we did not look at and analyze them in the same way you did in class. You only have to choose one of these, but both options are explained in more detail below and a grading rubric for each is included.


Political Cartoon Rubric
CATEGORY / 6 / 4 / 2 / 0
CREATIVITY / It is clear there was much time and thought put into making an entirely new and creative cartoon. / It is clear there was some time and thought put into making a creative cartoon. / There are some aspects of the cartoon that come from other cartoons we looked at in class. / The cartoon closely resembles one we looked at in class and there is little evidence of creativity from the student.
QUALITY / The cartoon is exceptionally neat done in full color, and takes up an entire piece of blank paper. / The cartoon only includes 2 of those aspects (neatness, color, size). / The cartoon only includes 1 of those aspects (neatness, color, size). / The cartoon only includes 0 of those aspects (neatness, color, size).
CLUES PROVIDED TO SHOW WHICH ASPECT OF WAR WAS CHOSEN (words, symbols, numbers, etc.) / There are 4 or more clues in the drawn cartoon that make it clear which aspect of WWII is being portrayed. / There are 3 clues in the cartoon that make it somewhat clear which aspect of WWII is being shown. / There are 1-2 clues in the cartoon that make it somewhat unclear / There are no clues and it is completely unclear which aspect of WWII is being shown in the cartoon.
WRITTEN EXPLANATION / The student’s explanation is detailed and through and shows a 100% accurate understanding of the cartoon. / The student’s explanation includes some detail, but not all aspects of the cartoon are accurately explained. / The student’s explanation lacks detail and it is uncertain that they fully understand the meaning of the cartoon. / The explanation of the cartoon is completely inaccurate or off-base.
TIME AND EFFORT / The student put forth great effort in completing the cartoon on time. / The cartoon is not completed on time.

Draw your own political cartoon that has to do with any aspect of World War II that you choose. This should be done neatly and creatively, be in color, and it should reflect your very best work. Draw your cartoon on a blank piece of typing paper (it should take up about the entire page). On the back of the cartoon, you need to give a detailed explanation of themessage behind it.


Use the internet to find 3 additional World War II political cartoons that we did not talk about in class this week. Print each of these cartoons off. On the bottom of the paper, or on the back, you need to answer the same two questions that we answered for our warm-ups this week. Both answers need to be in complete sentences. When you are finished staple all 3 cartoons and explanations, along with this rubric, together.

  1. Describe the cartoon by identifying any symbols, words or dates.

Political Cartoon Rubric
CATEGORY / 6 / 4 / 2 / 0
CHOICE OF CARTOONS / All 3 cartoons chosen are new to the student and reflect an obvious aspect of WWII. / Only 2 cartoons chosen are new to the student and from WWII. / Only 1 cartoon chosen is new to the student and from WWII. / None of the cartoons chosen are from WWII or new to the student. (REDO)
WRITTEN EXPLANATION OF CARTOON #1 / The student’s explanation is detailed and through and shows a 100% accurate understanding of the cartoon. / The student’s explanation includes some detail, but not all aspects of the cartoon are accurately explained. / The student’s explanation lacks detail and it is uncertain that they fully understand the meaning of the cartoon. / The explanation of the cartoon is completely inaccurate or off-base.
WRITTEN EXPLANATION OF CARTOON #2 / The student’s explanation is detailed and through and shows a 100% accurate understanding of the cartoon. / The student’s explanation includes some detail, but not all aspects of the cartoon are accurately explained. / The student’s explanation lacks detail and it is uncertain that they fully understand the meaning of the cartoon. / The explanation of the cartoon is completely inaccurate or off-base.
WRITTEN EXPLANATION OF CARTOON #3 / The student’s explanation is detailed and through and shows a 100% accurate understanding of the cartoon. / The student’s explanation includes some detail, but not all aspects of the cartoon are accurately explained. / The student’s explanation lacks detail and it is uncertain that they fully understand the meaning of the cartoon. / The explanation of the cartoon is completely inaccurate or off-base.
QUALITY / The student put forth great effort in completing the cartoon on time. / The cartoon is not completed on time.
  1. Explain the message of the cartoon.