TNF Partner: / ISERD / Ref.: / Date: / 08.09.04Refers to Call: / FP6-2004-FOOD-3-A
information of organization
Name of organization / Strauss-Elite Ltd.
Main researchers and expertise
(name, surname, academic degree) / Dr. Dov Gil
Organization type /
Consultancy Research Education Industry Technology Transfer
Non-Commercial Other SME Owned by non-SME
Organization Size
(employees) /
< 10 10-49 50-99 100-199 200-249 >250
Short description of organization
(main research activities) / The Strauss-Elite Group is the second largest food company in Israel, and is ranked 8th among the global coffee manufacturers in the world. The Strauss-Elite Group specializes in the production and marketing of yogurts, dairy desserts, flavored milk drinks, soft cheeses, confectionery, coffee, chocolate, salads, freshly squeezed juices, baked goods, salt snacks, olive oil, honey, cereal-based products, soy desserts and ice cream. The Group operates in 12 countries (including Israel), owns 22 production sites – 14 in Israel and 8 abroad – and employs 6,700 employees worldwide – 5,000 in Israel and 1,700 abroad. The Group is comprised of three business groups: Strauss-Elite Israel, Strauss-Elite International, and Strauss Ice Cream.
Project type /
Call info
(which call does the PS refer to?) / FP6-2004-FOOD-3-A
Topic / T5.4.4.1 Chilled and frozen supply chain - IP
Title / Supply Chain
(incl. budget outline) / The mission of Supply chain is to guarantee its clients and consumers safe, high quality and healthy products of the highest degree as well as save energy and protect the environment in all its activities.
The project will check and validate the improvement of safety and quality of chilled products by the guarantee of low temperature, protecting packages, reducing cycle time from production till presence in point of sale, optimise the availability of products on point of sale shelves at highest quality and safety and increase affordability of products for consumers. It will also protect the environment by saving of energy, reducing returns of spoiled products and minimize emission of undesired gases to the atmosphere, throughout production, transportation and storage using tools and devices developed by new and innovative cost effective techniques and technologies.
Partners involved
Target partner(s)
(type, expertise required and role in the project) / Development of new, innovative and cost effective tools, techniques and technologies to: (1) improve and guarantee low temperature in Company's stores and especially in distribution transportation trucks, (2) protect the wholesomeness of packages, (3) enable the reduction of cycle time of chilled products from production till their presence on shelves in points of sale. (4) reduce returns of spoiled products, (4) optimize the availability of products on point of sale shelves at highest quality and safety, (5) increase affordability of products for consumers.
The tools, techniques and technologies should also be cost effective and reduce adverse influence on environment e.g. less waste, protection of atmosphere.
Contact details
Name, Surname: / Dr. Dov Gil / Gender (M/F) / F
Address: / 8 Zabotinsky St.
P.O. Box 3626 Ramat Gan (Tel Aviv),
Phone: / +972-528-288301
Fax: / +972-4-9018315
e-mail: /
Web site: /